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Please find the notable devotees of Shiva and vishnu or othergods from hystory

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A.Ravi sekhar

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I never feel god vishnu or other gods have notable bhakthas or devotees which are more number than Lord Shiva and The better cause for become vihnu or other god bhakthas.


Could you please let me know for what the reason you are praying respective god.


Rama(arya king not indian king) killed Ravana(indian king).So you are making pray to Rama.Now you can pray to Mughal and Britishers also for killing our own indian kings.


Krishna,think once krishna as inpendent of god vishnu,

Krishna is devotee of Lord Shiva and tried to kill all aryan kings and given freedom for all local indians.So you can recognise him.

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Rama(arya king not indian king) killed Ravana(indian king).So you are making pray to Rama.Now you can pray to Mughal and Britishers also for killing our own indian kings.


Krishna,think once krishna as inpendent of god vishnu,

Krishna is devotee of Lord Shiva and tried to kill all aryan kings and given freedom for all local indians.So you can recognise him.

could you elaborate whats the difference between an arya and an indian?!!!


as regaurds your krishna thing i give you a word of caution !! the iskcon guys may sue you in court if they finds out that you are saying krishna to be a devotee of shiva.they like to believe just the opposite,you know.


jokes apart , im seriously interested to have an indepth study of your thesis . who are aryans by your standards ?!!!!!!!!!! and please also mention the texts or sources you are reffering to while forming this hilarious opinion.

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Indianism =Hinduism=Dravidism=Shaivism

Dravidian culture follows shaivism and Thrimurthi(shiva,vishnu,Brahma) and other demi god system.


Here shiva(ardhnareeshwar) is Supreme along with amba and vishnu and Brahma are supportes for creating ,preserving and for destruction. Indra,Surya,Chandra like all are as for perticular work(kryiya or action or direction).Here all of the gods are having temples showing their praise.


From Dravidism,indians(now referring as Dravidians)spread their view god as Shaivism (Hinduism) .After that other areas of world started following the Idea of viewing god similarly but not in the exact way as Indians.So because of that reason in all olden cultures indian culture is resembled. After so many thousand of years other breed people who are following hinduism(not exactly as indians) came to our country.


In that scenario so many breeds came to India.One among them are aryans.Aryans feel that they are from Demi god Surya's Family (Raghu Vamsam)and they are great and their forefathers are great.and they are gods for them.


They started dominance as they are some what strenghtened people.after that they pushed the ancient indians from well established cities to forests and hill areas.Real Hindus were pushed to South India(forests and hills) and hill areas in north india.


They scripted in way that Ancient Indians are Asuras, Rakshasas, Vanaras,Tribes.They scripted in a manner that Their "Surya as Surya Nrayana" after that the Sri Rama(aryan king )as mahavishnu.they wrote vedas(as per their political view not in the spiritual view).


and they scripted the society as 4 castes Brahmins,vaishyas,Khatriyas, sudhras(panchamas).Who accepted them given first three categories based o their work.the other callled as shudras.So many ancient indians changed to this system for the sake of leading life.But if time comes they are fighting for their nation and culture.


Generation gone.Some native kings fighted back if time comes.the fight is continued the generations.The Strongest native indian king Ravana,some of the ancient indian kings who were blind supporters of their culture)are killed by Sri Rama(Aryan King)

The aryans Scripted him as the God and other indian kings as asuras.


Here the aryans scripted him as Lord vishnu and he is supreme.


Generations gone .time changed. still the ancient Indians(some people following sahivism) are living in Tamilnadu,andhra, Karnataka,kerala,some hill parts of north and central India, Srilanka, singhpore,Malasiya.


Some people mingled their culture with aryans culture.


After that some tamil native strong kings are back and they asked the people convert back to shaivism(Real ancient Hinduism)where shiva is supreme not Sri Rama(aryans scripted as vishnu) but some people are not converted.


Some people are still in a feel that Vishnu and aryans Rama are same.So the Tamil kings are ready to destroy our own vishnu temples(vishnu ,brahma are supporters to shiva)for destroying aryan cultuure.The example is Govindaraja Swami temple.That temple is worshipped by dravidians but destoyed for the sake of Primary issue of rcecovering our own culture from misguided aryans's culture.


So what I want to say is Our culture is Dravidian culture and our Supreme god is Shiva and Supporters of shiva are Vishnu and Brahma(thrimurthulu).So Vaishnavism,Shakthism are also parts of shaivism.


But now in a feel that vaishnavism is aryans (vishnu is supreme) and shaivism is Dravidians(shiva is Supreme).But fact that is vaishnavism ,shakthism are branches of shaivism . Aryan 's culture is to show aryans kings as gods(sri Rama =Vishnu) and he is supreme.

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I never feel god vishnu or other gods have notable bhakthas or devotees which are more number than Lord Shiva and The better cause for become vihnu or other god bhakthas.

Vishnu has Alavars, Mira Bai, and countless other devotees. Vaishnavas now make up about 70 or so percent of the Hindu population.


Lord Shiva has Nayanars, Akka Mahadevi, and other devotees as well. Currently, Shaivism has about 30 percent of the Hindu population.


I really don't think that the number of devotees should matter. If numbers really matter so much to you, then you should become a Christian, since they have the largest number of followers in the world.



Could you please let me know for what the reason you are praying respective god.
I pray to the five main devas (Shiva, Vishnu, Kartik, Surya, Ganesh) and Devi. I suppose I pray for them to grant me knowledge and inspiration to understand God better throughout my life.



Rama(arya king not indian king) killed Ravana(indian king).So you are making pray to Rama.Now you can pray to Mughal and Britishers also for killing our own indian kings.
Are you seriously applying the Aryan Invasion --> THEORY <-- to the lilas of the devas and devis? And how do you know what race Ram was and what race Ravan was? Ram is said to have had dark skin. So, going by the theory that Aryas were fair and Dravidians were not, then that would make Ram a Dravidian.


And, Mr. Shiva Bhakt, you should probably read the Shiva Purana. Ram is honored as a devotee of Shiva and Vishnu is said to be equal to Lord Shiva.


Krishna,think once krishna as inpendent of god vishnu,

Krishna is devotee of Lord Shiva and tried to kill all aryan kings and given freedom for all local indians.So you can recognise him.

I can recognize him? Well, thanks, I guess. But, just so you know, I'll recognize whoever the hell I want. I don't need your approval or recognition.
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First up...

Sri Vishnu's devotees:


Srila Vedvyasa- author of Vedant sutra.

This first name itself is like an atom bomb.


Sri Shukadeva Paramhamsa.


Sri Sanaka paramhamsa


Sri Shaunakadik paramhamsas


The 12 alwars(Thought to be like an Army of Vaishnavas,the 12 alwars LITERALLY inundated the earlier years of Kaliyuga with Vishnu Bhakti.There are accounts of a particular alwar who outdoes Lord Shiva in mystic power.Amongst the alwars,was a woman alwar identified as the incarnation of Sri Bhu laxmi.)

Sri Shankaracharya


Sri Ramanujacharya


Sri Vallabhacharya


Sri Sridharacharya


Sri Nimbarkacharya


Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu(Identified as the personification of the Highest attainable bliss possible and even more(only for the devotees))


Sri Rupa Gosvami/Jeeva Goswami (The gosvamis' scriptures are beyond excellence in terms of full understanding of Brahm and are accepted by prema bhaktas as gems of vaishnava literature.)


Sri Tulsidas(author of the famed Ramcharitmanas.)


Sri Nyandeva(Wrote Nyaneshwari,a spotless commentary on Geeta.Entered into Samdhi at the age of 16.)


Sri Tukarama(travelled to the spiritual world in front of thousands with Visnudutas)


Sri Chokhamela


Sri Ramdas(Taught Ram Bhakti.Guided Shivaji Maharaj)


Sri Meerabai(Was revered even by the mughal emperor for her exhibition of supramundane ecstasies for Sri Krsna.)


Sri Surdas


Sri Kabeer(wrongly interpreted as an advaitin,Kabir was a through and through Bhakta.)


Nanak(Nanak has clearly declared that without the mercy of God,nothing is possible.He propagated Shabad Kirtan(naam sankirtan)).


Srila Prabhupada(no introduction required)


Sri Kripaluji Maharaj(Defeated all nonsense theories and darshan sastras and was conferred with the title of Jagadguru by Kashi Vidvat Parishat in Kashi,the seat of Vedic knowledge.At the mere age of 21,he roamed the forests of Vrindavana and Barsana,in indescribable ecstatic bhavas.He would often spend weeks on the forest floor.He Knows the vedas,with puranas et all,word by word.ALTHOUGH he studied the vedas only for 2 years.)



This is only Kaliyuga(that too discounting the equally Glorious yet unpopular Vaishnavas).


All the Manus,Sun god,Bhrama,All his sons,Indra,Shiva,everyone...everyone is Sri Narayana's devotee.



Shiva purana is a tamasic purana with unclear conclusions.It is NOT to be accepted over Vishnu Purana(a sattvic scripture).This is commonly accepted.

Besides Lord Shiva declares along the same lines in Shiva Purana that

"Sattvic puranas' conclusion is to be fully accepted.If the same conclusion is presented in the tamasic/rajasic puranas,it is still accepted,otherwise everything else is not clear and correct in the latter two puranas".


The reason for this is that without first being situated in Sattva guna,the individual CANNOT transcend Maya.


Shankaracharya says, "Shama Dam Uparatasthitikshu"


Shama-means 'control over senses'


This 'control' over senses happens only when situated in Sattva Guna.


Thus it is imperative to be situated in Sattva guna for any kind of liberation.


The same goes for Puranas.Sattvic Puranas are accepted as the most important and precise.There is no debate on this.



As for Sri Ramacandra being the devotee of Sri Shankara....


Sri Ramachandra is the Origin of Sri Laxmana(Shankarsana).

This Shankarsana is the origin of Sri Sadashiva and Sadashiva in turn manifests as Lord Shiva of the material world.


Thus Rama being a devotee of Shiva is PLAY,LEELA.

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"rakaradini namaani shravato mama parvati

Manah prasanntah yati ramanamabhi shankaya"


Parvati! Whenever someone says 'Ra',I become very very ecstatic that someone will say 'Ma' after that,eventhough the person is gonna say Ravana.



Ravana was an Indian king??

Sri Rama was a n aryan??


Leave Indian Aryan.

Come up to the vedic version.


.This Rascal,Ravana had 330,000,000 devas under his feet.Sri Brahmadeva used to come to recite the vedas at his house.

This rascal was about to build a staircase to Indraloka.Free pass to svarga.


That's why Sri Bhagvan killed him.

Ravan only worshipped lord Shiva.But all his so called shiva bhakti went for a toss When Sri Bhagavan stomped him like a fly.


Forget that,Sri Hanuman,the most powerful rudraavtar,set Lanka on fire with his tail.This is not an error on Lord Shiva's/hanuman's part.

Whereas,Lord Vishnu immediately realeased His divine weapon on Durvasa Rsi when he merely offended a vaishnava.


I'm not saying that Shiva Bhaktas are fake and Vaishnavas are real.

But Sri Vishnu's Bhaktas(realised) are actually equanimous towards all.They are the best amongst sages.


Whereas dirty pple and pple with hideous minds do TAPASYA to please lord Shiva and pass off as his devotees,when actually they only love themselves.


This clearly shows Lord Shiva's inevitable association with Tamasic nature(although he is completely transcendental to it).

Whereas Lord Vishnu doesn't appear even if a person does tapasya for millions of years.Only when this intense tapasya is conjoined with favorable/hateful remembrance of the Lord,is the Lord obtained.


Kamsa used to be AFRAID of Sri Krsna.He would see Sri Krsna In his plate.

Arjuna thought of Sri Krsna as a friend always.(mam ekam sharnam vraja).


Both went to Goloka.

But hating Sri Krsna is not advised.It is inevitably self destructive if remembrance is not achieved cent percent.



Sri Ramacandra

is thus not to be mistaken as Shiva Bhakta.

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Ravi sekhar wrote


"Rama(arya king not indian king) killed Ravana(indian king).So you are making pray to Rama.Now you can pray to Mughal and Britishers also for killing our own indian kings."

"where is the #@ing moderator."

How such nonsense was allowed to be posted here.

Does this thread needs any reponse..

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"where is the #@ing moderator."

lovely !!!! you know this word --- #@ing ?!!!!!


you are surely a new definition to spirituality , for having used such words ina spiritual forum. you are indeed the great synthesizer of gross materialism and spirituality.

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which sect or fath do you follow chandu ? do you have any inclination towards any saint or doctrine ? im rather curious to know .


and would you explain these two words ? firstly ' munafiq '

the second word that i forgot in another thread begining with T .


you shall obviously think me to be pretending. but whatever maybe the case im highly curious to know.

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