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Hairspray linked to boys’ birth defect

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November 22, 2008

Hairspray linked to boys’ birth defect


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London Women exposed to hairspray during the early stages of pregnancy are more than twice as likely to give birth to a son with a serious genital defect, researchers say. A study by Imperial College London found that if expectant mothers come into contact with the spray during their first trimester they are more likely to have a son with hypospadias, a condition where the urinary opening is on the underside of the penis. Researchers suggest that hairspray and hypospadias may be linked because of chemicals in the aerosol known as phthalates.

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What a poisoned environment we have encased "ourselves" in.


This in the name of enhancing the so-called beauty of the body image with nasty chemicals in the form of hairspray.


Personally speaking as one deeply conditioned and illusioned by the female form I find the heavily made-up, hairsprayed, silicon enhanced look of modern women, especially in the West, most unattractive.


I am much more attracted with a healthy simple natural look.


The pressure the Madison Ave. advertizing agencies places on women is criminal.




The story of liquid beauty should be mandatory for everyone entering high school.


That won't happen of course so it is imperative that devotees and others with knowledge of the self beyond the body speak up in the public arena.


Divine knowledge will leave us if we don't share what we have been given with others.


When we leave our bodies and face our 'life review' of our immediate past life in the flesh how ashamed we will be for all the time wasted on the trival details of our material lives ignoring the urgent need of our brother and sister souls in samsara.


I am already ashamed off the vast amounts of my life that I have wasted in this way. May Krishna forgive me and help me reform before death.:pray:


Hare Krishna

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