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Question on killing

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Do you think killing one life form is just the same as killing another life form ?

in ratio 1:1 ?


Because i heard people claim killing an insect is count as one,

and killing a chick is count as one,

and killing a pig is count as one, etc




and what about bacterias, perms and eggs ?


It depends on the context.


It depends on the mode of operation.

Vikarmic or Akarmic.


If it is for sense pleasure, then there are reactions.


Even in the context, the reactions depends on the Gravity of the offense.

If that would not have been so.. then Cow Killing would not have been said to be the Greatest Among the Sins.

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>> If it is for sense pleasure, then there are reactions.


killing someone by accident ,

no need to account for something ?


If there were no bad intention or whatsoever then no, but one should make proper arrangement to one's capacity for negative implication after the death of that person.

For e.g. legal or governmental support should be catered to the dependent of the deceased one. One need to make sure for that.


The amount of responsibility involved depends on the degree of voluntary involvement in that death... of course, if atonement from it is felt necessary. Those who are unconscious won't understand.


There are other ways of looking that also... suppose one is a soldier and one needs to kill for the sake of duty.. then one is not attached or responsible for any kind of reactions.

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Do you think killing one life form is just the same as killing another life form ?

in ratio 1:1 ?


Because i heard people claim killing an insect is count as one,

and killing a chick is count as one,

and killing a pig is count as one, etc




and what about bacterias, perms and eggs ?


killing in any form is bad. why ?


dualistic explanation ---- each individuals are nothing but parts of the supreme so by harming them you are actually harming your ishta.and as you yourself is also a similar part and parcel , indirectly you are harming yourself.


monistic explanation---as there is but a single conciousness pervading everywhere if you hurt any one it amounts to hurting yourself .


thus we can see that in both the process it backfires on you. so killing is altogether bad. but what if done in defence ?


well , killing for defence dosent amount to sin. but karmic laws are extremely complex and hardly comprehensible by human minds. for ex-- if you anticipate that mr A is going to murder you and thus kill him before hand it would certainly amount to a sin. theory of defence would not be applicable.but if you kill mr A when he is about to strike you you are saved from sin.


example---if you are travelling on a bus and it happens to run across a cow all pasengers would be held responsible for go hatya. although on a mild extent. one never knows how his sins are increasing day by day.


we cannot exist a single moment without karma.even sleeping amounts to karma.and all krma has either a positive(punya) or a negetive(paap) effect. our balance sheets are going on every moment.the crucial thing is what this balance sheet would be like at the time of death.


as we can have no control over this karmic law its best not to care for them and engage indevotional service to the lord. if one can surrender fully to him(without self deceptions) he takes your responsibility and ultimately one transcends karmic laws.

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Do you think killing one life form is just the same as killing another life form ?

in ratio 1:1 ?


Because i heard people claim killing an insect is count as one,

and killing a chick is count as one,

and killing a pig is count as one, etc




and what about bacterias, perms and eggs ?


Yes. A soul is a soul is a soul. The size of the physical body cannot possibly be a factor. If yes, then we also have to say killing a bigger cow is a bigger sin than killing a medium sized cow.


But is killing really a sin? What about the carnivore killing for food? A lion has to eat meat or else it will die. It cannot live on grass or curds rice and pickle. Nature has been designed that way - either randomly or by a God. One form lives off another form.


Besides, it is impossible to live in this world without constantly killing countless bacteria (yes, Hindus believe Bacteria have souls too) and trampling on countless insects. It is just not possible, period.


The homo sapiens species is omnivorous - that is man can eat & digest meat. If the creator God disliked the concept of killing, then man, the lion and the tiger would be herbivores just like cows and deer.


But they are not! It follows, killing for food is not condemned by the creator God for he is the one who created the concept in the first place.


QED, thus.

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Do you think killing one life form is just the same as killing another life form ? in ratio 1:1 ?.[because i heard people claim killing an insect is count as one,and killing a chick is count as one, and killing a pig is count as one, etc


No need to go in to mathematics of life.Suffice to say no body has any right to take a life unless he/she is under threat.

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well , killing for defence dosent amount to sin. but karmic laws are extremely complex and hardly comprehensible by human minds. for ex-- if you anticipate that mr A is going to murder you and thus kill him before hand it would certainly amount to a sin. theory of defence would not be applicable.but if you kill mr A when he is about to strike you you are saved from sin.




It is very true that karmic laws are very complex to understand with our limits. They also function on mental levels. There are many cases where we just waste time to understand. The intention of the doer at that particular action is more important. For example, mercy killing, or self defence, does justify the action but only if there is no other option but still reaction will take place.


Because we can not measure the bad or good actions, we are unable to comprehend them. When a justice order death or lesser punishment to a killer, he is subject to karmic reaction too. At the same time, the killer's bad actions (sin of killing) were also accounted for. Otherwise, the killer will be punished twice.

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Dandavat pranam,



Originally posted by Vrindavan:

Q: Do you think killing one life form is just the same as killing another life form ?

in ratio 1:1 ?


Because i heard people claim killing an insect is count as one,

and killing a chick is count as one,

and killing a pig is count as one, etc




and what about bacterias, perms and eggs ?



A: It is not 1:1 in terms of amount of sin incurred. As long as the jiva soul shall be under the spell of maya, sin shall always be there in any killing. However, the amount of sinful reactions incurred depends on the level of consciousness of a particular soul-inhabited body that is killed and the killer's intention behind it. Srimad Bhagavatam canto 3 chapter 10 expounds on the subject matter of the various stages of consciousness.



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