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I am still going through the mysterious health problem.. Still no answer as to why I am having all the symptoms. Can someone please take a look at my chart and help me out..



January 21, 1975


Fazilka, India


(I don't know the exact birth time. Someone calculated it based on what I was going through. Below is my hubby's chart.. it might help)

April 13, 1971


7:10am, Pune



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without correct timings its no good to have your horoscope made but through prashna kundli I have tried to know you and your proble. Before that I need you to answer certain question:

- Are you being recommended some operation

- Is your problem related to head / brain.

- Is your problem still undiagnosed?

Recite Sankatnashan Ganesh Strotra daily as many times as you can.

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Thanks for your reply..




without correct timings its no good to have your horoscope made but through prashna kundli I have tried to know you and your proble.(Time seems right, maybe not to the minute but it is right) Before that I need you to answer certain question:


- Are you being recommended some operation

no, they couldn't find anything..


- Is your problem related to head / brain.

docs have no answer but I get heart attack symptoms but according to tests heart and everything else is fine..


- Is your problem still undiagnosed?



Recite Sankatnashan Ganesh Strotra daily as many times as you can.

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  • 4 weeks later...

last week I found out that pregnancies might have caused Hiatal Hernia and my stomach is not contracting as it should.. Hernia is not that bad that it needed the surgery but it is there.. still only acid reflux meds is what he prescribed. I still get those symptons.. not that frequently or swearly but I still experience them.. Doc is still not 100% sure if he found the culprit..


can anyone take a look and see if some dasha is responsible and I am not getting any wrong diagnosis..



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I shall try to answer your query to the limitations of my limited knowledge. I hope the stalwarts here will kindly oblige to correct me if I am wrong.


hernia is a problem caused when mercury is weak. In your horoscope, the mercury is a benefic but weak due to kendradhipati dosha. to worsen matters, it is very very closely conjunct with venus(within 02 minutes only). Venus is a very strong malefic in your horoscope being 6th lord and 11th lord(6th to 6th house) and hence has great potential of giving disease.


your current dasha is moon- mercury where moon is 8th lord aspecting 11th house. (I would appreciate if you can possibly tell the time since you've been having this problem.)


I would think that you need to strengthen mercury while doing puja for venus at the same time. For venus, you can pray Durga maa(read durga chalisa, sidh kunjika stotram given in durga saptashati, keep fasts too, if possible). Hope you are not wearing diamond.


I would highly appreciate if the learned members can correct me if am wrong.


Also, Shivaparvati ji, please don't think that the members here only want to solve the " easy" ones. It's more important to have the correct time and hence correct analysis in favour of the person himself, hence the lukewarm response. Kindly don't take it otherwise. Somehow to me, your latter post specifying the nature of the problem helped to give my analysis of the situation. else, its not an easy task to break the ice.


Kind regards and best

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I am not capapble of saying when will it end or so. but doing the pujas may help to pacify venus in reducing the intensity of trouble but still does not guarantee "no trouble". and I believe that we shouldn't expect so either as life is a mixture of good and bad and by praying to GOD, we are able to evade some problems which we never come to know of since they never happen!!!


I myself has gone through a similar situation when I had to go through a surgery in my ovary at the age of 16. It was completely out of the blue that my mom took me to the doctor for some strange non-painful problem. Within an hour, I had my Scan and within a week, a major surgery which could have spoiled my whole life.


But as they say, Take life as it comes and if you keep your spirits high, nothing can trouble you.


Kind regards and best

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nothing works when you are feeling like crap:-( atleast not in my case.. still I felt good when they found the possibility of the cause.. Thanks




I agree that it is not good to speculate without exact time of birth. Could you describe your "mysterious" health problem? What do you feel? Or, it just you are sensing it? When did you notice first time? Did it go worst or the same? I may not be able to answer but one has to try if some thing comes up.



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Well it was just out of nowhere.. one night I experienced heart attack like symptoms. I was fine in few minutes.. They happened again and went to ER. Nothing came in blood test, Ekg. few more visits to ER after the scary episodes still nothing in any test. Changed doctors. Got almost every possible test, ct scan and MRI done still nothing. It started around end of feb and begning of march. no medication until now but I was experiencing the same attack few times a week. now 2 weeks ago they found hital hernia and stomach not contracting problem.


addition to this my relationship with hubby and my family is not how it was used to be. everything is falling apart.. Just hoping to find the reason behind everything..







I agree that it is not good to speculate without exact time of birth. Could you describe your "mysterious" health problem? What do you feel? Or, it just you are sensing it? When did you notice first time? Did it go worst or the same? I may not be able to answer but one has to try if some thing comes up.



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  • 2 weeks later...


Well it was just out of nowhere.. one night I experienced heart attack like symptoms. I was fine in few minutes.. They happened again and went to ER. Nothing came in blood test, Ekg. few more visits to ER after the scary episodes still nothing in any test. Changed doctors. Got almost every possible test, ct scan and MRI done still nothing. It started around end of feb and begning of march. no medication until now but I was experiencing the same attack few times a week. now 2 weeks ago they found hital hernia and stomach not contracting problem.


addition to this my relationship with hubby and my family is not how it was used to be. everything is falling apart.. Just hoping to find the reason behind everything..





Your lagna is of Dhanu according to the time you provided. Present dasa is of Moon with subperiod of Mercury. Your problems started in Moon dasa with subperiod of Saturn and a minor period of Venus. Over all 8<SUP>th</SUP> house lord Moon dasa is not going to be good. Note that 8<SUP>th</SUP> house also signifies unexpected loss or gain in addition to death and it is a hidden house. The problem may be related to mind mainly and it is some times beyond our present knowledge of science to answer all the facts although many will not agree it as they think they are perfect and know every thing. Note also that Moon is in 5<SUP>th</SUP> house and it is the house of thinking (mind).

Venus is 6<SUP>th</SUP> house lord (diseases etc) and thus is not favorable and is with Sun (heart) and

Mercury (intestine), Jupiter (liver) and Mars (control of Muscle system) when are weak may lead to hernia. Mars is 12 lord and is in lagna aspecting 4<SUP>th</SUP> house (heart), Moon (8<SUP>th</SUP> and dasa lord) is in Mars house (Aries, 5<SUP>th</SUP> house) and Mercury is with 8<SUP>th</SUP> house lord together with Sun (heart) is also thus weak. Also, Mars is aspected by its enemy Saturn making it very weak.

You may have heart problems like symptoms but does not have heart problems. (later on you might have but not now, may be in mars period). Acid reflux is also indicated by Mars.

Thus planets do explain to some extent. In my opinion, till Moon dasa is there (up to April 2004) you may be stressed out some times for no reason. Fasting on poornima may be helpful along with Shiv Bhagvan’s pooja on Mondays.

Wearing a good Emerald in gold may be very helpful in taking care of some of the problems. Rest all depends on balance of Karma. I guess hernia surgery may take place some where when Mars period starts and it will depend on exact time of birth to calculate and this should be taken care by that time. After Moon dasa is over you may not have your “mysterious disease). Start meditation to help you further to overcome mysterious disease as Moon is 8<SUP>th</SUP> lord and will require spiritual cure rather than physical cure in this period of time (till 2012).


Lastly, any misunderstanding with husband may be solved after wearing good quality emerald in gold. Mercury is lord of spouse house.


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