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Thulabaram Offering

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Thulabaram Offering












One of the most important offering at the famous Sri Krishna temple in Guruvayur, Kerala, is the ‘thulabharam.’ In the Thulabaram ritual, a devotee sits on a pan of the weighing balance and the other pan is filled with materials greater than the weight of the devotee. Devotees usually offer sugar, jaggery, tulsi leaves and banana. Recently, Paracetamol tablet was added into the long list offerings made by devotees.

Devotees are known to make unique offerings while performing Thulabharam ritual. Hundreds of ‘thulabharam’ are offered daily at the temple. A couple of years ago, a person performed ‘thulabharam’ with gold.

The unique allopathic medicine thulabaram was performed by the son of a wholesale medicine dealer. <st1:place st="on"><st1:city st="on">Temple</st1:city></st1:place> authorities later handed over the 72 kg Paracetamol tablets to the Government hospital in Guruvayur.


Thulabaram ritual is performed in major temples in <st1:place st="on">South India</st1:place> including Tirupati.

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