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is it my shukra or bad yogas like guruchandal and kalsarp yog o is my time really bad

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My name is Ravi kanth, following are my details

DOB: 7th january 1980

Time of birth: 17:53 or 5:53 PM

Place of birth: pune


I know everyone has upturns and downturns in life, however my case I don't know exactly looks like a roller coaster ride. My problem is with money it seems that it never wants to stay with me. till now i have been earning a decent sum of money with a year on year growth from past few years but still I have some or other expenses that came in my way may be because of luxury living or buying useful but unnecessary things such as an expensive mobile phone with loads of features that I dont use much often. My another problem is with stability in job I never stayed in a company for an year, sometimes it was for good salary sometimes because of job satisfaction, I have been recently laid off from my company because of worldwide credit crunch and lack of projects for us, this was the company where I wanted to stay for more than 2 years. I got married last year, mine is a love marriage. Many people opposed for it most of the astrologers told me not to marry a girl of my choice few even said me and my wife have nadi dosh and rest are just ok kind, but still I married her and with gods grace she is now carrying. her details

DOB: 13 august 1978, time: 1:43 Am, place: Jamshedpur.


I basically want to know how is my shukra placed and what all do I need to do for a stable job. Till now life was smooth I am not searching for another job for the timebeing. Offlately I have also become introvert, at times I believe and think as if I can do everything, I have best of education that one can get with high qualifications but still money doesnt stay with me no matter how much I earn, and that makes me sick and I loose my courage and fire of belief of doing everything.

Please help!

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