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query regarding 7th house...!!!

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Dear astrologer,

i want to know that what are the affects of mercury and rahu in 7th house?????

Does Rahu in 7th house Means marrige to an already married individual??????Or Marrige to a Forigener?????

is it really a fact if venus and sun placed in any house means a love marrige????????

Please Guide!!!

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Dear Sonia,


Planets in the 7th House indicate the qualities in your spouse. Specifically they are qualities that you are looking for and finding in your spouse.


A well Mercury can give a intellectual, learned, talkative, witty kind of spouse. Rahu in the 7th gives a spouse who is short tempered, may have multiple relations etc., Rahu in 7th can also give a foreigner - also a person from other cultures in general (caste, religion, country etc).


Depending on who is strong you can combine these two together and arrive at a conclusion. These also apply to planets conjoining 7th lord.


Well love marriage predictions is not so simplified - just Venus/Sun combined cannot give this. There are some threads dedicated for this - you can read them and learn more about this.




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