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I am shunned by those around me for believing

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After a four day fast I completely liberated my from prescription meds, the occasional drink, and the frequent negative attitude toward others. I have renunciated many things but there is still a lot of unwanted energy around me. There is no escaping it. People I live with are damaging and unsupportive. I get a lot of "You have completely changed!" to "You're not gonna start doing that now, are you?". If I had my own home I would get rid of the TV, meditate when ever and where ever I wanted, listem to mello ambiant music, eat in moderation, and talk about positive things.


What can I do? The pendulum swings from one extreme to to other if I resume my present spiritual status with the negative energy aound me. Any suggestion?

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After a four day fast I completely liberated my from prescription meds, the occasional drink, and the frequent negative attitude toward others. I have renunciated many things but there is still a lot of unwanted energy around me. There is no escaping it. People I live with are damaging and unsupportive. I get a lot of "You have completely changed!" to "You're not gonna start doing that now, are you?". If I had my own home I would get rid of the TV, meditate when ever and where ever I wanted, listem to mello ambiant music, eat in moderation, and talk about positive things.


What can I do? The pendulum swings from one extreme to to other if I resume my present spiritual status with the negative energy aound me. Any suggestion?


It's a common problem. I was living with my parents as a teenager when I changed from a druged out meat eating hippy to a vegetarian God seeker and finally ending up shaving my head and chanting Hare Krishna. My poor parents couldn't figure out which was worse :D and living with them was hell.



This is old karma we have to work through. You will need to develop friendships with those that inspire you to God consciousness and not act as stumbling blocks to your progress.




It's hard but there is really no choice. Spiritual life is a life or death thing. First duty is to save yourself then you can save some of your old friends and family.

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That is exactly what I have been doing. Back in '90 I was greatly involved in asanas. I would beditate about 45 minutes at a time and was deeply devoted. I lost my self and came spiraling down in december. Now I have picked up where I left off with ease aside from the people around me. They are carp, question, and are full of negative energy that has cuased much stress to my life. So yes. . . I keep to myself . . .but my change in life has done a complete 180. My old ego-centric self has been released but the norms of external life has not. I might have a new car engine but the body is the same and the garage I park it in is cluttered--mostly non of my stuff. I cannot renunciate without causing stress for others.

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They say we shed the false-ego (ahankara) like a snake sheds its skin.


If we keep our focus on God as best we can, then eventually we rise above the rubble of the demolished mundane life.


The process is painless - attachments in our way drop off naturally without anguish. Just let God work His magic.

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I might have a new car engine but the body is the same and the garage I park it in is cluttered--mostly non of my stuff.
Yes, and the best way to keep your new engine in good condition is by regular maintenance, which would mean to...


Do something for others on regular basis. Service is the essence of life.
keep our focus on God
Just let God work His magic.
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Great advice. The path I am on has beautiful roses, Fruit barring trees, And amazing creatures. At the same time those roses have thorns, those creature are wild animals, and some of the fruits are poisonous.


I have been married for 12 years and I have a son that has mental health issues and an excepionaly high IQ. My wife is non supportive or is focused on worldly objects.

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And if you see your surroundings through a lens which is focused on God you may see your environment in a different light. Compassion, tolerance, truthfulness, and cleanliness are important aspects to our life which help produce a steady focus. We must incorporate them in order to fulfill ourselves.

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