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Great people with ordinary horoscopes

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Pranam all,


I have been reading on the internet and also hearing from people interested in this divine science that they have seen a few horoscopes that look very ordinary but the natives rise to fame and a great deal of fortune in their later life. Although there is also a possibility of overlooking some really good ancient yogs in the birth chart etc., but this is really encouraging for people who just give up hope so easily. I would politely request all the seniors here to share such experiences of meeting people with ordinary birth charts and a great successul and happy life.




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Dear ,


In this series just look for PV Narsima Rao the former prime minister of India. I dont have the birth details now ,but i had it earlier and have lost it in disk crash.











Pranam all,


I have been reading on the internet and also hearing from people interested in this divine science that they have seen a few horoscopes that look very ordinary but the natives rise to fame and a great deal of fortune in their later life. Although there is also a possibility of overlooking some really good ancient yogs in the birth chart etc., but this is really encouraging for people who just give up hope so easily. I would politely request all the seniors here to share such experiences of meeting people with ordinary birth charts and a great successul and happy life.




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