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Kaal Sarp Activation my experience..

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Guys, I apologize for making a seperate post, but I felt that sharing this information can lead to a better understanding of Kaal Sarp. I am a knowledgeable Jyotishi, and Numerologist.


BOD: 13 March, 1985

Time: 22:00 pm

Place: Ahmedabad, India

Lagna: 13 Degrees Libra


First off, let me tell something about my life so far....


Usually I have been academically very sound, currently I am an engineer studying for an MBA at a good school in the US. However, my life has been incredibly miserable since June of 1999. I learnt Jyotishi between 2002 and now, and have tried to analyze my life through several ways.



My life has been in 2 parts, prior to 1999 and after. Before that, I was very popular, the best sports player in my school (in all grades) and very academically talented. Most importantly, I was happy, and felt "free".


After June 1999, I became very introverted, and feel suffocated, with no happiness in my life. It is like something is holding me back, and I do not get the kind of success in personal relationships, in studies, or sports, as before. I feel dead - no emotions, no attachment, no happiness. I have a lot of things in life, - great car, good grades, but I feel constrained, restricted, caged in great sadness.


In my Kaal Sarp, Lagna is outside the Rahu-Ketu Axis, and Ketu is situated in Lagna (Libra). In June 1999, Saturn went past 13 degrees Aries (180 Degrees opposite Lagna), and this activated my Kaal Sarpa.


Additionally, I am also a highly fated person - cannot escape my karmic fate. This I can tell through Numerology. I am born on 13 = 4 (Rahu), at 13 Degrees Libra (4 = Rahu) in Swati Nakshatra (Rahu), on Wednesday (Rahu) at 22:00 (4 = Rahu) in the night. Anything important in my life happens either on a number 4 (Rahu) or number 8 (Shani) day.


Interestingly, I never felt this before June 1999, and the change was very sudden, and recognizable. Has any one experienced this before?

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i have also been abroad for studies and back. Although with a very poor health, terrible financial loss to father, depression and all because of failure in getting a job after graduation in a foreign land. You can read more about me in my first post named 'rahu mahadasha and hardships'. I am also self taugh and not an expert. Good that you have learned this divine science at such a young age. Doing mba after engineering is very good and god bless you. My analysis of your birth chart:




  1. jupiter in the 4<sup>th</sup> house although neecha should provide you some relief to you against the so called bad effects of kalsarpa yoga etc. you can completely ignore the KSY if you want, upto you to decide.
  2. jupiter in debilitation in the 4<sup>th</sup> house can make you settle abroad permanently. This can cause trouble to your mother and death to your father, but this should be analysed using their own birth chart by an experienced person. Not someone like me at all. 4<sup>th</sup> house is the 8<sup>th</sup> house from the 9<sup>th</sup> house that is why, death to father can be expected but be careful.
  3. Saturn is the most important planet for you as it is functional benefic for libra ascendents. It is with moon in the second house indicating money after a lot of hardwork but in the profession of your choice.
  4. Ascendent lord venus in the 6<sup>th</sup> house should cause you some problems with your employers/bosses, arguments etc. but you keep your head cool and all is well.
  5. Saturn in the 2<sup>nd</sup> house aspects it own sign capricorn in the 4<sup>th</sup> house with the 3<sup>rd</sup> aspect. This is good.
  6. Sun in the 5<sup>th</sup> house in the sign of saturn not good, but it aspects its own sign in the 11<sup>th</sup> house, this is welcome.
  7. You have a very strong (swagruhi) mars in the 7<sup>th</sup> house with rahu. This is a bit tricky. Although both are separated by many degree and not within 6 degree of each other. Mars at 5 and rahu at 27 degrees. 22 degrees apart. But you should be doubly careful before getting married, you know what i mean here.
  8. Your venus seems to be vargottama as it is in the same sign ie pisces both in the birth chart and navamamsha chart. This is good. With hard work and determination you should be able to achieve whatever you want in life.
  9. Your 7<sup>th</sup> lord mars is in the 6<sup>th</sup> house from your 5<sup>th</sup> lord (the lord of love) saturn. And saturn is in the 8<sup>th</sup> house from your 7<sup>th</sup> lord (the lord of marriage) mars. This means be careful with relationships.
  10. Right now your are running saturn antardasha (AD) under venus mahadasha (MD). Venus MD will operate between 09/09/1993 – 09/09/2013. and the current saturn AD will operate between 11/07/2006-09/09/2009.
  11. venus is your ascendent lord and the most important planet in the chart, so this is the time to make big decisions and work toward fulfilling your ambitions. This is really a good dasha. Do not worry about the troubles that come in between.
  12. Right now you are running Ven/Sat/Rah as your MD/AD/PD ie mahadasha, antardasha and pratyantardasha.
  13. Venus is in the star/nakshtra of mercury your 3<sup>rd</sup> and 9<sup>th</sup> lord situated in the 6<sup>th</sup> house (the house of disease, enemies etc.)
  14. Saturn is in the star/nakshtra of saturn itself and it is your 4<sup>th</sup> and 5<sup>th</sup> lord situated in the 2<sup>nd</sup> house (the house of income, family etc.)
  15. Rahu is in the star/nakshtra of sun your 11<sup>th</sup> lord situated in the 5<sup>th</sup> house (the house of love, studies etc.)
  16. Points number 12 to 15 are based on my recent attmpts at learning the KP ie Krishnamurti Padhdhati, the most reliable method to know the timings of a particular even in life. I am still reading about it and hardly gone beyond the basics, but it looks to me that you should be careful with your tounge and not cone into any kind of argument with your boss/girlfriend/family. You need to be careful with your own health as well.
  17. I politely request that you learn KP system so that it can benefit you in the long run along with your current knowledge of classic astrology. As per the KP system plants during their MD/AD/PD give the results of the lords of nakshtra/stars they are situated in the birth chart.


Thanks a lot for your time and do reply with your thoughts.




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Please feel free to say what ever you feel. I will not get offended but will feel happy, if the thread provokes interest :)

Based on my personal experience, Mars (2nd and 7th lord), Mercury (9th and 12th lord) are strongest, and Moon (10th lord) is weakest. However, I got a job soon after graduating in engineering (good job), and am currently working as an Assistant with full scholarship in MBA.


However, my problems are not financial, academic or professional in nature.

I have good things in life, but feel confined, introverted, disinterested in making friends, going out, etc.

They are of a complex nature, -> unhappiness, feeling restricted, not achieving my potential, disinterested in life.

And this feeling was not there before. It started only after June 1999, exactly when Saturn crossed 180 degrees from Lagna. I know it is Kaal Sarpa, because I feel dead emotionally.

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Dear Kingpin,


You have obviously convinced yourself about all this occuring to you due to KSY etc so there is no point in trying to convince you otherwise.


Have you noticed a worsening of this 'deadpan' feeling as I believe it is called, even more so since 3rd week of September, 2000 and increasing again since early December 2008? The last few days of December (~ 27th onwards) were unpleasant. Is your mother or someone in her family unwell or experiencing some other difficulty?

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Thank you for your reply. I am glad someone decided to help me.


My worst period in life were between 2000 and 2003 when Saturn and Rahu were both in 8th from Lagna (Gochar), and 7th from Moon and Saturn.


No, I have not noticed anything bad since Dec 2008. I have researched my life (Astrologically), and can reconfirm that it began when Saturn crossed the opposite point of Lagna. My mother is well, and I get along well with both my parents.



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Guys, I apologize for making a seperate post, but I felt that sharing this information can lead to a better understanding of Kaal Sarp. I am a knowledgeable Jyotishi, and Numerologist.


BOD: 13 March, 1985

Time: 22:00 pm

Place: Ahmedabad, India

Lagna: 13 Degrees Libra


First off, let me tell something about my life so far....


Usually I have been academically very sound, currently I am an engineer studying for an MBA at a good school in the US. However, my life has been incredibly miserable since June of 1999. I learnt Jyotishi between 2002 and now, and have tried to analyze my life through several ways.



My life has been in 2 parts, prior to 1999 and after. Before that, I was very popular, the best sports player in my school (in all grades) and very academically talented. Most importantly, I was happy, and felt "free".


After June 1999, I became very introverted, and feel suffocated, with no happiness in my life. It is like something is holding me back, and I do not get the kind of success in personal relationships, in studies, or sports, as before. I feel dead - no emotions, no attachment, no happiness. I have a lot of things in life, - great car, good grades, but I feel constrained, restricted, caged in great sadness.


In my Kaal Sarp, Lagna is outside the Rahu-Ketu Axis, and Ketu is situated in Lagna (Libra). In June 1999, Saturn went past 13 degrees Aries (180 Degrees opposite Lagna), and this activated my Kaal Sarpa.


Additionally, I am also a highly fated person - cannot escape my karmic fate. This I can tell through Numerology. I am born on 13 = 4 (Rahu), at 13 Degrees Libra (4 = Rahu) in Swati Nakshatra (Rahu), on Wednesday (Rahu) at 22:00 (4 = Rahu) in the night. Anything important in my life happens either on a number 4 (Rahu) or number 8 (Shani) day.


Interestingly, I never felt this before June 1999, and the change was very sudden, and recognizable. Has any one experienced this before?




I would suggest to go through an article recently posted by Sri Sandhu Ji on Kal Sarpa Yoga. In my opinion, you do not have this Yoga but rather than Kal Amrit Yoga. You have to make best use of it. For your problems, there are several other reasons rather than Kal Sarpa Yoga that is even not present in my view. A mere combination of Saturn and Moon in your chart is enough to give you unhappiness from time to time. The major period of Lagna lord Venus is running although it is exalted in 6<SUP>th</SUP> still it makes it weak. It is also lord of 8<SUP>th</SUP> house (in 6<SUP>th</SUP>, good but in practice one can not escape the nature of 8<SUP>th</SUP> house lord ship). It does not matter how good planets may be in the horoscope, in this chart, you may have to go through different experiences than most of other people to understand the meaning of life. Your life term was not natural in the previous life and thus may have to go through it to balance the karmic energy. I can discuss several factors plus or minus but in short I would like to suggest start learning of deep meditation (if you have already not started) not he concentration that many people teach and practice. You will find the reason that you are looking for. Life is not that simple as it looks. Fasting on Full Moon and on Amavsya days, donating clothes, umbrella, food, shoes (not leather) to needy people may add to restore some of the happiness. It is essential that you are vegetarian if not already so. Worshiping goddess Laxmi (not for wealth but she takes care of several other parts of life as well) may be extremely helpful to you.



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