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Sri Bhasya

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Dear friends,


I would like if somebody could suggest me a nice and authentic English version of the Sri Bhasya.


And also if possible the address in India [if Banglore then even better] where I can get a copy of the Magnum Opus of Sri Ramanuja.


I'm actually in Mauritius but I have acquaintances back in India who can send me a copy of Sri Bhasya.


Those who know, please help.


Please provide the Author's Name and also the address of the library if possible.

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Dear Amlesh, do you think this version can be judged authentic? sacred-texts.com/hin/sbe48/index.htm (add www in the address)

I guess you already saw this one. This is the only one that is available for me and I wish I knew if it was worth reading.


Sure that version is an authentic one.


It is easy to recognise, if Vishnu is subjugated then it is not Authentic... The Author has respected the views [bhava] of Ramanuja for Vishnu.


In terms of materials provided also, it is genuine.


What I want though is a hard copy.

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