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Milk.... the Deadly Poison

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  • 3 weeks later...

What a load of nonsense. Milk is the bringer of life and health and is mentioned as such in the Vedas. The Vedic literatures say nothing about poison. Maybe it's poison if it comes from abused cows fed on bad food, but in it's natural state it is not poison.


This new American anti-milk fad is led by atheists and cow killers, why are you listening to these people?

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Of course the Vedic literatures say nothing about Milk being poison.


I am a milk-alcholic.


And I too [i've not yet viewed the youtube link] suspect that the milk has been spoiled by the industries frankenstein-food manipulations.

[bTW, What American anti-milk fad? Do you mean Vegans?]


I absolutely love the taste of milk --and have lamented the possibility of a life & world without first class milk.


And yes, all the cows are abused and fed bad food --Today, the Mayor of New York City, USA announced that NY City is experiencing the lowest level of street crime in 25 years, HARRAY!


But, what about the rest of the bad news . . . What bad news, one may ask?


Believe me when I say that the meat industry leads to war and civil tragedies; and, the 'majority' of the masses will protest, "What bad news? Stop saying the sky is falling!" But that is not the reality --everyone is suffering and, guess what, that's what drives the economy [ironic statement, right? That's called "Vicious-Circular-logic"].

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http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/health-wellbeing/446325-milk-alert-how-milk-contaminated.html<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:" />


Milk Alert – How Milk is Contaminated




<HR align=center width="100%" color=white noShade SIZE=1>



Milk Alert – How Milk is Contaminated

Today: April 1, 2008

Listen to "Gary Null Radio Show" — To listen to the latest bad news about the quality of milk and the milk industry, at:



"3/28/08 Show Date"

The show runs 2 Hours.


Also listen to Gary Null Show [or to access the above show and archive of shows]— M-F 12 Noon, E.S.T. -- <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">U.S.A.</st1:place></st1:country-region> Time, at:


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I absolutely love the taste of milk --and have lamented the possibility of a life & world without first class milk.

Have access to organic non pastuerized milk here (expensive though - so dont buy it all the time)- they have to sell it as a body lotion - criminal to sell it for drinking. The cows are fed the best and nurtured. Fairdinkum Jan it tastes like one is drinking cow straight from the nipple - when I first bought it I thought, hmmm do I like this experience (taste);). Beautiful milk though...



Believe me when I say that the meat industry leads to war and civil tragedies; and, the 'majority' of the masses will protest, "What bad news? Stop saying the sky is falling!"

Yeah. And when the practicioner tells the person, 'you got that cancer coz the rivers are bad, or, you got that virus coz the trees are dying.' The patient will say, 'come on man, get real...give me a pill!'

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What a load of nonsense. Milk is the bringer of life and health and is mentioned as such in the Vedas. The Vedic literatures say nothing about poison. Maybe it's poison if it comes from abused cows fed on bad food, but in it's natural state it is not poison.


This new American anti-milk fad is led by atheists and cow killers, why are you listening to these people?



This has to be one of the most foolish statements possible on the subject.



Get a little education on the subject haridasdas before you speak.

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This has to be one of the most foolish statements possible on the subject.



Get a little education on the subject haridasdas before you speak.

I understand fully the nature of the milk industry. Your post stated that milk is poison. Not that the milk sold in the western supermarkets from the maltreated cows whose offspring are slaughtered is poison, you said milk is poison.


From that statement, I made the judgement that you don't beleive in taking milk, even under circumstances in which the cow is treated nicely and the calves are not killed.


Is that what you meant? I apologise if I made some mistake.


Edit: By Atheists and cow killers I'm referring to what I'd term the 'anti-milk crusade', which is currently sweeping America. They like to misrepresent facts about lactose intolerance and say that milk is indigestible. It's popular amongst people who love to eat cows and other dead animals.

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I understand fully the nature of the milk industry. Your post stated that milk is poison. Not that the milk sold in the western supermarkets from the maltreated cows whose offspring are slaughtered is poison, you said milk is poison.


From that statement, I made the judgement that you don't beleive in taking milk, even under circumstances in which the cow is treated nicely and the calves are not killed.


Is that what you meant? I apologise if I made some mistake.





No it is not. It is the vegan community that abstains from milk.



If you drink commercial milk then YOU ARE A COW KILLER. Hearing milk drinkers preach cow protection is a sad hypocritical joke indeed.



If someone drinks milk from properly protected cows I have no problem with it. I don't myself because milk does not digest in my body and does make me quite ill.



This is about cow protection. If you drink milk from unprotected cows I ask you to please rethink your position.





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Theist prabhu,


What can mitigate this inauspicious result to 'taking' milk?


Was it Urvasi [?] who requested to eat only foods cooked in ghee--lest she'd flee.


So, I see the prospect of renouncing milk as a type of death --without chance of repose.


I agree with you totally --yet, like a drug addict, I have long see Krsna's opulence in the taste of milk.


How shall it come to pass-- that we can affect some initial 'Change'?

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Theist prabhu,


What can mitigate this inauspicious result to 'taking' milk?


Was it Urvasi [?] who requested to eat only foods cooked in ghee--lest she'd flee.


So, I see the prospect of renouncing milk as a type of death --without chance of repose.


I agree with you totally --yet, like a drug addict, I have long see Krsna's opulence in the taste of milk.


How shall it come to pass-- that we can affect some initial 'Change'?






No need to renounce milk. Renounce instead any action that is against the principle of cow protection.



The dig on the gross aspects that are found in commercial milk is mostly to appeal to those who care nothing for the cows but do care something about what they consume. This is a roundabout effort to protect the cows.



Take milk from protected cows or not at all. What is a few earth years without cows milk anyway. Preform this austerity now and Krishna will place you in green pastures surrounded by happy cows with full milk bags.

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So why in this case did Srila Prabhupada never suggest that devotees should abstain from milk?


I apologise, I'm confused, and I'm certain that this issue had been brought to him before.



Ok you have already agreed that drinking milk from unprotected cows supports cow killing. Srila Prabhupada has emphasised cow protection. So clearly drinking milk from unprotected cows is against the instruction of Srila Prabhupada to protect cows.




Now many people are willing to break that instruction citing he himself drank milk from unprotected cows. This is inconsistent.



Another inconsistency is that he also gave instructions to start farms and keep protected cows and use their milk exclusively.




I wish he had not allowed milk from unprotected cows to be used but he did. But clearly he did that with the idea that it was a temporary bridge to the time when Iskcon would be protecting their own cows and using only that milk at all the temples.




That never happened. So many devotees ignore the instructions on cow protection and doing their own cow protetion (largely, I know of some devotees that have worked hard on farm projects) but still drink commercial milk.



But never mind what Iskcon does I am asking you as an individual to take a stand against the further exploitation of cows and drink milk only from protected cows.



I would add that it would be very helpful to support the few devotees who are hard at work engaging in self sufficient farmng and cow raising right now. Some have made heroic efforts with seemingly little help from the big wigs of the Iskcon authorities.

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Ok you have already agreed that drinking milk from unprotected cows supports cow killing. Srila Prabhupada has emphasised cow protection. So clearly drinking milk from unprotected cows is against the instruction of Srila Prabhupada to protect cows.




Now many people are willing to break that instruction citing he himself drank milk from unprotected cows. This is inconsistent.



Another inconsistency is that he also gave instructions to start farms and keep protected cows and use their milk exclusively.




I wish he had not allowed milk from unprotected cows to be used but he did. But clearly he did that with the idea that it was a temporary bridge to the time when Iskcon would be protecting their own cows and using only that milk at all the temples.




That never happened. So many devotees ignore the instructions on cow protection and doing their own cow protetion (largely, I know of some devotees that have worked hard on farm projects) but still drink commercial milk.



But never mind what Iskcon does I am asking you as an individual to take a stand against the further exploitation of cows and drink milk only from protected cows.



I would add that it would be very helpful to support the few devotees who are hard at work engaging in self sufficient farmng and cow raising right now. Some have made heroic efforts with seemingly little help from the big wigs of the Iskcon authorities.


I don't think there is an inconsistency on the part of Srila Prabhupada, since Mahavisnu Swami suggests that devotees should always offer the products of the cows to Krishna in order to releive their suffering. That is, of course, if it is impossible to obtain milk from well-kept cows.

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I don't think there is an inconsistencyon the part of Srila Prabhupada, since Mahavisnu Swami suggests thatdevotees should always offer the products of the cows to Krishna inorder to releive their suffering. That is, of course, if it isimpossible to obtain milk from well-kept cows.



There is certainly inconsistancy on your part. Quit hiding behind Prabhupada's dhoti. I was talking about you not Prabhupada. I explained my thoughts on his temporary bridge program from unprotected to protected cows.


Mahavishnu Swami's idea is not a new one. I have heard it many times before. It also comes in different forms like 'It's ok to steal someone's wallet because we are devotees and use the money in Krishna's service. Afterall they may not be able to buy baby food but they will get some ajnata sukriti":rolleyes:


Do as you like. Nothing further for us to discuss on this topic. You may be in for a surprise though to find your consumption of milk from tortured and murdered cows is not so karma free afterall.

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There is certainly inconsistancy on your part. Quit hiding behind Prabhupada's dhoti. I was talking about you not Prabhupada. I explained my thoughts on his temporary bridge program from unprotected to protected cows.


Mahavishnu Swami's idea is not a new one. I have heard it many times before. It also comes in different forms like 'It's ok to steal someone's wallet because we are devotees and use the money in Krishna's service. Afterall they may not be able to buy baby food but they will get some ajnata sukriti":rolleyes:


Do as you like. Nothing further for us to discuss on this topic. You may be in for a surprise though to find your consumption of milk from tortured and murdered cows is not so karma free afterall.


Yes, and you can keep making things up as you will. Perhaps if you weren't so inimical towards sanyassis you might know that they don't wear dhotis.


Your stand shows a lack of faith in Srila Prabhupada, who said that even if the milk comes from dairies that sell cows to slaughterhouses, we should continue offering it to Krishna, who looks after his devotees.

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Yes all commercial milk contains pus. This is well known and not controversial and there is even a permissable level of pus allowed.


"Have some … pus with yourcookies? If you down a glass of cow’s milk, you will. It may be white,but researchers say that every cupful contains somatic cells, i.e.,pus.

The dairy industry knows that there is a problemwith pus in milk. Accordingly, it has developed a system known as the“somatic cell count” to measure the amount of pus in milk. The somaticcell count is the standard used to gauge milk quality. The higher thesomatic cell count, the more pus in the milk.

Anymilk with a somatic cell count of higher than 200 million per litershould not enter the human food supply, according to the dairyindustry. Therefore, anyone living in a state where the somatic cellcount is higher than 200 million shouldn’t be drinking milk. There’sonly one problem—every state but Hawaii is producing milk with puslevels so high that it shouldn’t enter the human food supply! At thebottom of this page, you can see how high the pus levels in yourstate’s milk are. Even the national average, at 322 million, is wellabove the industry’s limit.


For the rest of the articleclick this link:


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Theist is right.

Lord Krishna always tries to make us understand that giving our service to Cows is what is needed to prime and the service that Cows provide us is secondary... that also we are allowed to drink the milk only after all calves have been fully fed.

Consuming the milk without considering how our sweet mothers are being treated is blindness.

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  • 5 months later...

As humans, we all suffer at times in our lives, why dont we ask ourselves about compassion for animals, who are very similar to us? Why cant we understand their pain?


I was born a vegetarian and I think its a relationship of mother and child, if we drink milk of cow, we have to love and respect cow as our mother. Cow also has gestation period of 9 months like humans. How beautiful her eyes are!


But unfortunately, people dont realise the suffering of cows in the factory farms. How would people feel if their mother or themselves or someone they dearly love was treated like that?

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Dairy cows have to be repeatedly impregnated to keep up their milk production. What is to be done with all the male calves which are born as a result of those pregnancies? The answer is that they are kept in tiny veal cages so that they can not move during their entire short and miserable lives - keeping their muscles soft so that the veal is tender. I would love to get some milk from cows that I know are protected ... however to just go to the market and buy some milk - organic or not - is to be complicit in veal production. That is simply a fact. If you have verified knowledge of a milk producer that never supports the veal or beef industry then please let me know and I will support them. I don't think Shree Vishnu wants me to offer Him the milk of tortured cows any more than He wants me to offer Him the veal which is a direct byproduct of that milk production. Cow torture is not cow protection.

http://www.milksucks.com/dump.asp vealtopsyst.jpg




I don't think there is an inconsistency on the part of Srila Prabhupada, since Mahavisnu Swami suggests that devotees should always offer the products of the cows to Krishna in order to releive their suffering. That is, of course, if it is impossible to obtain milk from well-kept cows.
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