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Happy Xmas (War is Starting) 12/26/2008

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Happy Xmas (War is Starting*) 12/26/2008



ISLAMABAD — Pakistan has begun moving some troops away from its western border with Afghanistan and has stopped many soldiers from going on leave amid rising tensions with India, Pakistani officials said Friday.


The move is likely to frustrate the United States, which has been pressing Pakistan to battle militants in its lawless northwest territories and working hard to cool tempers in the two nuclear-armed nations following the terrorist attacks last month in Mumbai that left 171 dead.


Sounds like it could be another false alarm -- these two countries have had several in recent years -- and let's hope so. War is always senseless on one level or another, but what anyone would expect to gain in a war involving these two nuclear powers is baffling, other than appeasing various militant factions in their own countries.


This story also shows that dealing with weakened Pakistan is a bad situation for our efforts to do anything about al-Qaeda and related terrorism on their Afghan border.


(* Another early 1970s music reference to annoy my non-Baby Boomer readers.)by Will Bunch

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That is what the global elite have planned. I can't stand the aholes running the government but humans are a bunch of dumb herding animals and like any herding animal they need to be thinned out before they genetically begin to retard themselves to such an extent it becomes an abomination.


In the war I hope all the atheistic technocrat control freak government officials and the stupified hordes of useful idiots that protect them die off or repent and God protects His devotees so when it is all said and done the people left standing are a spiritual people and they will return to Vedic monarchies with cow protection etc.

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I'm sure that the "smart bombs" are not smart enough to discriminate between atheists and spiritualists. Although we'd all like to see a Vedic society on earth, it will happen only on a small scale in localized areas, not world-wide. Ultimately, our only hope is in full surrender, purification and taking shelter completely of the Holy Names, regardless of what happens to our physical body.


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If, unfortunately the bombs really drop, en masse, the next stage won't be Vedic; it will unfortunately, in many areas, degenerate to thuggery and thievery, as the remaining survivors, those who weren't directly hit in the blasts and those who somehow didn't die from radiation poisoning, begin to fight over what scraps of food remain during the nuclear winter. As I always have hope, we can only hope that humans will eventually be able to restart grain production, and that some sincere ones will see the need for spiritual life. As Prabhupad said, there will be preaching before, during and after the war. Hare Krishna.

jeffster/AM das

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I'm sure that the "smart bombs" are not smart enough to discriminate between atheists and spiritualists. Although we'd all like to see a Vedic society on earth, it will happen only on a small scale in localized areas, not world-wide. Ultimately, our only hope is in full surrender, purification and taking shelter completely of the Holy Names, regardless of what happens to our physical body.





Nevertheless the massive scale of struggle that is going on worldwide leads me to believe that finally when the whole shithouse goes up in flames the surviving humans will rethink how they allow themselves to be governed but I could be wrong.


The communities that are Krishna Conscious can start having lots and lots of kids and then create a Godly warrior class to defend the Kingdom from the barbarian types instead of living in this democracy of hypocricy where the judges and government administrators plunder the good people and defend the criminals.

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Yes, government should be righteous, but I couldn't agree with you more that present so-called administrators are really plundering the people through exorbitant taxation and misusing the money for whatever purpose suits them. Then again, who put these people in office in the first place ? Its just cheaters and cheated.


Some western Vaishnavas still stick to the model Prabhupad set up - book distribution - and still want to build temples in major metropolitan areas. Nothing wrong with distributing Prabhupad's books, but they had better begin to cover their bases in case of a worst-case scenario. They should begin immediately to set-up rural ashrams with an agrarian economic basis, just for survival purposes. Perhaps their gurus should man the plows for a while to set a good example. The tide of ignorance, sinfulness and hate seems to be slowly, but steadily building up. If it rises to fever-pitch, how is it relieved ? Through war. We'd like to relieve the pressure through KC, but it may be too little too late. I certainly hope nuclear war doesn't happen because so many will suffer and it will likely ruin my whole day, but it seems to be coming closer...

Regards, jeffster/AMdas

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I agree completely with setting rural ashrams and agrarian economic basis. The cities are toast in one way or another it is just a matter of time but I could be wrong. My hope instead of nuclear war would be that the youth wake up to the corporate controlled lives they are being lead into slaughter by and just start tearing down all the corporate buildings etc. in the cities. Tear down the sports stadiums and I even used to love sports but I would love to see all that crap come crumbling down.

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But corporate America has given the youth text-messaging and they're hooked on this type of sense grat. Everything is Krishna's energy, we just need to dove-tail it, not tear it down. Even Prabhupad played soccer as a youth, yes? I have hope for the future. We don't want to be political radicals or anarchists in the old-school sense, we want to make a positive contribution through adding Krishna consiousness and being as exemplary as possible in our own conduct, even if we're still sometimes faulty. Actions be louder than words.


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Corporations are an offshoot of the military industrial complex and are almost exclusively built around cow slaughter and exploitation of the masses. You just cannot put lipstick on that pig and turn her into a beauty queen in my opinion but whatever floats your boat. Playing soccer as a youth is different than government exploiting the taxpayers to build sports coloseums and selling hotdogs to the masses.



The continued evolution of the corporate state is going to be eugenics etc. and all sort of Orwellian nightmares. I don't think it will get past a certain point however when it will all collapse by its own weight so it is not a matter of radicalism or anarchy but simply karma but I could be wrong.

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I would have to agree that modern corporations, capitalists, are based on greed, without concern for the higher welfare of anyone. Their multinational profits are their motivation. But they are Vaishyas, how could we expect much of them ? Yes, and currently the military is mainly pawns in the hands of government leaders, who are corrupted, and often have economic links to the corporations. Their only interests are power and control. It will be interesting to see what Krishna has in store for us. Since I don't know, I will attempt to refrain from speculation. Hare Krishna.


It will be interesting to see what Krishna has in store for us.

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