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My friends marriage compatibility

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I request you to please analyse my friends horoscope with his fiancee, since he will be getting married in Feburary and would like to know how the married life will be and any poojas they might have to perform in advance.


Thank you!



26th, July, 1976

12.45 AM

Secunderabad, India



24th, August, 1985

5.10 PM

Hyderabad, India

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I request you to please analyse my friends horoscope with his fiancee, since he will be getting married in Feburary and would like to know how the married life will be and any poojas they might have to perform in advance.


Thank you!



26th, July, 1976

12.45 AM

Secunderabad, India



24th, August, 1985

5.10 PM

Hyderabad, India




The boy has Kala Amrita Yoga and should at minimum worship Lord Shiva with Mahamrityunjaya Jaap everyday. If possible he may go to temple in KalaHasti or Nasik for remedy.


Next, this couple matches only 9.5 out of a possible 36 points. At least 18 is needed for marriage. In my humble opinion, this marriage would likely be very difficult for both of them with the possibility of many misunderstandings, fights as their wavelengths are not matching, even remotely. The girl has a weak mangalik dosha (Mars in 7th, but neecha) and boy does not. Another problem in the matching for marriage. At such a low score, even remedies will be only touching the surface. But remember this is only my humble opinion - the outcome lies in their hands solely.



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