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MillionFace.com: When chanting God will definitely appear before you one day

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January 27, 2009



Foods for mind, mantra chanting and peace of mind



Category: Religion — Prem Baveja —



“If you perform Maha Mantra Kirtan incessantly God will definitely appear before you one day.”

In this Kali Yuga, we do mistakes with or without our knowledge. Though I chant the Maha Mantra, having committed so many mistakes in my daily life, I feel ashamed to stand before God and seek for his blessings the next time. What should I do?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

It is a common for everybody in this world to commit mistakes. Especially the current yuga is notorious enough to compel you to commit mistakes. At the same time, this is not to encourage you to commit mistakes. It is not a grave sin as long as the mistakes are because of the fact that you are unable to control your senses. Chant the Maha Mantra without the feeling of guilt. As you chant it continuously, it will slowly bring a transformation in you even without your knowledge.



A person’s bad temper is reflected in his words – he throws tantrums. Likewise, God’s anger is reflected as the natural calamities – drought, flood, earthquake and so on.

If we know the cause of the person’s anger, it is easy to pacify him. Likewise, to pacify God, all that is needed of us is Mahamantra Kirtan.”

If life is a series of experiences based on our karma, where is the doer ship for anybody?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

That is true. It is ideal not to have the sense of doership at all. However we forget this very fact due to the veil of Maya and we tend to attach the sense of ownership to each and every act and each and every thing in our life, every moment of our life. That is the reason for all the sufferings. The true realization and experience of this fact will dawn only by the grace of God, which can be invoked easily through chanting the Mahamantra.


“As wind removes the cloud, so the Name of God destroys the cloud of worldliness”


What is ‘Pirtru Dosha’? If one does not perform Pitru Karmas to his ancestors, how can it be compensated? How are such sins atoned?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

If one fails to remember and honor properly the ancestors of his family, he is subjected to sins. This is ‘Pitru Dosha’. In the current age, it is difficult to perform Pitru Karmas as prescribed in the Shastras. The easiest compensation and atonement to such accrued sins is the Chanting of Maha Mantra for two hours on their death anniversary and feeding the poor.


“By uttering the word Vishnu or doing Sri Vishnu Nama Sankirtan one attains the highest state and there is no iota of doubt about this even if he/she does not follow any basic principles (dharmas) as given in Vedas/Smritis and always indulges in doing sins.”


Do we have to educate people better in order to know more about the Lord? Does not education play a vital role in knowing the Absolute Truth?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

Education will help in developing the intellectual faculties in an individual. Intellect is good. But it is not enough. It is not at all possible to realize the Lord using your intellect. When the intellect tries harder and harder to find the Absolute Truth, and eventually gets tired and gives up, it is then that Lord Sri Krishna appears there.


“The saints who had knowledge of the truth and were men of perception, prescribed singing of the glories for Lord Vasudeva in the various Shastras, as the only remedy for the maladies of Kali. Due to the evil tendencies of Kali even the scholars consider the recitation of the glory of the Divine Names as mere rhetoric and they lead an ostentatious life.”


Long back, we unknowingly aborted a month-old baby. Later we realized that it was a utter bad decision. From that day we are feeling guilty conscious. Please help us.

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

If you have done something unknowingly, and you also sincerely feel for it, then you can rest assured that the Lord has forgiven you. You don’t need to worry.

If, you still fear that you will bear sins, the sooner you chant the Maha Mantra, all your sins will be wiped out. There is nothing to worry about it. I will vouch for it.


“Occasions like house warming, engagement and marriage can be performed with just Nama Kirtan. No other ritual is necessary. We assure you that you will not incur God’s displeasure because you have foregone rituals. ”



Who succeeds in life?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

The one who loves life succeeds in life.


What is the surest way to know the Creator’s purpose for my role having been born as a human being?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

You have now started thinking ‘What is the purpose of my Creation.’ That is the very purpose of Lord’s Creation.


What is the purpose of life?

Sri Sri Swamiji:

The true purpose of life is to realize the Supreme Self.


Every birth has a purpose, how do I discover that purpose apart from the liberation of life. Kindly explain.

Sri Sri Swamiji:

Whatever you are doing right now will automatically take you to the very purpose of life. You need not set out to explicitly find that.


Why is human life so painful? Is it because of Kali Yuga or because of our Karma?

Sri Sri Swamiji:

When a child is ill, the mother gives medicines to it. The child initially refuses to take the medicine owing to its bitterness. For a moment, the mother diverts the attention of the child through some play. Then again, the mother tries to feed the medicine. The mother will continue to do so, without giving up, until the child takes the medicine completely, wouldn’t she?

In the same way, God gives us sufferings to realize that the state that you live in is not your true state. When the sufferings become unbearable, he distracts you by giving you a sigh of relief. However it continues to trouble you and will not leave you until you realize your true nature which is the Self. The simplest way towards this goal is by chanting the Mahamantra


Who is God? Where is God?

Sri Sri Swamiji:

The absolute pure consciousness is God. He is within you and He is all-pervading; omnipresent. There are no two things in this world. He alone exists and no body else.


Why has God created us?

Sri Sri Swamiji:

God has created us to find answer to that very question


What is the secret of success in life?

Sri Sri Swamiji:

Staunch faith in God and chanting His Eternal Name together is the secret of success.


I want to have a Sadguru - but Who? When? Where? Who should I choose as my Sadguru?

Sri Sri Swamiji:

The human life is said to be the greatest gift of God. In this life, getting the quest for God and the need for a Sadguru is indeed even more rare. When your quest is real, the Lord will automatically bless you with a Sadguru at the right moment. Until then, keep chanting the Mahamantra constantly, taking the Almighty as your Guru. You will soon be blessed with a guru.


Chant the Mahamantra Nama kirtan :

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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