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What is the Cosmic Organism up to (of which we are a part)? If we hold to the hope of a cosmic evolution, then the future really does look good. Sages throughout the ages have glimpsed our potential. Some even glorified the concept of 'personality' to a high degree. Could it be that we really are One? And that, it is not an impersonal affair? Instead living, breathing, growing together?


In time each part of the whole may arise to a new vision. Fully integrated and definately inter-connected! All things are inter-connected! We can see it?


The vision of a Cosmic Christ, or, Krsna consciousness and Goloka as the destiny? These possibilities await us (unlimited potential and variety)! Live it! Breathe it! We are One! It is diverse! It is yours to choose - make it!


'persons are individuals who transcend their merely organic individuality in conscious participation'.


Come along now - all these wars and violence, separated sectarian affairs - is not it! The Truth is it...And the Truth is ever-new, and always moving forward...


It is our destiny. We are One Person! We are parts that love It! We are conscious...

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<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td style="border: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); padding-left: 3ex; padding-right: 3ex;" bgcolor="#e0e0e0"> Originally Posted by bija

I am beginning to wonder. What role does religion play in the coming age...

</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

Great topic bija! Start a thread!

by narasingh


already have... ...one...


...it has very little to do with gaza strip...or maybe it does.


general ramblings ofcourse.


'persons are individuals who transcend their merely organic individuality in conscious participation'.

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Narasingh, I feel religion needs to play a part (and has validity) for one reason. There is a wealth and heritage that is profound within it. But the religion is dead unless we consciously understand...


...that understanding as you know, is an ongoing process...and active participation.


I feel personally an intuition to go deeper into unity and destiny (and to relish this gift of life - rather than abhor creation)...and religion can be a vehicle for that deep appreciation (gratitude). ...Unless we choose otherwise ofcourse (and utilize diversity for division).



But! If the religion or group stagnates conscious growth and limits (the individual), and creates divide...then personally I see no further use for those limits, which do not promote conscious-active-spiritual-love. Rather than reject (limits), the individual can integrate grace (within One's development)...and keep moving. Inertia is a symptom of ignorance. Whereas the search for inner truth is progressive and ever-new...


Wherever truth is, there we must go... srila br sridhara goswami

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  • 2 weeks later...


Narasingh, I feel religion needs to play a part (and has validity) for one reason. There is a wealth and heritage that is profound within it. But the religion is dead unless we consciously understand...


...that understanding as you know, is an ongoing process...and active participation.


I feel personally an intuition to go deeper into unity and destiny (and to relish this gift of life - rather than abhor creation)...and religion can be a vehicle for that deep appreciation (gratitude). ...Unless we choose otherwise of course (and utilize diversity for division).



But! If the religion or group stagnates conscious growth and limits (the individual), and creates divide...then personally I see no further use for those limits, which do not promote conscious-active-spiritual-love. Rather than reject (limits), the individual can integrate grace (within One's development)...and keep moving. Inertia is a symptom of ignorance. Whereas the search for inner truth is progressive and ever-new...

Bija, I believe religion is going to have to play a "back-seat" role in world society. Conscious awareness (as the Vedanta encourages) will have to play the "front-seat" role. Religion is only as good as its role in developing one's conscious awareness. Oddly, there are some physiologists who support the notion of the development of consciousness in one way or the other, ie. ego-centric (modern-day trend) or universal (vedantic), as this lecture by Jill Bolte Taylor shows (her description of the workings of the left and right brain interactions are controversial yet she does a good job showing how these views are inherently available to any of us, we basically have to just tap into them):





<embed src="http://video.ted.com/assets/player/swf/EmbedPlayer.swf" pluginspace="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" bgcolor="#ffffff" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="vu=http://video.ted.com/talks/embed/JillBolteTaylor_2008-embed_high.flv&su=http://images.ted.com/images/ted/tedindex/embed-posters/JillBolteTaylor-2008.embed_thumbnail.jpg&vw=432&vh=240&ap=0&ti=229" width="446" height="326">







There are many religions which are based solely upon versions of "Genesis" and make bold claims that their prophets have championed God's cause. While there may be elements of truth to this championing there is also the notion of simply claiming to be a member of the group and not endeavoring for the dynamics. Religion really should be the last dish to serve, the first being (not to sound too cliche) to "question authority".



athato brahma jijnasa, (Vedanta)



kamasya nendriya-pritir

labho jiveta yavata

jivasya tattva-jijnasa

nartho yas ceha karmabhih (Bhagavata)


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