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Wedding Dilemma

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Respected Yogiji,


I am 26 yr old female and have found my soulmate. We both like each other very much and horoscope compatibility is also good enough. We plan on getting married as soon as possible, most probably in february 2009 at the earliest.


We had almost decided on it, when groom's parents said that their family astrologer suggested wedding only after November 2009 because of guru or rahu in 8th house in my chart which may not be good for boy. I don't know the exact details. I want to know if this is true or if it is a way to delay the wedding. We believe there is NO problem. When we consulted our astrologer, he indicated NO particular problem, except that I would have to do some pooja before the wedding, suggesting very good compatibility and february being auspicious month for us.


Please let me know if there is remedy or pooja that I can do to perform marriage at the earliest in february to do make things go smoothly. I would really appreciate if you can also indicate wedding dates for us. Details are as follows:

Girl- 13 Sep 1982, 11:25 AM, Location-Jhalod, Gujarat

Boy- 23 Nov 1981, 1:15 AM, Location-Wardha, Maharastra


Sadar Pranam

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Please Let me know...Thanks!




The amtch points are only 22.5 out of 36. It is just OK and not an excellent match.

There is dosha and is taken care also so that is not the problem.


Jupiter Jupiter in both charts aspects or is in 7th house currently from Lagna and that may be OK to marry this year. But date for marrigae is to be seen with several other factors and local pnadits or astologers may be helpful to you. As, some times even transiting planets are good but dates rae not suitable and one has to consider these factors too I would say, in such matter do not rush and wait for proper date. This is for life time commitment.


Dates for marriage as you like, I can not suggest as I do not have local panchang to consult.



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