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dera devotees if you put them all together, imagine the weight , but if you could say what it is , is it not just us ,as all trying to say what is impossible , i don't read books i look for verse that applies to my dis ease until ease shows ,this mind body soul knows it all when revealed , if your a scholar ,then great , verse to chant personnel, if your as me , i like to travel light ,and dance the dance as my self as soul as the dance leaps out of my soul to mind and body found , a beautiful sound vibrational soul HARI HARI , one perpetual moment to be found as you , then you know , all is hari hari , including you , one ,same , different , all at the same time , the book is us the book is nature , the words only discripsions of the same , you and all , love love love , the only goal , look in the book of all and you,jai prabhupada jai rahda jai krishna

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