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webyogi ji INDRA YOGA

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DOB - 24.02.1978


TOB - 10.45AM



Any chance of Fame in PUBLIC LIFE?

(Since my late Mother told me I have INDRA YOGA).

If yes then in which field.




Yes you have INDRA Yoga. It is formed when 5th lord is in 11th house and 11th lord is in 5th house with Moon. It makes person famous, outspoken,

courageous and long lived. You mentioned that your mother told you, I am curious to know that was she astrologer?


Fame in public life: You are already posting remedies and suggestions / advice to help people, in a sense you are having fame in public life. Directly (with your efforts), Mars and Jupiter are involved indicating medicine, science, occult sciences, religion and journalism. Indirectly indications (with help of some one else): political field, but this will involve from time to time enemies as Budh is al;so lord of 6th (enemies).



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