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isopanishad's first sloka indicates advaita philosophy

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Evidently, Krishna's plan seriously backfired because there is no Advaitin on the planet who has forgotten Krishna.



The word used was 'Vimukha'.Turn them around.Turn them around from



formless being-speculation.



You would expect better from the Gods - to plan better and execute their plans better than this. On the topic, I would also not expect them to engage in ridiculous/shameful activities like sending avatars down to intentionally misguide people.




I thought you were aware what age it was !

You should keep track of time!



But that is just the way I see it. Since you say there are vaishnava acharyas chuckling over the idea of people being intentionally misled, not all is lost, I guess.




Chuckling of Vaishnavas:


This activity is performed when Mayavadis strut around as if their philosophy is only true and Shankaracharya's views are spotless and perfect.

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".....Saaksat Vyaso Naarayanah Praah "- Sri Shankaracharya


Saaksat Bhagavan Narayan Vyasa has written Vedas.

"Aatma kriteh parinamat" Vedant sutra.

BHagavan Himself becomes the Material Samsara/Manifestation.


In the Bhasya of this sutra,Shankaracharya said that Srila Vyasadeva had become mad when he wrote this sutra.

He further said,"There is no such thing as samsara.It is fictitious...made by the mind".


Wow,perfect way of avoiding the sutra.

Lets all say Srila VedaVyasa is Mad.


Shankaracharya's guru :






Shukadeva Paramhamsa


Srila Veda Vyasa.


He was Sri Shankaracharya's guru's guru's guru's guru.

He also called Him Saaksat Narayan.


And Now he's saying he had some mental problems.


Go figure.

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I am sorry to say this but your posts are offensive and ridiculous .I request you with all sincerity to refrain from posting any further.It seems you lose sight of the fact that this is a public forum and any hindu posting such silly thoughts is going to make hinduism a laughing stock.I strongly object to your first post(post no:121) on this page.


You yourself said that you are unaware of the original scriptures but post what you here from some illinformed and small time gurus.

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Originally Posted by Kaisersose:

"If you can produce quotes from one of these texts to support your position, then you will be having a strong case. "


A) Isopanisad is an imporatant Vaishnava text because, as one of the Upanisad, it is one that explicitly exponds upon the nature of a Singular Personality of Godhead --SO WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THIS TOPIC WITH YOU POSTS?


B) The starter of this thread similarly sought to reduce Godhead & the scriptural truths substantiating Godheads' attributes [albeit in the Upanishads, which, as a group, are famously considered to be "expositions on the impersonal aspect of Godhead"]


maybe there are rogue (or novice) Vaishnavas who would be enamoured with you thorough erudition of your favorite selection of books that are counted among the Voluminous Vedic-Literatures.


A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami's translations arrived just in time for me and others to 'pick-up our own copies'.


A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami's translations are the OED of Vedic Literatures meant for advanced study . . .

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ranjeetmore, you are in top-form.


Wait until you get precise responses to your challenge.


If no response is forthcoming --then you have been talking to a shadow entity.



There is so much convoluted circular non-logic, done with such posh, that I think the poster is using algorithms and a data-base to acheive such a high level of misanthropic discourse --that it can not be spontaneous, but, fully contrived.


Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm the only one who has been 'counting the cards' still in the deck and on the barrel's head?

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Once again,I am not here to support your agenda of 'go Hinduism(anti islam rather)'.


This is a thread meant to understand the supreme truth.


You can take your 'hinduism' out of these walls rather than expect me to 'shut up'.


As for your remarks about "a small time guru"....


We ALL have been present in the same room with MILLIONS of incarnations,MILLIONS of times.BUT we couldn't understand Their position even once.

Hari and Harijan have been in front of our material eyes for countless number of times.


When you say,"Small time guru",it only reflects the pathetic grasping power of your material faculties.(No offense).

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Sri Krsna told Shankarji,

"Go and make everybody forget Me.Put them in ignorance."

"Jaao sabko mujhse vimukh karo".


Sri Shankaracharya is an incarnation of Sri Shankara.


list of paradoxes :


1--god is causelessly mercifull towards all and yet sends avatar to misdirect helpless people.


2--krishna wants nothing but pure love from his sons and daughters and yet introduces this' vimukhi kriya' to misguide people.


3--in krishna everything is positive and yet he indulges in such negative acts as misdirecting his own sons and daughters.( show me one positive aspect of this act of krishna)


and still vaishnavs like to call him 'perfect' , 'absolute' , 'dayasindhu' , 'patitapavana' etc.



incidentally i've heard this theory in iskcon. as you are a follower of kripalu maharaj and claim to be different from isckon ,could you elaborate on which points he differs from iskcon?

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1--god is causelessly mercifull towards all and yet sends avatar to misdirect helpless people.


2--krishna wants nothing but pure love from his sons and daughters and yet introduces this' vimukhi kriya' to misguide people.


Mayavada/smarta/Shakta/Shaiva philosophies are the ones that help you identify the thin boundaries of Bhagavat Dharma.If there were no other philosophies in the kaliyuga,the unintelligent person would have passed off anything as falling under "Bhagavata Dharma".The lord had to appear as Buddha to stop similar activities going on in the name of the vedas.

This time around He sent Shankara.Big deal.


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God is causelessly merciful towards all and yet sends avatar to misdirect DEMONIAC pple.


thats what im saying !!!!!!!

consider god as our mother (or father if you like) . now this mother may not like a criminal son but she can NEVER misdirect her son. her best wishes would be always on her son , no matter whatever he does.


and remember that god is not an ordinary parent , he is perfect parent.



Mayavada/smarta/Shakta/Shaiva philosophies are the ones that help you identify the thin boundaries of Bhagavat Dharma.If there were no other philosophies in the kaliyuga,the unintelligent person would have passed off anything as falling under "Bhagavata Dharma".The lord had to appear as Buddha to stop similar activities going on in the name of the vedas.

This time around He sent Shankara.Big deal.


meanigless answer !!! read my point again and be precise in you next attempt. stick to the point.



Sri Krsna is the origin of everything.

Even the stealing tendency exists in Sri Krsna.Cowardice has its existence/origin in Sri Krsna,who is Sarva Karana Kaaranam.


Sri Krsna steals butter.

This stealing propensity reflects in the material world as a perversion...an abominable activity.


again !!!! thats not the answer. if have anything to speak , say it or else stop posting .


i asked to show me one positive point of this act( misdirecting his own sons).


in fact as mayavadis , shaivas , smartas etc are so fallen (by your explanation) they need special attention and care of krishna. a sick child needs more love than a healthy child.can a parent foresake a dieseased child.




Sri Krsna's pastimes and His actions are NOT TO Be discussed in front of you(generalisation)



FINALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! youve understood. what a relief !!!! stop glorifying krishna over evryone else and trying to convert others.



.Just like you are NOT supposed to nose into Jayadeva's Geeta Govinda.


says which dictator ? WHICH MAHARAJ ????????????????????? AND WHY NOT ??????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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There is so much convoluted circular non-logic, done with such posh, that I think the poster is using algorithms and a data-base to acheive such a high level of misanthropic discourse --that it can not be spontaneous, but, fully contrived.


Maybe it's just me. . . .


Oh, look!:


1--Sambya said, "Paradox: "god is causelessly mercifull towards all and yet sends avatar to misdirect helpless people"


2--ranjeetmore responds, "God is causelessly merciful towards all and yet sends avatar to misdirect DEMONIAC people"


3--Sambya rebutts, "thats what im saying !!!!!!! . . . mother may ... NEVER misdirect her son ... her best wishes would be always on her son."


So the moral is: If God exists, He/She is an unconditional wellwisher of both the good and bad.


But, Sambya, "Law & Order" are enforced by God-fearing Family men universally. The same men & women who seek justice also are the same ones to pay taxes to mete out Official-State civil punishment --lest warlords create chaos of their own design. (No offense).



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Shankaracharya did bhakti.Krsna Bhakti.Prema Bhakti.


Shankaracharya didn't just perform Krishna bhakti. He also worshiped Devi and Shiva. In addition to Bhaja Govinda, he also wrote Gauri Dashaka and Shiva Manas Puja.

Vaishnavas always like to "point out" that Shankaracharya practiced Krishna bhakti, conveniently excluding the fact that he worshiped Shiva and Devi as well.

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a rascal says,"Sri Krsna is NOT God ! I don't like Krsna!"


What Advaitan do you know who has ever made such a claim?


Sri Krsna's pastimes and His actions are NOT TO Be discussed in front of you(generalisation).Just like you are NOT supposed to nose into Jayadeva's Geeta Govinda.

Hahahahaha! I didn't realize there was a new copyright law that applied to God.

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Shankaracharya didn't just perform Krishna bhakti. He also worshiped Devi and Shiva. In addition to Bhaja Govinda, he also wrote Gauri Dashaka and Shiva Manas Puja.

Vaishnavas always like to "point out" that Shankaracharya practiced Krishna bhakti, conveniently excluding the fact that he worshiped Shiva and Devi as well.

The same applied to Sri Tulsidadasa.

How the only place you erred is.... You've really confused with the word Bhakti.

Just try to find the origin of that term and to whom it is applied.


How we term the worshiping to Devas?

AND why we give a different name to the worshiping of Hari.

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"Be carefull what you ask for --you may receive it"


This signifies that expressing ones heart's content requires percise contractural wordage, lest one receives unintended results.




Harinama-japa/Hari-smarana --which becomes more pin-pointed as time passes.


This comes to fruition at the end of life.

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thats what im saying !!!!!!!

consider god as our mother (or father if you like) . now this mother may not like a criminal son but she can NEVER misdirect her son. her best wishes would be always on her son , no matter whatever he does.


and remember that god is not an ordinary parent , he is perfect parent.




meanigless answer !!! read my point again and be precise in you next attempt. stick to the point.




again !!!! thats not the answer. if have anything to speak , say it or else stop posting .


i asked to show me one positive point of this act( misdirecting his own sons).


in fact as mayavadis , shaivas , smartas etc are so fallen (by your explanation) they need special attention and care of krishna. a sick child needs more love than a healthy child.can a parent foresake a dieseased child.





FINALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! youve understood. what a relief !!!! stop glorifying krishna over evryone else and trying to convert others.




says which dictator ? WHICH MAHARAJ ????????????????????? AND WHY NOT ??????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frankly,I am just bored replying to your never ending speculations.


Clearly,you have no intentions of actual debating ,OTHERWISE you would've


addressed the posts which are the essence of my whole point.(No. 125 and 127)

If you cannot or don't want to,Please don't harrass me with useless speculation(Useless,this adjective is meant to denote the nature of your imperfect speculations and not yourself.No offense.)

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Shankaracharya didn't just perform Krishna bhakti. He also worshiped Devi and Shiva. In addition to Bhaja Govinda, he also wrote Gauri Dashaka and Shiva Manas Puja.

Vaishnavas always like to "point out" that Shankaracharya practiced Krishna bhakti, conveniently excluding the fact that he worshiped Shiva and Devi as well.


Shankar bhasya on gita.


Introduction,verse 9


Salutations to that Supreme shining One,

Whom the creator BRAHMA,varuna,Indra,RUDRA,marut and all divine beings praise with hymns.(Confirmation: Brahma Samhita and Sri Shankaracharya's Prabodha Shudhakara.)


Whose glories are sung by the VERSES OF THE VEDAS,

(Confirmed in the Gita By the Lord Himself,when He says that He's the Compiler of the Vedas,Knower of the vedas and to Be known through the vedas.


Gauranga Mahaprabhu states: Shastra veda kahe sambandha Abhideya preyojana; Krsna,Krsna Bhakti,prema ,ye teen mahadhon.


translation: Trhough Sastra and Vedas only three things/treasures are to be known: Our relationship with Sri Krsna(sambandha),How to attain Him(abhidheya) and the Superexcellent end result on attaining Him(Prema))



And whose glories,the UPANISHADS proclaim in unison!

Whom the YOGIS see with their minds absorbed


(Corroborated by Srila Vyasadeva when He desribes the class of transcendentalist who worships the Pramatma feature as YOGI.)


And Whose limits ARE NOT KNOWN by the hosts of Demons or Gods.

To Him,the Supreme God,Krsna,be all my salutations.

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Ramabhujanga stotra:


Verse 1:

Vishuddha param sat.Chit.Ananda rupam


sukhantam svayam dham Ram Prapadye.


I take refuge in Sri Rama,Who is the PUREST,the GREATEST,Who has a form of SAT.CHIT.ANANDA.

Who is the repository of innumerable good qualities,while Himself NOT NEEDING ANY SUPPORT.

Who is the MOST WORSHIPFUL,who is ALL-PERVADING,the most resplendent One,Who is enthroned in the hearts of all beings(Confirmed By the Lord in the Gita Himself and Also as Srila Vyasadeva,He confirmed it.)

Who is ABOVE all the THREE GUNAS of Sattva,etc.

(Ishvara Paramah Krsnah,

Sat.chit.ananda Vigraha.)





Now if any rascal Mayavadi considers that Sri Bhagavan's body is in sattva guna i.e. under Maya,is the biggest offender of Aadi Jagadguru.


He will not only be demoniac but also be considered having very little intelligence.

Atleast Ravana was intelligent.




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Verse 3:


"I adore Sri Rama,The WHOLE,the GREATEST ONE,Whose name is uttered in the ears of the blessed devotees in Kashi at the time of death,by none other than Lord Shiva Himself(The fact is only stressed in the phala Shruti of Vishnu Sahasranama,where Lord Shiva reveals that

"Sri Rama rama Rameti,Rame Raame Manorame

Sahasranaam tat tulyam Rama Naam Varanane"


Sri Ramacandra's Name taken once is as good as chanting the Entire Vishnu Sahasranama.)


.This Form/Name of the Lord(Taaraka Brahma) is capable of rescuing devotees from the ocean of Samsara."

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Verse 6:

A moon light like Shining smile plays on His beautiful crimson lips(still think he's not a prema bhakta?).His Brilliance is unmatched even by millions of rising suns and moons.His feet are worshipped by the aarati of the radiating lustre from millions of gems adorning the crowns of PROSTRATING BRAHMA,RUDRA, and other gods.



Now,if any rascal claims that Sri Ramacandra was an ordinary human,or that He is subordinate to Sri Shiva,even after knowing these revelations,is only fit for hell.

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Clearly,you have no intentions of actual debating ,OTHERWISE you would've


exactly !! i have no intention for debating !! neither do i post with the intention of debating , winning or loosing.


however it is very hard for any man of reasonable intellect( which , im sure you lack with your majority isconite brothers) to sit still and read through all the hate that you and other gaudiya followers are so adept at posting.


i dont mind if you want to believe every god as demigod and be ranked as an follower of sectarian beliefs. but stop this nasty habit of constantly condemming other people's belief and their ishtas.


you can never convert people like me to your silly doctrines( of devaluing other religions).so better stop all this silly talks and be content with whatever you believe. there's absolutely no need of showing 'light' to other people here , if thats what you intend.


neither do you ( or I) posses any power to show 'light' on masses. thats possible only after realization. so why waste time in degradation.


whatever you do as a spiritual practice( narrow mindedness has become the spiritual practice of gaudiya vaishnavas) should have a positive impact.




last but not the least, i demand an answer from you . yes , i demand it !!!!!!! im not requesting !!!!!!!

beacuse you are so ruthless towards other deities.


Q---do you or your maharaj believe that other faiths like islam , christianity etc are equal ways to god ??? YES OR NO ??

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verse 13:


Salutations to the Creator of the Universe.


(Confirmed in the Brahma samhita and hordes of smritis that Sri the one who lies on the Garbha ocean/Garbhodashayi Vishnu Expands into Brahma,Vishnu,Mahesa.)


Salutations to the destroyer of the Universe

Salutations to the enjoyer of the universe.


(Corroborated in the Bhagavatam where Sri Krsna is described as the Supreme Enjoyer.It also confirms the statement that Sri Mahavishnu expands as Shambhu to enjoy prakriti.)


Salutations to the Measurer of the Universe. (Lord Vamana)

Salutations to the caretaker of the universe. (Paramatma)

Salutations to the conqueror of the universe.

Salutations to the Father of the universe.


(Tvameva mata ca pita tvameva

Divyo Narayano Mata,pita,Bhrata,Suhrd Gatih.)


Salutations to the Mother of the universe.

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verse 22:


We have many gods,who are without consorts like Bhagavati Sita,who are unadorned by the bow,Who are not revered by Sri Laxmana or Shatrughna,who are not of such terrific valour,who are NOT CAPABLE of killing Lankeshvara(Sri Brahmadeva used to recite vedas in lanka.).Oh holy name of Rama,enough of all such gods,Sri Rama alone is enough for us.

(Confirmed by countless Mahatmas who teach ananya bhakti toward Sri Krsna)

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Sri gauranga Mahaprabhu was the ONLY ONE who reconciled the Koran teachings with those of Bhagavata dharma.

Does any of you or your grandgurus(no offense) have that potential ?


Sri Kripaluji Maharaj was conferred with the title of



by the Kashi Vidvat parishat.


He established the clarity of the hindu vedic dharma over all the world religions by first proving that all the world religions aim at only one objective

"To eliminate dukha/miseries/unhappiness."

By historical,theoretical and practical incidents it is clear that sanatan-hindu-vedic dharma provides the best bet towards achieving this goal.


He was also titled,"Nikhildarshan-samanvayacharya" for he reconciled all the six darshan shastras as well as the four philosophies of the previous jagadgurus.


He established the common goal of the six darshan shastras as :To eliminate misery through Sankhya,Mimamsa,Yoga,etc.

BUT he proved that elimination of Misery DOES NOT imply gaining of ananda/sukha/happiness.

By this one factor,He placed Vedanta ahead of ALL the Darshan Sastras by displaying perfect knowledge of all the Darshan shastras.


Thus if anybody understands that each and every religion points towards one Supreme Truth,it has to be only the followers of either of these two.


There is absolutely no other person on earth who can quote profusely from all of the six darshan sastras and leave it in the infinite ocean of Sri-Krsna-Bhakti-tattva.

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