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First God Of Hindu Trinity

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hello, i have a few questions:


1.Who was the first god of the hindu trinity to be created?

-I have heard it was Brahma (creator) that came from the golden egg of universal consciousness, but i have also heard he sprung from the navel of Lord Narayana. Which is it?


2. Also what are unique qualities, and what differentiates the Lord Narayana form from the Vishnu form?

-I am starting to beleive Vishnu combined with Ananta Shesha, Lakshmi, Brahma from the navel and others are the "Narayana Form"...am i right? please correct me if i am wrong


3. I also hear that Narayana is the center of the universe or power/energy of the universe could this mean that his energy or form was present but there was no matter or life form until Brahma came and then Brahma created man and all other things in existence out of Lord Narayana/Universal energy?

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