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The original version of Happy Xmas by John Lennon profoundly mentions Hare Krishna

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Sarva gattah

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Um, yes xmas meant Christmas to John but there IS no mention of the real spirit of Christmas, Jesus, in his song.

Actually I still don't know what you mean. Well maybe this is what you mean - to John and to many who just go by Sound, xmas and Christmas are the same.

Sarva, my dear brothersoul, you are thinking too much. It is simple. Listen to the song from youtube that suchandra put on this thread and you hear Lennon says happy christmas and merry christmas and never happy xmas.


That's it bro. Personally I don't give &^%* what John Lennon meant. He was a cool guy to our generation and any namabhasa chanting he did will bring him great rewards but who cares for his opinion on anything spiritual?


We don't take the mantra from him or Allen Ginsberg or any of the hundreds of new age guru's. We accept in the mood that Srila Prabhupada chanted and distributed the Holy Name and from him.


Don't worry about this thing. I am with Deathless, much ado about very little.


Chant and be happy.:)

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Chant and be happy.:)


Good point, don't talk, better stick to krishna-katha.


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Exactly true. But you posted the supposed real original lyrics of Lennon's song and put xmas where he said Christmas in a post criticizing the changing of lyrics.

No, he just copy and pasted from the webpage he gave us. Some other heathen satan monster scumbag zit-devil dirtbag paramecium wrote 'Xmas'.

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yeah. Nothing worse than a heathen satan monster scumbag zit-devil dirtbag paramecium. Except maybe a heathen satan monster scumbag zit-devil dirtbag paramecium heathen satan monster scumbag zit-devil dirtbag paramecium


Thats the worst, the heathen satan monster scumbag zit-devil dirtbag paramecium who misses the paste button and erases everything he just typed.


Me? Im a satan monster scumbag zit-devil dirtbag paramecium, but Im not a heathen.


mad mahax

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