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Tantra Film

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The name of this film is

'TANTRA - mystery, myth, magic'


This is a very dramatic 48 minute documentary and it takes a deep journey into various Tantric traditions of India. Any one who watches this film can clearly see how so many different religious practices have roots in the Indian subcontinent. Of special interest to me was an African Shaman who was a devotee of Shiva/Shakti and spoke with great erudition during his pilgrimage to the Kumbh Mela religious festival (these festivals are the largest known gatherings of human beings).


The video requires that you do a quick download of what is known as a Babelgum player (which is in Beta stage). It is worth it since it allows you to see full screen clips of independent films at resolution impossible through sites such as YouTube.


film description: "Tantra is an early Indian practice and is deeply rooted in the religions of India. The Tantric practitioners need the mystical experience and the guidance of a Tantric Master who possesses various tools like yoga and other techniques which are nothing short of "mind over matter" and beyond human comprehension. The Tantra exists in Shaiva, Vaishnava, Ganapataye and Shakta forms. The films deals with the concept of Tantra and how it has evolved and changed in the Indian scenario."



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the scene where the pot gets hot and smokes is also on you-tu

be. the you-tube video shows the trick.


There seems to be stagecraft mixed with hypnotism mixed with things which defy explanation. For instance, the story of the doctor with the boils on his head sounds credible. While in Kerala I had many serious experiences that I cannot explain. These were things I was going through personally - there was no Tantric who told me what was going to happen to me (which would have created a mental influence). Also these things happened right out of the blue - no one told me to expect them or say anything like

"watch out for _____ while you are in Kerala" and so I don't suspect a psychological cause.


Of course that doesn't mean that there isn't a lot of BS that passes for metaphysics - there is. IMO there is genuine metaphysics going on in India as well as BS and sometimes a combination of the two. I think those who simplistically see things one way or the other are not perceiving things aright.

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Nice movie, but its diffrent to mo to comprehend a movie where the laws of nature is broken all the time, like the idol drinking alkohol and the spirits physically taking the offerings. How much is real?
i dont think theese thing are hard to comprehend, i rememebr years ago when all theese murtis use to drink milk, somepeople thought it was fake but it was very much so real, i even tried it on religious pics at home and they to drank milk............
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There seems to be stagecraft mixed with hypnotism mixed with things which defy explanation. For instance, the story of the doctor with the boils on his head sounds credible. While in Kerala I had many serious experiences that I cannot explain. These were things I was going through personally - there was no Tantric who told me what was going to happen to me (which would have created a mental influence). Also these things happened right out of the blue - no one told me to expect them or say anything like

"watch out for _____ while you are in Kerala" and so I don't suspect a psychological cause.


Of course that doesn't mean that there isn't a lot of BS that passes for metaphysics - there is. IMO there is genuine metaphysics going on in India as well as BS and sometimes a combination of the two. I think those who simplistically see things one way or the other are not perceiving things aright.


yeah, i was thinking similar to you.

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