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Respected Bhairoji please clear my doubts

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Respected Bhairoji, my humble pranams to you. As per all the messages you have posted, i understand you are a very highly elevated siddha or a rishi. Indeed it is my luck to come across this forum where many learned people like you are there to guide us. I got Durga devi's mantram 4 years back and i have been told that my goddess is Durga. From then onwards i am chanting my mantra everyday 108 times. And i will be repeating without any count whenever i feel like repeating. I am having 2 kids and my in-laws are very old so i am very busy with house hold chores. Even though its not an excuse for not doing mantra japa many times. I also read lalitha sahasranamam, khadgmala stotram, many slokams related to Durga, Lakshmi and slokas of Ganapati, Lord Shiva, Lord Subramanya, Dakshinamurty etc almost everyday without missing.

I humbly request you to please tell me when can i achieve my goal of seeing Goddess and who is my Guru? I request you to guide me howto proceed further? My elder son Sri Aurobindo studying 7th std. is also very much inclined to spirituality. Even my little son Sriram going 1st std. also does japa with us for 1 mala. I want to know who is the Guru of my elder son and my younger son. I asked my elder son to do japa of Saraswati devi everyday. He is doing it for 2 malas everyday and insists me also to do. So i am also doing saraswati devi's mantra along with him. Can i do japa of 2 different mantras for Durga and Saraswati?


Please reply to all my queries and i am really sorry for taking your time.


Thank you

with humble pranams again


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sorry i took so long to reply was very busy.

you dont have to do things dat are long and hard do somthing simple. i do work as well so i know what are saying when it comes to time. but if you wat to be bless with the goddess you need to fast for navratri without salt as well you should fast with out salt every friday you can eat but you should eat fruits . try this ok everyday get up offer devi jal or dhar then when you come home in the evening sing durga chalisa, offer ghee in havan with the 108 names of durga, and do jaap with mantra om dum durga namah. as for your children ill need to know there date of birth ok

sita ram

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Pujya Bhairoji pranams


Thank you for your kind reply. I am fasting on tuesdays nights by taking only fruits. As you said i shall do this on fridays also. And everyday morning immediately after getting up i offer milk to Divine Mother and after that i offer maha naivedyam (means whatever i cook i offer everything to DM) and then only we all eat. This i am doing from past 4 years onwards. I didn't understand what is havan! Please explain. I am chanting mantra Aim Hrim Kleem Chamundayi vicce! mantra everyday for 108 times which is given to me by a srividya upasaka. Do i have to chant Durga's mantra also? Please guide me.


My sons date of births : Sri Aurobindo - 09-03-1997 and star is poorvabhadra and Time is 5.40pm.

SriRam - 06-11-2002 and star is Anuradha and Time is 7.02AM.


I will give mine also. Sesirekha - 24-01-1972 and star is krittika 4th pada and time is 12.00 AM.


Thank you

with humble pranams


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no that mantra is very good but do 1080 everyday.

havan is making obilgations to agni or the scared fire every time you say the mantra you have to do ten % of it in havan.

example if you do 1080 mantras you need to offer ten percent of that in havan which is 108 mantra.

sri aurobindo - kala bhairava is ista devata, chamunda devi

sri ram - hanuman devata,durga devi

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Pranams Bhairoji


Thank you very much for your guidance. Havan means homam then in my language (telugu). Everyday doing homam is very difficult for me actually it's impossible by my circumstances. After chanting 1080 times can i chant mantra 108 times and do homam in my mind? Is it equally valid when compare to normal homam we do?


Who is Guru for sriaurobindo and sriram? Please tell me when can we find Guru?



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yes that mantra is correct i will have to do some research i have her sadhana in a tantric book but i dont know it off hand ok. but may i ask what is the reason for wanting to do her sadhana


I'd like to get solution of our (my mother and me) problems in dream, and also we need some more time to escape of this hell, its a long story.. So i'm seeking help of Devi Swapneshwari. I'd be very grateful to you, dear Bhairoji, if you could email me that sadhana, thank you very much. My email:


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Pranams Bhairoji


We don't have net for 2 days. So i couldn't check messages. I am sorry for my delay. Guru means, what i mean is everyone will have their Guru and if the person gets mantra and initiation from their Guru , then only his actual spiritual journey begins (this is as per my knowledge). I also heard that some will recieve mantra in their dreams. How to find Guru who is very knowledgeble and could see Divine directly? Is it possible to find such a Guru?


We also love Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swamy Vivekananda a lot. We do puja daily to them. We deeply regard that Sri Ramakrishna is Maha Vishnu who came to save people and Sri Sarada Devi is Goddess MahaLakshmi. In deep our hearts we always regard SRK as our Guru and everything.


Also, one more request , as i said previously, doing havan even once in 2 weeks is completely impossible task for me because of my circumstances. I am a normal house wife and my husband will never accept all these if i tell him. But he himself is very devoted to Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa but because of various other reasons he will not allow me to do havan even once in an year. So please guide me is there any alternative ? If i do not do havan , am i not going to attain Divine Mother ?

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sesirao mai , you need not be extravagant , a house-holder may not be able to do homam all the days, you try one mantra... it's given by dattatreya ji ( the trinity of Brahma, MahaVishnu And Shivji) with the promise that it will lead the anyone who does JAP will get everything coming to him/her.... the guru will find you, a shishay ( disciple ) is always hard of finding the master.. for the all pervading master always keep u in his vision.. mantra is 'hari om tat sat jai guru datt' .. it does not need any procedure, unlocking, or any special condition or situation to be maintained. It gives spontaneous (sahaj ) dhyan in just minutes... the 84 perfect beings will always accompany you and protect you... the very own Sri RamaKrishna Paramhansa Ji is going to come on earthly plane soon, and by practise of mantra , u can even get a vision of him ! may all regards be thy in your feet mother... have an eventful day.
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first thing, you can always attain the Supreme... and if you are so much concerned to know about things, i myself knw a BrahamGyani ( self realised ) Sant ji... u will ask the question and thy the answer be revealed onto you... but it will be gud for you to have the mantra given above and follow it for all well being ! i'll pray to the mother for her choicest of blessings on you ! maa , tc !

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Respected Ramji

My pranams. Thank you very much for your kind guidance. I shall definetely chant that mantra. Can you tell me how many times can i chant? You told SRK will coming shortly back. Can you tell when and where He is coming? I am really blessed to meet you all in this forum. Thank you very much for your prayers.


Respected Bhairoji


Thank you for your kind reply. There is no river but there is sea in my city. I live in chennai. But sea is also far away to my place and i need to request my husband to take me every week which may not be possible for him as he is very busy. I am really sorry for my helplessness.

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SESIRAO mai ! plz no respect and pranams to me, you're older to me... so all respect and pranams in your feet. The mantra listed above will take just 5-10 minutes... no other mantra can parallel it in spontaneous meditation ( i.e without one's effort ) it will bring in just everything to have you progress forward. so do just 10 minutes morning and 10 minutes evening...


As you have paid so much respect and pranam , i have to pay you back everything mother which i always be lack of... so accept my humble few things for you....


1. for your children to excel in education

i know it's difficult to put your boys to do japa in morning and evening and so on... so let me put forward a secret method given by my sadgurudev... mantra is "aim" ( saraswati mantra ) . Procedure is to make your boys/girls to repeat it verbally ( it should be audible ) continuously when they go to bed in night... laid in bed as usual, repeating the mantra just by mouth ( no mala or anything ) till they themselves fall asleep by themselves in few minutes...


Results - Your child will be counted in for 6 hours ( sleep time) of sadhana, the first syllable of sound which will affect them in the morning will be 'aim'... in few days, the mantra will protect them in dreams and they will be super able to grasp things... and last of all, doing such a thing would keep a mystical smile in heart all day long...


2. You can try ( in same method above ) the mantra 'shree' for money , 'bam' to be disease free, 'gam' to remove your obstacles... etc etc.


last of all, it takes effort to write things for you, but the motherly love and affection from you is my concern mother... you will need not do any homam or anything , be your own care taker... the dattatreya mantra is a super gift to you...


I knw SRK ( Shri Ramakrishna paramhansa ji ) is kali maa's devotee... and in other to have vision of him, you need not to try kali mantra or any kali mantra by yourself in that sleep manner i told above because kali is a very fierce and fast acting one... there are certain precautions to be maintained in order to deal with it... for eg - if u go out of my advice and turn on to do it and somehow desire-related act happens between you and your husband, the kali maa's shakti enveloping you might get fierce... and results will be a total havoc that you cant hear them from my side maa about the people who have gone into such mistakes... so tc ! so follow a safe path... the dattatreya mantra will lead you to just any deity in the safest manner.. may it be maa kali or shri ramkrishna paramhansa... SRK ji will come on earthly plane as promised... i'll luk further to reply the exact year... i have a busy schedule.

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