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Barack Obama's Natal Chart

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Dear Astrologers,


Barack Obama has finally been elected as the president of U.S.A. It was inevitable and there was no surprise.


So, astrologically what made Obama rise high and achieve this in life.


Birth Details :

04/08/1961 (August)

Time: 19:24:00 Day: Friday

Place: Honolulu, U.S.A. (21:18N 157:51W)




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Well he has a very strong chart. As usual he is a Libra Ascendant. It seems that over 50 % of famous people I have seen are Libras. He has a Sasha yoga, a great person's chart for Saturn which is in its own Sign of Capricorn. Saturn is also YogaKaraka for Libra.


He has Sun in the 10th, Mars w/ Rahu in the 11th, an exalted moon. His chart shows a very fine individual with a strong mind and good heart.


Jupiter is the only weak planet, debiliated in 4th house. Still, a debilitated planet in an angle with such a powerful Saturn can "turn around" and act very strong. Obama is currently in such a Jupiter cycle.


So, overall it is quite a different chart than Bush's which has a very malevolent Saturn in the 1st house of Cancer and one of the main reasons America suffered so much the last 8 years.


I hope his term brings great fortune and success.


- Pablo

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Well he has a very strong chart. As usual he is a Libra Ascendant. It seems that over 50 % of famous people I have seen are Libras. He has a Sasha yoga, a great person's chart for Saturn which is in its own Sign of Capricorn. Saturn is also YogaKaraka for Libra.


He has Sun in the 10th, Mars w/ Rahu in the 11th, an exalted moon. His chart shows a very fine individual with a strong mind and good heart.


Jupiter is the only weak planet, debiliated in 4th house. Still, a debilitated planet in an angle with such a powerful Saturn can "turn around" and act very strong. Obama is currently in such a Jupiter cycle.


So, overall it is quite a different chart than Bush's which has a very malevolent Saturn in the 1st house of Cancer and one of the main reasons America suffered so much the last 8 years.


I hope his term brings great fortune and success.


- Pablo



He has Aquarius Ascendant and Sun in 6, Saturn, ruler of his chart in 12, Mercury in Lion. In other words, Obama is not a doer, man of action, but a subordinate, someone who receives orders and enforces these orders to the people, Mercury in Lion. Could be you find him always carrying with him four mobile phones.


Since he has Neptune in 9, Saturn and Jupiter in 12, he is very receptive for spiritual knowledge, the devotees should preach to him like anything.

Especially about the law of karma.

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If the President elect Barack Obama's birth data posted by Ayush Ji is correct[birth Details :04/08/1961 (August) Time: 19:24:00 Day:Friday

Place: Honolulu, U.S.A. (21:18N 157:51W)] vedic chart shows the Asc in Capricorn with Jupiter and Saturn,both retrograde.



Ayush ji,


Please confirm whether the birth time 19-24 hrs given by you was the time at the exact place of birth or the IST



Birth Star (Nakshatra) : Rohini 1

Lunar Half (Paksha) : Krishna Paksha (Declining Phase)

Lunar Day (Thithi) : Apara Dasami 25

Yoga : Dhruvam

Karana : Vanija

Dasa at DOB / DOQ : Moon

Dasa Balance : 9 Y:10 M:26 D

Bhukti at DOB / DOQ : Moon

Bhukti Balance : 0 Y:8 M:26 D

Current Dasa running : Jup-Moo-Ket

: Jupiter Dasa upto: 27-Jun-2012

: Moon Bhukti upto: 25-Feb-2009

: Ketu Antara upto: 11-Nov-2008





<TABLE id=CF height=354 width=409 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD width=101 height=88>---</TD><TD width=101 height=88>---</TD><TD width=101 height=88>Moo </TD><TD width=102 height=88>Ven </TD></TR><TR><TD width=101 height=88>Ket </TD><TD width=204 colSpan=2 height=177 rowSpan=2>


Rasi Chakra




</TD><TD width=102 height=88>Sun Mer </TD></TR><TR><TD width=101 height=89>Jup ® Sat ® Lag </TD><TD width=102 height=89>Mar Ura Plu Rah </TD></TR><TR><TD width=101 height=89>---</TD><TD width=101 height=89>---</TD><TD width=101 height=89>Nep </TD><TD width=102 height=89>---</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>











<TABLE id=CF height=354 width=409 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD width=101 height=88>Jup </TD><TD width=101 height=88>Moo Ura </TD><TD width=101 height=88>Rah </TD><TD width=102 height=88>---</TD></TR><TR><TD width=101 height=88>Nep </TD><TD width=204 colSpan=2 height=177 rowSpan=2>

Navamsa Chakra






</TD><TD width=102 height=88>---</TD></TR><TR><TD width=101 height=89>Sat </TD><TD width=102 height=89>Plu Lag </TD></TR><TR><TD width=101 height=89>Sun Ven Mar </TD><TD width=101 height=89>Ket </TD><TD width=101 height=89>---</TD><TD width=102 height=89>Mer </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


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Going by Vedic chart, He has capricorn as rising if the time 19:24 is correct. This way the only grand feature would be exalted moon in 5th?


If you study Obama's personality it should be clear that he has not Capricorn rising.


This nobody understands how they even call this vedic chart, something what is totally obvious, Ascendant identification.


His Mercury is Lion, element Fire, his Ascendant is Aquarius, element Air. Air is heating up Fire, in this way you understand why he is a good speaker.


With Capricorn rising and Mercury in Cancer he would never stand at the lectern, rather take a back seat - being of introverted and withdrawn character.

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Suchandra, please specify what did you mean by this statement



This nobody understands how they even call this vedic chart, something what is totally obvious, Ascendant identification.


The birth details are correct for both of them, then how come vedic astrology says something else compared to western?




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Suchandra, please specify what did you mean by this statement




The birth details are correct for both of them, then how come vedic astrology says something else compared to western?




Vedic astrology means astrology that it is based upon real knowledge.

I dont see how this is correct astrological knowledge that the powerful Indian astronomers lodge told the astrologers to count back 30 degrees.

Especially when it is obvious like people who speak to a whole nation, Mahatma Gandhi,




According Western astrology he has Libra rising and Mercury also in Libra, element Air, a good speaker, with good temper to speak in public.


In so called "vedic astrology" Mahatma Gandhi has Virgo rising and Mercury in Virgo. Any neophyte astrologer can understand that such a person would never be able to speak in front of an audience with Ascendant in element Earth and Mercury in element Earth.

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Dear Mr. Moorthi,


As you can see in the Western Astrology chart posted by suchandra, the birth time mentioned is 19:24 in +10:00 hrs time zone. I've used these details only. There is absolutely no connection with IST.


Further its visible that according to Vedic Astrology, Ascendant is Capricorn, and 5th house Moon must be the strongest planet being Exalted. Saturn is in own house which creates Sasha Mahapurush Yoga too.


But Western Astrology says Aquarius Asc. with Mercury being a prime planet as mentioned by Suchandra.




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