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Can Sanatan Dharm survive?

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This question is tackled in Maya Radj's free online book about Sanatan Dharm practice in contemporary Bharat. Through the guise of a novel about a young Indian eager (like so many) to emigrate to the USA, the author outlines many of the past and present issues and challenges that Bharat faces as it attempts to rise again. The novel is aptly entitled R's Journey - The Wounded Elephant and can be downloaded from the author's website (www mayaradj dot com)

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Yeah, you just need to get yourself involved in one of the four authorized sampradaya's and you'll be fine.


Padma Purana (Kashiraj Publications, 2002 Reprint)


sampradāyavihīnā ye mantrāste niṣphalā matāḥ|

ataḥ kalau bhaviśyanti catvāraḥ sampradāyinaḥ||

Śrī-brahmā-rudra-sanakā vaiṣṇavā kṣitipāvanāḥ|

catvāraste kalau bhāvya hyutkale puruṣottamāt||

rāmānujaṃ śrī svicakre madhvācaryaṃ caturmukhaḥ|

śrīviṣṇusvāminaṃ rudro nimbādityaṃ catuḥsanāḥ||

All mantras which have been given (to disciples) not in an authorised Sampradāya are fruitless. Therefore, in Kali Yuga, there will be four bona-fide Sampradāyas. Each of them were inaugurated by Śrī Devī and known as the Śrī Sampradāya, Lord Brahmā and known as the Brahmā Sampradāya, Lord Rudra and known as the Rudra Sampradāya; and the Four Kumāras and known as Sanakādi Sampradāya. Śrī Devī made Rāmānujācārya the head of that lineage. So too Lord Brahmā appointed Madhvācārya, Lord Rudra appointed Viṣṇusvāmī and the four Kumaras chose Nimbāditya (an epithet for Śrī Nimbārkācārya).

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  • 1 month later...

I do think it will survive as people are getting close to their roots now. More and more people are educated and do have access to religious discourses now and then. So the exposure directly and indirecly helps to cultivate faith and bring about the continuity of the Sanatana Dharma.

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Of course sanathana Dharma will survive-bcoz there is noo other dhrama in this world other than this one!

Even Jesus, mohammed are mentioned in our puranas.No matter how contraversial new religions are-all have their roots with this dhrama only!


We say that this dharma is existing for 4 yugas , but how shall our insignificant mind know HOW MANY SUCH 4 YUGA CYCLES HAVE PASSED?still this eternal way to god exists.

There was a time our Janma Bhumi was shining in its glories all over the globe!

As said by many sages we are (Our country) only passing through a karmic phase once that is done our dharma will again take hold to guide world-even in materialistic view.


As for as i am concerned i am not bothered about its survival bcoz every hindhu knows its eternity, but just worried and some subtle anger may be inside all of us about how people are using it.


1.Politicians for votes and exploiting backward classes and blaming manu sutram for it-How many of those half knowledge people know that many manu's have passed and they are fighting with just book in their hand and not able to know that Manu is none but our father[for all castes]

Be it swamiji's[not all], be it false baba's -they were only successful to portray an image to people who dont belive in idolism that we are idolators only!


2.Blaming the drama i think which is the only religion in the world, which says "Vasudaika kutumbam"! meaning -All world is one family-which means not just humans but EVERY living creature is our family[i hope a non-vegetarian now understands why we speak of vegetarianism]!!!!!!!

Which religion in the world has this much oneness with living beings?

Indeed i even know about few books circulated in our country, which are only published to blame about our false hood!!!


3. Statements like Rama dsnt exist?

[Though the person who said this makes sure to wear a dhothi and follows our culture-in dat case dear karunanidhi why are you following Rama’s culture? Start wearing a silk underwear and a sleeveless tea shirt my buddy, and why u pose “Namasthe” in your election poster? Give a flying kiss my dear so-called Rationalist man]

Lastly-"If there is any place in the world to which every soul wending its path to divinity on account of karma has to come, a land whihc has reached its highest in humanity, spirituality and above all-the land of introspection-It is india!!!

–Swami Vivekananda

Sarve janah sukhino bhavantu, samastha sanmangalaani sathu!!

Nice post sailesh

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IF Indians wants Santanan Dharma to survive, they must do the following :


1. Stop bowing to adharmic people.


2. Start practising their beliefs openly and without shame.


3. Learn to speak out about their beliefs with pride.


4. Discard "Slave Mentality".


Main reason why Santana Dharma in trouble is NOT because of adharmic people. They have always been there and could likely to be around for a long time. Main reason could be that Hindus themselves too ashamed to follow Hindusm with pride.


Hindusm IS THE ONLY BELIEF in the World capable of extending Science and Religion as it have covered many parts of Science such as Evolutions, Physic al Nature of the Universe, Big Bang, Multiverse and many more. Hindusm is a treasure trophy of knowledge but Indians are too "westenised" in their mindset to actually explore it further.


200 years of occupations and brain-washing from Westerners have left Indians with "belief" that they are outdated and outclassed and the only way they could move forward was by mimicking Westerners and their ways of life (without thinking that it was Westerners' way of Life which was the cause of India been occupied for nearly 200 years by the British).


Indians ... stop trying to be Westerners and start being Hindus. For that is who you are and that is who you will be no matter how hard you try. Fail that ... you will be nothing and not worth saving.

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  Sephiroth said:
IF Indians wants Santanan Dharma to survive, they must do the following :


1. Stop bowing to adharmic people.


2. Start practising their beliefs openly and without shame.


3. Learn to speak out about their beliefs with pride.


4. Discard "Slave Mentality".


Main reason why Santana Dharma in trouble is NOT because of adharmic people. They have always been there and could likely to be around for a long time. Main reason could be that Hindus themselves too ashamed to follow Hindusm with pride.


Hindusm IS THE ONLY BELIEF in the World capable of extending Science and Religion as it have covered many parts of Science such as Evolutions, Physic al Nature of the Universe, Big Bang, Multiverse and many more. Hindusm is a treasure trophy of knowledge but Indians are too "westenised" in their mindset to actually explore it further.


200 years of occupations and brain-washing from Westerners have left Indians with "belief" that they are outdated and outclassed and the only way they could move forward was by mimicking Westerners and their ways of life (without thinking that it was Westerners' way of Life which was the cause of India been occupied for nearly 200 years by the British).


Indians ... stop trying to be Westerners and start being Hindus. For that is who you are and that is who you will be no matter how hard you try. Fail that ... you will be nothing and not worth saving.


Great points. I think I'd add some more:


5) Read some scriptures. Just one Purana or something, it's all good.


6) Find out WHY you do certain things. If you don't know it's just empty ritualism.


7) Don't assume you know it all, very few people do.


8) After having educated yourself, educate your children with pretty much everything you know.


9) Don't take any nonsense from Muslims, and don't concede to their wishes, they aren't the same as Hindus, their religion is VERY different.


10) Maybe stop eating meat? At least don't eat foreign cows and say it's okay because they're 'not sacred'.

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kaisersose :


It will undergo changes, yes as it has been for the last 2500 years. But it is not in any danger of becoming extinct.


How wrong you are. You do not seems to know FACTS. Here's some :


Rate of Abortion in India (and it is still rising).

Source : http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/policy/abortion/ab-india.html


India is 2nd only to AFRICA when comes to number of AIDS. It is still poor despite of being one of the first countries in Asia to gain Independance.


Temples been closed or destroyed by Indians and their government - in some cases, out of triffle matters like Caste problems. Temples SUPPOSED TO BE NEUTRAL AREAS.


India still plaqued by incidents such as Mumbai Incidents where their government is too "stupid" to defend themselves from terrorists attacks and still seems to want to talk it over.



Hmm ... Perhaps people like you could actually admit there is problem in India and Indians when every girls you have seen had some abortion in their life, or there is incidents of bombing once a week, or India managed to become first place in number of AIDS cases or get the name of the poorest country in the Planet. :eek4:

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Haridasdasdas :


5) Read some scriptures. Just one Purana or something, it's all good.


Every primary schools must teach Bhavagad Gita to the children and make it as basic for their belief.


I'm not saying everyone must follow Sri Krishna and discard Ishta Dewas. I merely saying that Bhavagad Gita is a good starting point for everyone to start in become Hindusm. From there, they could choose who their Ishta Dewas could be and continue to become Hindus from that points onwards.

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Hi there,


See the number of thinkers over your comment and their answers, I mean to show their involvement on this subject. Do you still think that it will survive or not? I see many people having the knowledge of Sanatan dharma i dont think they would just keep their knowledge with them and wont put that to proper use, because if they dont than there is no use of them having this knowledge?

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  Sephiroth said:
Haridasdasdas :


5) Read some scriptures. Just one Purana or something, it's all good.


Every primary schools must teach Bhavagad Gita to the children and make it as basic for their belief.


I'm not saying everyone must follow Sri Krishna and discard Ishta Dewas. I merely saying that Bhavagad Gita is a good starting point for everyone to start in become Hindusm. From there, they could choose who their Ishta Dewas could be and continue to become Hindus from that points onwards.


I am really sorry sir to cut your view, please I beg pardon of yours but clear me one thing were you not born as hindu? were you required to read some purana or Bhagawad Gita to become a Hindu or a Sanatani? I'm so sorry to ask this so stupid of me but a thought passed by.

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No one born as a Hindu, it is how One lives his Life which will determine whether One is Hindu or not.


Gokulnath may disagree with me. I care not. For all I know, he could just be a Muslim or Christian in disguise for they are always in fear that Hindus will rise again.


Anyway, I wish you good day, for I will not be entertaining foolish posts. Thank you.

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Sanathana Dharma

Exists since the beginning of time. Unlike other religions it was neither a “religion” which was created and so there is NO WAY it can be destroyed.

This deterioration of morality and denial of the people of Hindustanam to abide by the path of sanathana dharma was CLEARLY predicted in the puranas. This is KAELI YUGA. At this part of time, sanathana dharma is feared with extinction. It can be clearly seen today.

But a True Hindu who considers Hindustanam as his motherland, fatherland and holyland MUST abide by Sanathana Dharma, which in most cases fail as predicted.

As the ABOVE FACT PREDICTED LONG LONG AGO has come true, Then the other prediction of the Golden Age flourishing again and sanathana dharma prevailing will happen in due course. AS SIMPLE AND AS LOGICAL AS THAT. Anyone dare to criticize this?

Nobody told me all this. I learnt it myself. Humans must learn their truth themselves. That is the idea of God. Death is NOT the end. One must not fear Death and fall for the wrath of Kaeli due to ignorance.

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Have a lot of Pathshalas and teach children the basic mantras and also at least the Hindi Script.

The story of the Ramayana and bravery and humility of Hanumatha should be fully taught to the young kids.

Hanumatha is the most perfect example of intolerance to Adharma and at the same time perfect display of intelligence and Humility.

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  Sephiroth said:
No one born as a Hindu, it is how One lives his Life which will determine whether One is Hindu or not.


Gokulnath may disagree with me. I care not. For all I know, he could just be a Muslim or Christian in disguise for they are always in fear that Hindus will rise again.


Anyway, I wish you good day, for I will not be entertaining foolish posts. Thank you.


I'm so sorry if I hurt your sentiments but please be advised I'm a Saryuparin Shukla Brahmin.


Also be advised I was raised in a Hindu Family 'By Birth' and didnt have to read puranas and pothi to become a Hindu. Please dont mix Sabhyata and sanskriti together, they are all together different but co - related. Also please respect other Religions if you are not than you might be hindu by birth but not by Acharan!


And thank you very much for your reply, I really appreciate you being clear and straight. Please dont take me otherwise as I may need your help in solving some of my queries.


Jai Hari

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by Amlesh


Hanumatha is the most perfect example of intolerance to Adharma and at the same time perfect display of intelligence and Humility.


And can you say that anyone in this World today have even 1/100th of devotions which Hanuman had? Nope ... and it is getting worse.


Abortion is a norm cos Sex have become norm.


Drinking alcholol have become norm because wine shops are everywhere and a lot of ppl seems to be drinking. Even in parties, it is norm to drink due to Western influence.


Women do not respect themselves and walk around, showing off their bodies. I'm saying that they should cover it up like Muslims do, I'm stating that showing off their bodies are disrespectable to themselves. Men will not look at them as beautiful, they only look at them as a piece of meat.


Government are more tolerant toward Adharmic situations today than it could 50 years ago. Matter a fact, Muslims would fear Hindus 50 years ago than they could do today.


The lists goes on and on.

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First of all commercialising Hinduism is not at all fair.


I see people try to spread Hinduism all for one purpose - commercial. To make money. I see an ad on the television which sells the pancha mugha anjeneyar to the public. This is absolutely wrong.


Sanaathana Dharma should not be "spread" or forced on anyone. Then it becomes a "Relegion"(like other relegions) and its greatness cannot be realised.


Those who follow Sanaathana Dharma do it for the goodness of their eternal soul.



Hinduism is not a relegion, those who follow Sanathana Dharma do it for their own eternal peaceful way of life.


1. Astrology practiced correctly helps to avoid the miseries in life. Also one can analyse their problems and worship the respective God who can help save them from the evil wrath of fate. This will surely help in one leading a selfless life full of confidence.


2. Yoga when practiced correctly, helps to lead a healthy and peaceful life.



How i perceive the situation today in Kaeli Yuga, people of Hindustan do not realise the concept of eternal soul. The attitude of people is such that they only have one life, all they have to do is enjoy it by any means necessary. With this attitude hardly anyone has even the time to think about God, Paramathma or anything.



Hindustan has been the greatest land in the past and the truth has been greatly suppressed by evil forces of Kaeli Yuga. Simple example is ancient Hindus did know about the planets and the sun. The westeners found it out and established it only in Kaeli Yuga. And they criticize us and called us "barbarians".

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Abortion is a norm cos Sex have become norm.


Drinking alcholol have become norm because wine shops are everywhere and a lot of ppl seems to be drinking. Even in parties, it is norm to drink due to Western influence.


Women do not respect themselves and walk around, showing off their bodies. I'm saying that they should cover it up like Muslims do, I'm stating that showing off their bodies are disrespectable to themselves. Men will not look at them as beautiful, they only look at them as a piece of meat.


Government are more tolerant toward Adharmic situations today than it could 50 years ago. Matter a fact, Muslims would fear Hindus 50 years ago than they could do today.




The laws should me made more stringent against ANY act that tries to wipe out Hinduism.



For example if westeners come here to "convert" Hindus, then a bill must be passed that such people who opt for conversion must leave the country and go along with them. Action must be taken by the government about those spreading false information and doing illegal conversions. This will never pave the way for any scandal like the one occured in Orissa.

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It is not the Laws which should be the only one been implemented. Everyone who calls themselves Hindus should start doing it.


Educating the public about Hindusm is important. This will stop the Conversion process if everyone knows about Hindusm.


Challenging Christians to debate about their own beliefs will bring forth great victory to Hindus. This is because - as I stated before - Hindusm IS THE ONLY belief in this World capable of supporting today's Science. Hindusm have already spoke about Big Bang theory, Evolution and so many more. This could provide a good basics to use against other religious followers when they try to convert Hindus.


And finally, the Government itself must be forced to implement laws which will benefict everyone - like closing down wine shops, discos, pubs, gambling dens, prostitute dens and so much more.


And finally, please do something about the Caste problem. You could start by forcing the Government to start a Law stating NO POLITICIAN allowed to talk about Caste or use Caste-related issues in their Politic seminars. Doing so will force them out of the Elections or bar them from further elections. I assure you, half your caste problems in India will be solved. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, I will keep thing like that.


I think that you do not understand the meaning of what I hav written.


I do not blame you. Maybe you are not a Hindu.


Your image is the Jewish tree of Life from the Kabbalah and your username "Sephiroth" is also associated with Kabbalah. I think that is very difficult for a non-Hindu to understand the 3 sentences that I have written.


It does not matter if Muslims, or Christians or Jews converts Hindus.


We are all GOD !


And we have the same religion : LOVE !


And we have the same destiny : FULLFILLMENT !


THat is my message to you.

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