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MAYAVADIS,hear hear.

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Their concept of oneness is rice=every other grain. Wheat is the ego. We goofs think it is wheat. Once Wheat vanishes you will discover that it was originally rice. It was only because of your foolishness you were thinking it was wheat, barley, oats, maida, etc. Once their stupidity evaporates and they obtain realization they will find that they cannot even put a certain attribute such as weight, width etc. to the rice (because it is nirguna). Whats even worse is they do not even call it 'rice' after their pigheadedness dissolves because they cannot even describe what it is. So they spin it up as anirvachInIya (cannot express THAT).

In order to explain this unreasonable philosophy they take support of quackery and cloak it in analogies (rice is not wheat but 3 kgs is the common factor), or develop illogical 'scientific models', or use word jugglery such as real-unreal, etc


My apologies for crashing the Mayavada bashing party.


But sadly this post makes you the pig and not the advaitins. The simple reason is Advaita does not equate a with b and c, as you have incorrectly assumed it does.


If you disagree (that you are the pig), then please furnish some evidence that advaita equates everything with everything else. I wil immediately take back my statement. But I recall, you had attempted a similar campaign before on this forum and like all other bashers here, vanished when asked for evidence. But who knows? Maybe you have learnt a thing or two since then and I am perfectly fine with giving you the benefit of doubt.


And just out of curiosity, have you taken your extraordinarily high level of clarity on Mayavada to the Advaita forum ever? You know, to expose their pigheadedness, as you put it. Or are you too chicken, just like your distingushed Hare Krishna colleague and peer, Ranjeet?



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I asked,



But sadly this post makes you the pig and not the advaitins. The simple reason is Advaita does not equate a with b and c, as you have incorrectly assumed it does.


If you disagree (that you are the pig), then please furnish some evidence that advaita equates everything with everything else. I wil immediately take back my statement.


And the response (as expected) is



kaisersose, you sound like my brother. Ahh! I remember now you were the one who got lost in the gutter when you were sucking your thumb arent you ;)


Take it easy brother, keep oinking, and enjoy your lunch in the sewer :cool:


I said



But I recall, you had attempted a similar campaign before on this forum and like all other bashers here, vanished when asked for evidence. But who knows? Maybe you have learnt a thing or two since then and I am perfectly fine with giving you the benefit of doubt.


And it appears nothing has changed since the last time. Not a single line has been read on Advaita and with not a shred of evidence to support their allegations, these wannabe Mayavada defeaters continue their tirade hoping no one will see through the charade.


Case closed? Somehow I doubt it.



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You asked,


I responded, and


if you still did not get the hint, :rolleyes:


let me make it easy for ya and write that


its a waste of time having any sensible discussion on your posts


you are a loose cannon in this forum


a mischievous post like yours deserves a michievous response ;)



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