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durga is more of vishnu-shakti than shiva -shakti

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I'm sorry, I couldn't finish reading your ridiculously long response.


What? Why not?


Do I care to be informed of your shortcomings?


Should I send you an invoice for my 'paying attention to you'?


For what will it profit me to read your half-hearted responses?


Albeit, indifferent unabashed rhetorical questions?


Your own aggenda is . . . ?


Without aggenda?



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."...........Bhaktajan has been deleted many many times (by the MODERATOR) and so,

Bhaktajan has amended his writting style.................."

i see !!!! the moderator found your posts so useless ?? i feel sorry for you !!! :)


youre really funny , whenever i see your posts a smile comes to my face even before reading it.


actually ive started liking your hilarious sense of reasoning, idiotic shastric quotations , neverending tiresome posts etc.


good luck :)

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Sri Kanakadhara Stotra(Author,Sri Shankaracharya)


verse 5

Mahalaxmi,Shining on the dark,broad Chest of Mahavishnu,is like the streak of lightning illuminating the dark rain clouds.May She,the Daughter of sage Bhargava,worshipped as Mother by the entire universe,bring me auspiciousness.


verse 7:

The status of the king of kings,of an Indra are given effortlessly by the mere momentary glance of Mahalaxmi.Murari who is Supreme Bliss itself is made happy by it.May this glance from the blue lotus eued Laxmi,fall on me for a moment.



Varun deva's son answers Varuna deva's question:

Anando Brahmeti Vyajanat.


Brahm is ananda/rasa/bliss.


Raso vai saha.

He is rasa.


verse 10:


We offer obeisances to the Goddess Mahalaxmi,The consort of Narayana,The preceptor of all the three worlds.She is variously known as Sarasvati,the Goddess of learning,As Goddess Laxmi,the Divine consort of Sri Vishnu and as shakambhari or Parvati,the consort of Lord Mahesvara.Verily,it is She who is engaged playfully in CREATION,MAINTENANCE and DESRTUCTION of the Universe.

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Originally Posted by Sambya (Post #27)

i see !!!! the moderator found your posts so useless ?? i feel sorry for you !!! :)






I have been deleted because I will call fools:

God da@^%$*^ F*%#$@ Bull*&^% Artists


So, the moderator knows you can't handle the truth without TAKING OFFENSE.


So political correctness should abide God da@^%$*^ F*%#$@ Bull*&^% Artists like your self (No Offense).



Also, to quote ranjeetmore:


To Sambya & Deathless:

A) You are simply avoiding all my posts

(I'm not taking pride in it...I'm just stating the plain,cold fact.)


B) Frankly,I am just bored replying to your never ending speculations.


Clearly,you have no intentions of actual debating ,OTHERWISE you would have.


If you cannot or don't want to,Please don't harrass us with useless speculation

("Useless" --this adjective is meant to denote the nature of your imperfect speculations and not yourself.

No offense.)




PS: "Be carefull what you ask for --you may receive it"

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I have been deleted because I will call fools:

God da@^%$*^ F*%#$@ Bull*&^% Artists

True spiritual seekers always refrain from using such words.


show me one realized soul doing this.


maybe in west its a common day to day practice but in india a parent can chastise his or her adult son or daughter for publicly using such language. this is true irrespective of social status. you have learned vedic cultures , we grew up in it. yes im taking pride in it !!


oviously you can carry on with it ............thats your wish .

but to a spiritual aspirant its a strict no no !!!!!


now i realize how far you are from that goal(self realizaton) seeing you use such obscenities so prolifically on a spiritual forum.

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Originally Posted by Deathless:

"I'm sorry, I couldn't finish reading your ridiculously long response."




Please inform Deathless that Bhaktajan has been deleted many many times (by the MODERATOR) and so,

Bhaktajan has amended his writting style of berating chasticements to be more acid and incisive and

acceptable to remaining posted with the ultimate intention of shaving his aggrevator's Head and

leaving a sikha.


Then the Tilak. And then Bhaktajan will start his lecturing.


And then . . . lessons in 'Overcoming Fear' pep talks will ensue . . . and then Bhaktajan will ignore Deathless-ness's haughty highnee.

Hmmm... more inappropriate use of the third-person. It appears as if someone needs a grammar lesson!


When referring to oneself, one uses the first person (I, me, my, etc...).


When referring to the person one is speaking with in conversation, one uses the second person (you, yours, we, us, our, etc...).


When referring to other people in general, one uses the third person (for example, the person's name).

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Yet, some Vaishnavas will still insist on calling her a "demigoddess".



And why should "some Vaishnavas" reconsider that position? After all, your view is based on a few paurusheya granthas of relatively recent origin, and I am sure you are aware that shrutis and prasthana-trayi constitute more mainstream sources of right knowledge among both Vaishnava and non-Vaishnava schools of Vedanta.

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What I know about Durga is that she is a goddess of the underworld. I remember Bharata whom everyone thought was dumb and a fool. And yet, Bharata was a pure devotee of Krsna. When Bharata was offered as human sacrifice by the worshipers of Durga, the goddess herself instead of killing Bharata killed the worshipers.

In other words goddess Durga is the protector of Krsna`s pure devotees. Those who try to harm a pure devotee of Krsna like Bharata shall be dealt with accordingly by goddess Durga herself.

I think Durga is no other tham Uma, Lord Siva`s wife.




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What I know about Durga is that she is a goddess of the underworld

thats a misconception . she is not the goddess of underworld.


how one percieves durga depends on the faith he follows.


to vaishnavas she is primarily visnu maya or yogamaya who helps in krishna lila and causes ignorance in form of maya. she is suordinate to krishna and have no power to grant liberation........


to pure advaitins(hard to find these days) maya is an abstract phenomenon .this cannot be described in a few words.


to shaktas and tantrics durga is the highest truth and merely another name of what is known in vedas as brahman. she is superior to all other gods , because it is she who is the main power of all gods including vishnu himself.and she has the capacity to both cause ignorance and liberate an individual by removing it.

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thats a misconception . she is not the goddess of underworld.


how one percieves durga depends on the faith he follows.


to vaishnavas she is primarily visnu maya or yogamaya who helps in krishna lila and causes ignorance in form of maya. she is suordinate to krishna and have no power to grant liberation........


to pure advaitins(hard to find these days) maya is an abstract phenomenon .this cannot be described in a few words.


to shaktas and tantrics durga is the highest truth and merely another name of what is known in vedas as brahman. she is superior to all other gods , because it is she who is the main power of all gods including vishnu himself.and she has the capacity to both cause ignorance and liberate an individual by removing it.


:namaskar:I`m sorry if I have offended any of goddess Durga`s devotees. I was raised by my parents who are devout catholics. I even thought goddess Durga was a monster because she exhibits multiple arms holding sharp bladed weapons. But when she rescued Bharata from those dacoits who wanted him sacrificed at her feet, my negative views about her immediately changed.



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And why should "some Vaishnavas" reconsider that position? After all, your view is based on a few paurusheya granthas of relatively recent origin, and I am sure you are aware that shrutis and prasthana-trayi constitute more mainstream sources of right knowledge among both Vaishnava and non-Vaishnava schools of Vedanta.
What, exactly, is calling Durga "half of a goddess" based on? Is she specifically called "half-a-devi" in a scripture, Vaishnava or otherwise? Please, do tell, raghu.
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What? Where did you get that ridiculous conception from? Yamuna would be the closest deity to being a goddess of the underworld, not Durga.


Perhaps by underworld, Melvin means the Mafia realm. The Gotti family in the west, Dawood and gang in India, etc., perform Durga Puja before starting any major activity, like planning an execution, or expanding their extortion rackets.


Perhaps he means Durga makes their desires come true - as the Goddess of the underworld.



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Perhaps by underworld, Melvin means the Mafia realm. The Gotti family in the west, Dawood and gang in India, etc., perform Durga Puja before starting any major activity, like planning an execution, or expanding their extortion rackets.


Perhaps he means Durga makes their desires come true - as the Goddess of the underworld.





Well, I have a penchant for re-arranging words. DURga to Druga. And druga in our dialect means drug. There are legitimate drugs and illegal drugs, the latter peddled by drug lords.


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What, exactly, is calling Durga "half of a goddess" based on? Is she specifically called "half-a-devi" in a scripture, Vaishnava or otherwise? Please, do tell, raghu.


Is Durga specifically called a "goddess" or "Hindu goddess" in any scripture? What are these terms that are used by the Hindu laity based on? Where is she explicitly described as a "Hindu goddess?"


Since the scriptures are written in Sanskrit, you can quibble all you want with any translation of words like "deva." Or you can use the original words and understand the concept behind them. I think the less-than-ideal iskcon translation as "demigod" is just trying to get across the point that they are elevated beings but not on the same level as God/Brahman. If you think they mean something else by it, you are welcome to explain yourself. It's not my translation.


Every so often we get another round of Shaivite/Shaktaite postings by authors who think they can convince those silly little Hare Krishna people to give up their Vishnu-centric beliefs by quoting from some esoteric section of a virtually unknown smriti that extols the virtues of some other devata. I thought this was where you were coming from. If not, then we have nothing here to disagree about as far as I can tell.

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The good news is, you are not expected to either.


The Puranas have already been been categorized and accepted as Smriti for at least 2000 years, if not more. So there is no new type of categorization necessary by Hare Krishnas or by anyone on this forum.




That was not the issue.

And why drag Hare Krishnas in all that.. you are always on the prowl to sprout your feelings.

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