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I want a playful Krsna

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Sripad BV Vana Maharaja:



Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

These 16 names are all that is required to deliver one from the darkness of ignorance and situate him or her on the highest platform of God-realisation. Krsna is not an Indian God, or the head of the "Hindu" religion. "Hare" is the vocative or spoken word used to address the supreme Lord "Hari." Krsna is an address we use for the Lord, asking him to please deliver us from the maya of material existence. And when we say "Rama" we are requesting the Lord to please sport with us. We humbly request every one to take this sublime procces of bhakti-yoga and become truely happy in this life.

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:burn:& tests if the Brahmastra He and I experimented works on the Gaza strip.

:sleep: So I won`t get drowsy & sleep while on graveyard duty

:bounce: & use me as His official basketball.

:kick: `coz I want to let Him enjoy play the game with me " Hey! ..is that a bird or superman?"

:outta: & watch Him outrun the 100m dash( Krsna`s the fastest runner)

:argue: `coz I hate this.

:popcorn: & let me watch Him steal the Gopi`s clothes as they bathe in the Yamuna river.


...To be continued

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