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How to get rid of bad effect of Black Magic

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I am working in US as a software engineer... I have been interested in spirituality from long back (10/12 years)..

I used to do a lot of Pujas / chant Mantras (Ganesh/Shiva/Durga..)..

From last 1 year we were experiencing that some bad things started happeing to our family…

Relationship with my family and in office got abolished… me and my wife started having physical problems……..I lost my job.

We couldn’t figure out, what is happeing……..

Then I called someone in India who is expert in Reikhi healing & AURA scanning…

He scanned the pics of my home & our effected body parts & told us that we were under the bad influence of Black Magic…..

One other Siddh guy told us that my old friend & one guy whom I used to called as a Guru, they did black magic on us & wanted to transfer the marriage problem of his sister. They betrayed us.

We are undergoing with treatments & trying to recover from that bad stage……

I want to know from you guys, is there any way in spirituality, we can make a shield on us to protect from all the evil effects and give a lesson to responsible person………..






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asslam o alkum

friend now i am going to tell you the symptoms of black magic.

if you have any of these symptons then you are also suffering from black magic.

1) if some one sees motion or urine in his dream or see himself in bathroom or with the motion attached to his body, see himself/herself in unhygenic condition.

2) headache.

3) the whole body is in pain.

4) the one wishes or wants to have sex.

5) back-ache or has pain in kidneys

6) smelly fats.

7) feels like the body is on fire.

8) the whole body remains hot and so does the mouth.

9) eyes remain red and feels irritation in eyes.

10) you feel to go to the bathroom after a little while for urine and motion.

11) fast heat beats.

12) diffuculty in breathing and have chest pain.

13) become irritant.

14) face complexion changes and becomes darker day by day. the more worse the magic is the more your complexion will become darker.

15) feel pain in stomach and you will be having diarrhea like stiuation.

16) pimples appear on the face.

17) face becomes terrible no attraction left in the face.

18) feeling anxiety.

19) becomes impatient.

20) you have all the happiness in life but still you don’t feel happy.

21) what ever you eat you feel hungry again in about an hour and a half.

22) you don’t wish to offer prayer and day by day you go away from religion.

23) alwayz you have throat problem and the voice qulaity is also affected.

24) get scared in dreams. sometimes sees snakes, spiders, lizards, and cockroches in dream.

25) you have fear in your heart.

26) feels like some one injecting pins in body.

27) get pain in stomach and feel nausia.

28) become lazy. and sleep for longer durations.

29) you forget where you put things and spend rest of the day in finding. in money transactions give more money.

30) starts hating your self.

different types of magic has different symptions. but the one i wrote before are also present. now this is upon the magician what sort of pain he wants to give to the vicitim. for example if magician wants to make some girl disrespectful in society and wants to make her parents ashamed in society. then he will do that kind of magic that increses her sex apeal and then starts controlling her mind with his magic. he will do such magic that makes her heart willing to do sex. he will make her body hot so that she becomes hot. he will do such magic that makes her stop thinking then do this that she will be away from offering prayers and quran because offering prayers and reciting quran breaks magic.

this is the magic of sex this is mainly done coz of jealousy, in this kind of situation the girls mind stops working the only thought she has in mind is having sex and she doesn’t know what is happening with her she alwayz thinks about this and atlast she does this with someone. this is the magic of sex.

many people said this quran cant break magic and they think only another reverse magic can stop it. if someones magic is not breaking then there must be a reason behind this and that is also not compulsulory that every kind of magic can break only by reciting 4 qul. doctors don’t use same/one medicines to cure different diseses same is in this case we need to find the symptons and then find out what kind of magic has been cast on the victim. different surahs are used to cut different magics each surah has its own uses 4 qul not alwayz cut each type of magic.

remember me in your prayers.

allah hafiz

amel soname


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dear i am giving you black magic types and there solution asslam o alkum

that kind of magic in which the magician made wax vodoo and fabric vodoo or flour dolls and then inject pins in different places of that vodoo doll because of this type of magic the person/victim became a sort of paralized. the magician time to time inject pinis in different parts/places of that vodo doll because of this the person/victim than alwaz remain in great pain in different times of day at different places/parts of his body. the victim alwaz feels like someone is injected pins in his body he is alwas in a constant pain. the bad thing about this magic is that there are no valid visible symptons of this magic in this the victim feels like atonce some posionous insect like scorpico/snake bit/stings him this is so painful that any weak person can start crying because of pain. the victim is in great pain and now if that person go somewhere for treatment the pain increases to its extend that the victim thinks of leaving the treatmemt and thinks mite be this is in his luck to be in pain. for the treatment of such person/victim magician need a great level of patiance and time to procure this, in hustle the victim will be agiain in great pain.

i am here going to tell you the procedure through which you can get rid of this type of magic through quran.

follow these instruction

after fajar prayer sit while facing toward khana kaba/kibla kept with your self fresh water and 7 fresh leaves of bare; recite any darood pak that you know well 707 times, surah fateha with bismillah herraham neraheem (each time) 41 times and last 2 verses of surah bakara verse no 284-285



آمَنَ الرَّسُولُ بِمَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْهِ مِن رَّبِّهِ وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ ۚ كُلٌّ آمَنَ بِاللَّهِ وَمَلَائِكَتِهِ وَكُتُبِهِ وَرُسُلِهِ لَا نُفَرِّقُ بَيْنَ أَحَدٍ مِّن رُّسُلِهِ ۚ وَقَالُوا سَمِعْنَا وَأَطَعْنَا ۖ غُفْرَانَكَ رَبَّنَا وَإِلَيْكَ الْمَصِيرُ ﴿٢٨٥﴾ لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا ۚ لَهَا مَا كَسَبَتْ وَعَلَيْهَا مَا اكْتَسَبَتْ ۗ رَبَّنَا لَا تُؤَاخِذْنَا إِن نَّسِينَا أَوْ أَخْطَأْنَا ۚ رَبَّنَا وَلَا تَحْمِلْ عَلَيْنَا إِصْرًا كَمَا حَمَلْتَهُ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِنَا ۚ رَبَّنَا وَلَا تُحَمِّلْنَا مَا لَا طَاقَةَ لَنَا بِهِ ۖ وَاعْفُ عَنَّا وَاغْفِرْ لَنَا وَارْحَمْنَا ۚ أَنتَ مَوْلَانَا فَانصُرْنَا عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْكَافِرِينَ ﴿٢٨٦﴾


surah falak 41 time , surah kaferon 41 times; surah ikhlas 41 times; surah nas 41 times; recite this over water and bare leaves. now boil small quanity of this recited water separately and the rest of water boil with the bare leaves and take shower/bath with this water. now after doing bath wth this water recite (dam) ayat-ul-kursi and 4 qull on your self. by the grace of allah tallah in 21 day or if not than in 40 days you will be able to finally get rid of this type of magic for ever.

remember me in your prayers

amel soname


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If someone is suffering from “black magic” or some amel or magician has told him so, or he has been told about it in his dream, so he should do as follows:



This spell is to be performed by the victim of the magic himself.

First of all, recite darood 3 times, and then recite sura-e-yasin’s following verses, i.e., 8 to 9.

إِنَّا جَعَلْنَا فِي أَعْنَاقِهِمْ أَغْلَالًا فَهِيَ إِلَى الْأَذْقَانِ فَهُم مُّقْمَحُونَ ﴿٨﴾

وَجَعَلْنَا مِن بَيْنِ أَيْدِيهِمْ سَدًّا وَمِنْ خَلْفِهِمْ سَدًّا فَأَغْشَيْنَاهُمْ فَهُمْ لَا يُبْصِرُونَ ﴿٩﴾

Recite them 41 times and in the end recite darood 3 times, and then blow it on your hands and then rub your hands over your whole body. Inshallah you will be cured in 11 days. This process is to be performed after “Fajir” prayer, for 11 days, continuously. If there is a break in the process, then do it after “zuhar” prayer.


Remember me in your prayers.




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some people specially go to magician and ask him specially to made this spell happen on hid/her love one. men women both are inculded in this; they do such kind of hex on the whom they love and they want the other person also love them but they mite not know the severe pain in which the other person is in. i forbade all of you who gotta do or thinking of doing this hex on the other person. there are many sideeffects of this type of hex, to take control on others mind and to nab him in ur love. one need to do so many different types oh hexs on that person as a result of which the person became manaic and dotter such avictim looses his sences, every moment the victim thinks about the infestor (the one responsible for doing the hex) there are many harms of this type of magic. the magician ask for the victims used clothes then he takes few threads out of these used clothes and read some magic verses on these clothes and then makes knots in these threads and give thses threads to them (who take this decision to make this hex happen) and ask/order them to throw these thread in depopulated/bleak area or he give some recited eatable thing (that got blood and offscouring grains init) and order the people to includr this in victims food. while this whole magic is happening the victim is in great pain his hands and foot became numb, he got severe chest pain or headach specially on that time when this magic starts or at that time when he eat the magically reciated thing. he may get severe pain in his stomach and aslo vomatic and nosia. i am here wirting the metod that will help you diffract this type of magic through quran. only muslims are allowed to follow this diffract process, non muslims are not allowed/permitted to do this method.

recite surah yonus ayat no 81 to 82, surah araf verse no 117 to 122, surah taha ayat/verse no 69, aytaul kurse or al taghabun aiyat/verse no 14 to 16,recite/read this 3 times 3 dafa telawat kareen

recite/dum these quranic verses on patient/victim “3 times and give water to drink”. ask the victim to drink water for 4 weeks or untill the spells break. but take care this news does not reach to the person who make this spell happen coz he/she can do this spell again.

remember me in ur prayers.

amel soname


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asslam o alkum.

some people because of jealousy or any other wrong intension do or ask some black magician to do black magic or uncle aunti cosins of that rich relative ask the magician to do this type of magic on him so they easliy without any hustle, without any damage to their loyality toward that person they got there aim and they can easily obtain the rights of property and bank balance of that person. now when these people get rid of that person then they can easily became owner of the property of that rich reletive. the other use of this magic can be when man have two wifes either first wife do or ask someone to do this type of magic on the second wife and her childern or viceversa so that she can easly get rid of her husband’s other wife obtain her status back but the one who did this type of magic on the other one mite not know this that after doing this they have now became murderers. if any one do this magic on the other person and if the victim died although he/she committed suicide yet that person who did this black magic on him is the murderer of that person and then allah tallah will deal with that murder in this world or the other world on the judgement day. i request you all kindly give a deep thought about this before doing this sort of magic on the other person because then he became the murder and he is self responsible for this sin no other person can force him too do this sin so for God's sake don’t commit this sin that make us ashamed in front of allah tallah. the symptoms of this kind of magic are; day by day the victim became impatient, he feels pain in his body and bones, headach, the victim get angry on samll things, victim start using abusive language every time he get aggressive, he became more and more aggressive as time passes. he don’t respect elder or younger, what he got in his mind in that moment he spitout he became more lazy whatever he wishes to do he don’t want to do that he thinks may be other time he alwaz thinks whatever he does will all go in vain he thinks-“i don’t have any moto what is my purpose of living” he things death will be a great relief for him as he had nothing left in his life. he alwaz thinks of doing sueside he plans every moment how could he get rid of his life he became more and more aggressive as time passes. he goes in great depression. if you have someone like this in your home then don’t leave him alone anywhere in home coz he will plan and finally commit suicide or out side home specially while crossing roads take care of him you must hold his hand as if you don’t then he will leave himself in front of car and a life taking accident will happen. get rid of all those things that can be used or those that can provoke the victim to attempt suicide. for example posion, typhione, the insect killer spray of liquid, knifes, gun, nacked electricity wires, strong ropes (for hanging himself from the fan) and there are other many so take care of these things that in your point of view can provoke this thing. and also take care he don’t go alone any where take very good care of that person and don’t leave him alone in any condition or any time leave a permanant servant or any family member with the patient. this type of victim/person/patient cannot treat himself because he don’t have left any love with his life he don’t have any interest in his life he at once became so disappointed because of this he cannot treat himself so his family members should consult a good amel kamel or do this what i am going to write here. the treatment with quranic verses


this amal/procedure; the family member of the victim can do this. in the start and end of this amal/procedure after and before recite 41 times darood-e-pak (any darood-e-pak that you know) then recite dua_e_noor 101 times for the patient over the water bottle and over the patient. and give this recited water to the patient daily do this procedure 5 times and dam patient. but before doing this protect ur self by reading this; on the first finger of your hand recite 4 qul, ayat-ul-qurse, surah fateha and made a circle around the palce where you are siting and then start reciting (darood-pak and dua-e-noor) this procedure for patient because if any ghost/soul/jinn will presnt inside the body of patient can harm you and you will then be in great danger and pain. so before starting every time riceite these quranic verses for urself so you can protect ur self also.

alwaz remember me in your prayers amel soname

khuda hafiz

amel soname



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Magic of separation is that magic which creates separation and hatered between any two people and then no hopes of their union is left behind. It creates such intense hatered in the hearts of two people for each other that other people just wonder how it is possible for the two loving people who had so much regard and love for each other to be such worse enemies and to hate each other to this extent.


It has the following signs.

1. mother and son, or father and son, or father and daughter, mother and daughter, they become each others enemies.

2. Creating hatered between Two brothers or sisters, or brothers and sisters

3. creating hatered between two friends who probably are partners in business, or between mother and father or close relatives.

4. creating separation between a husband and wife.

Allah has mentioned in the holy quraan about the people who create separation between a husband and wife. That there are people who have learnt such black art of separating wife and husband.



Even the Holy Prophet PBUH has said that the shaytan likes that worker of his, who creates separation between husband and wife.

Its symptoms are as follows.

The love is suddenly faded and gives way to hatered. And misunderstandings are created for no reason at all. One starts suspecting the other.

Even a small matter is made into a huge big issue. And making an ego problem out of it.

The wife does not like her husband and keeps away from him and they may even fight and abuse or curse.

This kind of magic is cast on the victims clothes. Or it may be cast on something else and dig deep into their way. Or it is dug deep into some non-believer’s grave.

Or food stuff that has magic cast on them is fed to the victim.

Following is the procedure for breaking this magic. It is only for muslims to follow.

recite the following sura and blow it on the victims separately.

1. sura-e-fatiha with bismilla 41 times

2. sura-e-baqara, first 5 ayat 7 times.

3. ayat-ul-kursi 1 time

4. sura-e-baqara ayat 284 to 285, 7 times

5. sura-e-araf ayat 54 to 56 , 7 times

6. sura-e-tauba ayat 69, 41 times

7. sura-e-rehman ayat 33 to 36, 21 times

8. sura-e-jin ayat 1 to 9, 11 times

9 sura-e-ikhlas, sura-e-falak, sura-e-nas , 11 times

10. darood 21 times before and after all this

and blow it on water and give it to them for drinking.

those who have been affected with this magic, ask them to keep reciting astaghfirullaha rabbi min qull-i-zamnbin and la haola wala quwata illa bila



Take water in some pot everyday and recite (surah mouse 3) 11 times and ali 41 times and blow it on the water and wash your face in a clean place with that water so that the water is not wasted and thrown in a drain or bathroom. And also wet your chest and head with this water thoroughly and inshallah the magic will be broken within 40 days.


A simpke amel can break magic easily, because he gives zakat of the verses so that’s why he can easily break the spells. I can very easily break the spells in about 4 to 5 hours because I pay zakat of Rs 125000 for the verses and I have by the grace of Allah enough power to break the magical spells. And I also have other forces that help me in breaking the magic. But it also depends on the amel how much talent he has got.

Remember me in your prayers.

amel soname


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As salamu allaiqum


If someone has cast black magic on you and you want to find out where they have hidden that taveez/talisman and finding the name of that person, then it is possible with the help of the Quran. because sometimes when the magician is casting black magic on someone, he/she hides the taveez either in the graveyard or with the help of his mokel, in the home of that person or in the door step of that victim's home. I will tell you how to dig out the hidden magic talisman.


This is the procedure.

1. recite sura-e-kosar. the victim should recite it him/herself. he will know where the talisman is hidden. when you find the talisman, dig it out and dispose it off in some running water body.

2. The 2nd procedure is to recite darood 11 times before and after sura-e-nas 41 times, and blow it on yourself, and ask Allah to show you where that black magic talisman is hidden. You will see it in your dream. Then go dig it out and dispose it off in some running water body.


Remember me in your prayers.

amel soname



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If someone is under black magic, and he wants to reverse the spell so that it affects the person who has cast it on him, so he can do this with the help of the quranic verses.

One important thing to note here is that, if someone has got a talisman from the magician for this spell, then you can use the reversal spell, otherwise, if the magician himself has done this spell on you then dont do this reversal spell. because you cannot defeat the magician yourself.

If you try it and you dont know much about it, then you will suffer at the hands of the magician. because the magician has jinnat and they help him.

If you reverse the spell on the magician then he will order the jinnat to again reverse the spell on you. because he will know what you are doing.

The magician has the help of the king of jinnat and a lot of other jinnat who help him and are at his service.they can reverse any spell 24 hours all the time. even if you bring a lot of other people and try to reverse the spell, you wont be able to harm the magician because he has 1000s of jinnat to help him. and they also have an alim jin who teaches them all kinds of magical spells. he has solutions to all kinds of reversal spells. thats why be causious while doing this spell.

if its some simple magician, and he does not have any jinn then you can do this reversal spell yourself. but if he has arvah and jinnat then it is difficult and risky for you. and in that case you will also lose your money. and then you will be looking for treatement everywhere. if this black magical spell was cast upon you by some woman or man through some taveez/talisman then you can try the reversal spell and keep in mind and say that if its through some woman or man, then i cast this reversal spell, otherwise i dont.



3 times darood, then sura abas(as much as you can recite) again darood 3 times in the end. and then say that, whoever has cast black magical spell on me, it should all go back to him/her and should all affect him/her and should stay with them.


remember me in your prayers.




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Following are the types of black magic

a complete amil and magician can do almost anything with the help of his black magic art, except for escaping death and bringing the dead back to life.

Following are the types.


1. seperation between husband and wife. with this he can break a home and destroy somebody's married happy life.

2. Wife hating her husband upon seeing his face. in this type of magic, when a wife looks at her husband she feels angry and thus they both live a miserable life.

3. having a headache all the time. this too is a sign of magic and the victim feels pain in the head all the time.

4. having throat infection all the time. one feels pain and cant speak, the voice seems to have stopped in the throat.

5. difficulty in breathing. it is a type of sifly magic. one cant breath easily. he feels suffocation.

6. making someone deaf. he cant hear things. and he feels pain in his ears.

7. women get periods before the proper time and she cant get close to her husband. this too is done through magic.

8. pain in the entire body. there is pain in the whole body and sometimes its too much in both the legs or in the backbone. one feels its weakness but its magic.

9. making someone blind. a magician can make one blind with magic and his sight is lost.

10. pain in the teeth and decay in the teeth and blood from the teeth. this too is done with magic.

11. making the heart beat faster than it should be. the heart beat is made faster with magic. one feels its some disease but its not.

12. one remains sick all the time. having fever. and remains weak.

13. head spinning. it too is done through magic. one is made dizzy.

14. one loses his memory. he cant remember anything for long.

15. the brain does not work properly. one wants to do one thing and something else is done. his brain does not work properly.

16. one does not feel like doing anything. his heart wants to run away from things. he does not take interest in his work.

17. making astray. someone is made astray and derailed.

18. making one habitual of smoking cigerette and hash.

19. making one habitual of drinking.

20. making one long for having sex. or making one enter into prostitution.

21. making one hate religion, and the holy book and the creator.

22. making one dreamless.

23. making a woman a prostitute.

24. giving stomach aches.

25. giving acidity and pain in the chest.

26. creating problem in the liver. Liver is an important organ in the human body, so some people when they want to destroy someone will cast spells on that victim to harm his liver.

27. The wife sees the husband’s face as swine or a dog, he appears to her as a swine or a dog. This too is done with the help of magic to create problems in someone’s life.

28. Making a man gay. A man cannot get physically involved with anyone when this spell is cast upon him because he becomes useless.

29. Magic using voodoo dolls. This too is a very harmful form of magic. And the victims doll is made and pins are stick into it and the spell is cast upon it.

30. Children weaken and die. In this type of magic, the child becomes severly weak and then his condition deteriorates day by day and then eventually dies.

31. A woman loses her child during pregnancy. The child is killed inside the womb befor he is born. This too can be done using black magic.

32. Making the cattle sick using magic. Magic on animals.

33. The animals don’t give milk and remain sick. This too is done using black magic.

34. Men start hating women. A husband is made to hate his wife.

35. Girls don’t get proposals anymore. In this type of magic, the girl that this magic is cast upon, does not get any proposals for marriage.

36. Pain in the bones and joints. Arthritis.

37. a woman is made to hate men and she does not feel like getting close to them, as in sex with her husband, she does not like it.

38. Making the face look ugly. A woman is made to look ugly and people think she looks like a whitch.

39. Making a woman infertile. In this magic a woman is made infertile and she cant have any children.

40. Making the rizq/earnings less. A person is financially made weak.

41. Destroying someone’s home. Disturbing the peace of somebody’s home and leaving it all destroyed and messed up.

42. making someone suffer from an incurable disease.

43. disgracing a woman in her husband’s eyes.

44. Making a husband suspect his wife. This creates problems in their life.

45. Snatching someone’s job or disgracing him and lowering his position.

46. Getting a woman divorced.

47. Making the rich into poor. A rich person’s riches are taken away with black magic.

48. making someone live in exile.

49. Making someone full of anger. With this magic a person remains angry all the time.

50. women feel pain in ribs and chest.

51. OKDAM zikar, it is that type of magic which when going to someone’s home for a proposal, it is cast upon them and the girl’s family then keep talking about the boy’s family for months.

52. making someone fall in love.

53. putting fear of the unknown in someone’s heart.

54.Khamol magic. Making someone weak and lazy. That he doesn’t feel like doing anything.

55. MIRGI fits. Epilepsy. A person is made to suffer Epilepsy.

56. magic with which a person is made to suffer LAQWA. Bell’s palsy.

57. Seher AL MAFLOJ, paralysis. A person is made paralyzed, either in some parts of the body or all over.

58. Seher Kabos. One feels sleepy all the time.

59. head spinning and feeling dizzy and blackout in front of the eyes.

60. Stopping nikkah for someone. Bandish of nikkah. It is cast right at the time of nikkah.

61. Surat anzal. A man is faced with this problem and he does not get cured.

62. Periods are stopped, menopause even before its time.

63. Magic of insanity. A person is made completely insane. He does not remain in his senses.

64. masan is that type of magic which is cast upon kids. In this type of magic, the ash left from the burnt hindu dead bodies is put in some food for kids to eat.


Remember me in your prayers.




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amel ji and dhruv ji,


both of u seem to be a perfectionist in ur fields, hope i get help from you.


I am new to this site , just created an account to take help from you people as i dont trust any baba who takes money and claims to help , as i have already spent 1 lakh rupees to get my love back , but till date no go.

I belong to a lower middle class family , my father is not there, i have a young sis who is doing her inter, my mom is a patient, after my father passed away , my father's brothers took away all the property and we were on roads,By god's grace i got a small job , i am working for the past 3 yrs and we i earn just ok for my family .

I was in love with a muslim guy in my own company , he also used to love me crazily , actually he was too emotional toward me which rarely guys are , he used to spent every moment with me, where ever he goes with his family or friend or whatever he used to miss me and keep calling me .

But, since the past 1 year he is hating me and treating me like an enemy , i have been doing all god and godesses shanti pujas and also all graha shanti , navagraha shanti pujas, for past 1 year still he has not changed, and moreover he is behaving more ruder day by daty and you know what to my misfortunate or bad tming , he is going around with many gals , chatting with 'n' no. of gals, and talking to other gals for hrs on phone (he never evn used to think about anyone else except me , the girls in office were zealous of me because he only used to give talk to me and give priority amongst all).

In our realtion we never got physical , because he stays in banglore and i stay in hyderabad, we work for the same company so we have internal chat facility , he doesnot even responds me on chat. I thought might be meeting will make a difference so i went to banglore and tried to be nice with me, he was also nice to me but he told me he doesnt love me anymore and he doesnot want to marry me and he will marry whomever her mom is seeing now.I cried a lot , i tried to stop him a lot but he didnot .he left me alone in , in that city which was completely unknown to me , just imagine my condition, i felt so low about myself that day .i thought i gave my love to my love , but he left me as if i was just a one night stay for him .

The next day , i called one of my child hood friend and asked her to drop me to the station and came back to hyderabad.But , you know what after leaving me that day in the hotel room till date , he never called me, i call him more than 100 times a days in 24 hrs (day and night without eating sleeping ) but still he doesnot answers my call , in the office also he chats with other gals , talks to them on phone for hrs from home and in the off's or night or weekends , i stay on-hold as it comes enaged but he doesnot answer my calls , even if he finish talking to the other ppl.You , know what other girls and guys in the office both from hyd and bang are making fun of me , as he said everyone that he has nothing for me and i am the one who is back of him and torchering him by calling day and night.

Just imagine how i must be feeling , all my love went in vein , i gave everything to him and he put me down for other gals , infornt of them .

I went to many babas all of them took some money said they will do this that nothing happend, but 2 well known peoples whose articles are very famous in hyderabad papers (these 2 people doesnot know each other ), told me one common thing which made me go mad, they told me that , My

boy friend's mom and another muslim girl who is interested in him have done black magic against our relation as he is the only bread winner for the entire family and if he marries me it might be a problrm for them as he cannot live , leaving me , he was so mad about me .I dont know who the other muslim gal is !

We are very poor , i dont even had money to get married , in the last 3 yrs i had some 75 thousand saving ,so i took it off and took 25 thousand debt to give to the one of the above said well known baba.

As ,he said with in a week , he will remove the ill effect of the black magic and my sweet heart will get back to me forver for lifetime , and again he said he will also do another pooja along with it , so that if again anyone ever tries any kind of black magic on my boyfriend , then it should fail.

Prior to this i have spent 30 thousand on a baba , then again i gave 4 thoussand to another baba.

But , you know what its 1 month now and still no go , infact my boyfriend is not lifting the call for weeks all together , prior to this atleast he used to lift the call in 3-4 days for 20-30 secs to scold me , now he doesnot even do that , and infront of me i see him chatting and calling other gals, i come to hear from other gals also tht he talks nicely to them , there also he spents time with gals , in the late nights also , in pubs etc .

I have tried everything that i could have done being a human and a God-fearing girl.Still. I dont know why nothing good has happened in my life .

Can anyone please help me ???????????????? I am not in a situation to spend money as my mom is not well , her medical treatment is there and my sister will pass inter this year and join in graduation so her fees and exp is also there .Please, try to understand .Please , help me if anyone can? If i get my love back , nothing would be more than that for me, in this life .

I am really not able to take this mental torcher and want to die, but i cant as my mom and sis will be on roads if i do that , i cant ask them to pay for my deeds , they already have suffered a lot in their lives , i cant make it more horrible fo them.Please, help me if anyone can.


my dob:- 28th may 1982 10 pm

plce of birth : vishakapatnma(andhra pradesh-india)


jai mata di

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  • 2 months later...

This is very amazing, accurate and thorough information about black magic. The information contained here is very valuable, and NOT easily accessible, and should be consulted if you are suffering from these problems.

Thanks for posting it.

I have also started a web site for people who need help. It is for people of all religions... You must put effort in to try to help yourself by reciting healing cures, but if it is serious and there is evil possession involved, then you will need the help of a skilled healer to fix it.

I have heard that the Hanuman temple visit may help some, that there are also some special pujas that may be conducted there, but if the magicians are skilled, then it may return and the effects are only temporary. Of course, it does boil down to karma. Those who suffer from black magic are also feeling the effects of God's will. Remember this.


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  • 2 years later...

I was reading and came to know a lot of things here.


The people who are affected by black magic, don't worry at all. do the following steps:


1. Don't let the negative energy spread near you. Be positive and have a great faith on your GOD, because he is the only one who can save you from these stuff.


2. Always pray in the morning and evening. In between if you have some time, always take his name. Don't do it in your heart, speak and say while closing your eyes like for example :"Ram Ram Jai Shri Ram, Jai Jai Ram Jai Shree Ram". I mean this is not important that which God you have to go for, you take the name of your own GOD where you have a belief.


3. Still for Hindu's Please read Hanuman Chalisa as much as you can but everyday. Don't forget to take the name of Shri Ram after Shri Hanuman Chalisa. Take the Name of Shri Ram 108 times at least. And later say like this" Hye Shri Hanuman, aapko mera parnam sawikar ho. Jis tarah aapne Shri Ram ji ki bure waqt mei apna sath diya tha, aapko shri ram ji ka wasta, usi tarah meri madad kariye aur muzhe is musibat se bahar nikaliye".


you will see the results in few days only. But keep a strong faith on Shri Hanuman ji.


4. Take few green chillies and keep it in sun for few days. After this take 1 lemon and have a juice of that leman in some bowl. Now put some drops of that lemon on that chillies and later burn those chillies. Now, what ever the ash you have of those parts, just drop them on the main gate of yours. You will see the results very soon. You have to do this once only. Anyday you can do this.


Guys, only positive energy is the one who can cure you. What ever the mantra, pooja you do, do it with full belief, the results will be with you soon. Respect everyone.


Wish you guys very best of luck, want to know more, can email me, no issues. :) cheers.

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  • 8 months later...

I need a skilled person to help to cure my brother. Jazakallah.





Following are the types of black magic

a complete amil and magician can do almost anything with the help of his black magic art, except for escaping death and bringing the dead back to life.

Following are the types.


1. seperation between husband and wife. with this he can break a home and destroy somebody's married happy life.

2. Wife hating her husband upon seeing his face. in this type of magic, when a wife looks at her husband she feels angry and thus they both live a miserable life.

3. having a headache all the time. this too is a sign of magic and the victim feels pain in the head all the time.

4. having throat infection all the time. one feels pain and cant speak, the voice seems to have stopped in the throat.

5. difficulty in breathing. it is a type of sifly magic. one cant breath easily. he feels suffocation.

6. making someone deaf. he cant hear things. and he feels pain in his ears.

7. women get periods before the proper time and she cant get close to her husband. this too is done through magic.

8. pain in the entire body. there is pain in the whole body and sometimes its too much in both the legs or in the backbone. one feels its weakness but its magic.

9. making someone blind. a magician can make one blind with magic and his sight is lost.

10. pain in the teeth and decay in the teeth and blood from the teeth. this too is done with magic.

11. making the heart beat faster than it should be. the heart beat is made faster with magic. one feels its some disease but its not.

12. one remains sick all the time. having fever. and remains weak.

13. head spinning. it too is done through magic. one is made dizzy.

14. one loses his memory. he cant remember anything for long.

15. the brain does not work properly. one wants to do one thing and something else is done. his brain does not work properly.

16. one does not feel like doing anything. his heart wants to run away from things. he does not take interest in his work.

17. making astray. someone is made astray and derailed.

18. making one habitual of smoking cigerette and hash.

19. making one habitual of drinking.

20. making one long for having sex. or making one enter into prostitution.

21. making one hate religion, and the holy book and the creator.

22. making one dreamless.

23. making a woman a prostitute.

24. giving stomach aches.

25. giving acidity and pain in the chest.

26. creating problem in the liver. Liver is an important organ in the human body, so some people when they want to destroy someone will cast spells on that victim to harm his liver.

27. The wife sees the husband’s face as swine or a dog, he appears to her as a swine or a dog. This too is done with the help of magic to create problems in someone’s life.

28. Making a man gay. A man cannot get physically involved with anyone when this spell is cast upon him because he becomes useless.

29. Magic using voodoo dolls. This too is a very harmful form of magic. And the victims doll is made and pins are stick into it and the spell is cast upon it.

30. Children weaken and die. In this type of magic, the child becomes severly weak and then his condition deteriorates day by day and then eventually dies.

31. A woman loses her child during pregnancy. The child is killed inside the womb befor he is born. This too can be done using black magic.

32. Making the cattle sick using magic. Magic on animals.

33. The animals don’t give milk and remain sick. This too is done using black magic.

34. Men start hating women. A husband is made to hate his wife.

35. Girls don’t get proposals anymore. In this type of magic, the girl that this magic is cast upon, does not get any proposals for marriage.

36. Pain in the bones and joints. Arthritis.

37. a woman is made to hate men and she does not feel like getting close to them, as in sex with her husband, she does not like it.

38. Making the face look ugly. A woman is made to look ugly and people think she looks like a whitch.

39. Making a woman infertile. In this magic a woman is made infertile and she cant have any children.

40. Making the rizq/earnings less. A person is financially made weak.

41. Destroying someone’s home. Disturbing the peace of somebody’s home and leaving it all destroyed and messed up.

42. making someone suffer from an incurable disease.

43. disgracing a woman in her husband’s eyes.

44. Making a husband suspect his wife. This creates problems in their life.

45. Snatching someone’s job or disgracing him and lowering his position.

46. Getting a woman divorced.

47. Making the rich into poor. A rich person’s riches are taken away with black magic.

48. making someone live in exile.

49. Making someone full of anger. With this magic a person remains angry all the time.

50. women feel pain in ribs and chest.

51. OKDAM zikar, it is that type of magic which when going to someone’s home for a proposal, it is cast upon them and the girl’s family then keep talking about the boy’s family for months.

52. making someone fall in love.

53. putting fear of the unknown in someone’s heart.

54.Khamol magic. Making someone weak and lazy. That he doesn’t feel like doing anything.

55. MIRGI fits. Epilepsy. A person is made to suffer Epilepsy.

56. magic with which a person is made to suffer LAQWA. Bell’s palsy.

57. Seher AL MAFLOJ, paralysis. A person is made paralyzed, either in some parts of the body or all over.

58. Seher Kabos. One feels sleepy all the time.

59. head spinning and feeling dizzy and blackout in front of the eyes.

60. Stopping nikkah for someone. Bandish of nikkah. It is cast right at the time of nikkah.

61. Surat anzal. A man is faced with this problem and he does not get cured.

62. Periods are stopped, menopause even before its time.

63. Magic of insanity. A person is made completely insane. He does not remain in his senses.

64. masan is that type of magic which is cast upon kids. In this type of magic, the ash left from the burnt hindu dead bodies is put in some food for kids to eat.


Remember me in your prayers.




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  • 2 weeks later...




Following are the types of black magic

a complete amil and magician can do almost anything with the help of his black magic art, except for escaping death and bringing the dead back to life.

Following are the types.


1. seperation between husband and wife. with this he can break a home and destroy somebody's married happy life.

2. Wife hating her husband upon seeing his face. in this type of magic, when a wife looks at her husband she feels angry and thus they both live a miserable life.

3. having a headache all the time. this too is a sign of magic and the victim feels pain in the head all the time.

4. having throat infection all the time. one feels pain and cant speak, the voice seems to have stopped in the throat.

5. difficulty in breathing. it is a type of sifly magic. one cant breath easily. he feels suffocation.

6. making someone deaf. he cant hear things. and he feels pain in his ears.

7. women get periods before the proper time and she cant get close to her husband. this too is done through magic.

8. pain in the entire body. there is pain in the whole body and sometimes its too much in both the legs or in the backbone. one feels its weakness but its magic.

9. making someone blind. a magician can make one blind with magic and his sight is lost.

10. pain in the teeth and decay in the teeth and blood from the teeth. this too is done with magic.

11. making the heart beat faster than it should be. the heart beat is made faster with magic. one feels its some disease but its not.

12. one remains sick all the time. having fever. and remains weak.

13. head spinning. it too is done through magic. one is made dizzy.

14. one loses his memory. he cant remember anything for long.

15. the brain does not work properly. one wants to do one thing and something else is done. his brain does not work properly.

16. one does not feel like doing anything. his heart wants to run away from things. he does not take interest in his work.

17. making astray. someone is made astray and derailed.

18. making one habitual of smoking cigerette and hash.

19. making one habitual of drinking.

20. making one long for having sex. or making one enter into prostitution.

21. making one hate religion, and the holy book and the creator.

22. making one dreamless.

23. making a woman a prostitute.

24. giving stomach aches.

25. giving acidity and pain in the chest.

26. creating problem in the liver. Liver is an important organ in the human body, so some people when they want to destroy someone will cast spells on that victim to harm his liver.

27. The wife sees the husband’s face as swine or a dog, he appears to her as a swine or a dog. This too is done with the help of magic to create problems in someone’s life.

28. Making a man gay. A man cannot get physically involved with anyone when this spell is cast upon him because he becomes useless.

29. Magic using voodoo dolls. This too is a very harmful form of magic. And the victims doll is made and pins are stick into it and the spell is cast upon it.

30. Children weaken and die. In this type of magic, the child becomes severly weak and then his condition deteriorates day by day and then eventually dies.

31. A woman loses her child during pregnancy. The child is killed inside the womb befor he is born. This too can be done using black magic.

32. Making the cattle sick using magic. Magic on animals.

33. The animals don’t give milk and remain sick. This too is done using black magic.

34. Men start hating women. A husband is made to hate his wife.

35. Girls don’t get proposals anymore. In this type of magic, the girl that this magic is cast upon, does not get any proposals for marriage.

36. Pain in the bones and joints. Arthritis.

37. a woman is made to hate men and she does not feel like getting close to them, as in sex with her husband, she does not like it.

38. Making the face look ugly. A woman is made to look ugly and people think she looks like a whitch.

39. Making a woman infertile. In this magic a woman is made infertile and she cant have any children.

40. Making the rizq/earnings less. A person is financially made weak.

41. Destroying someone’s home. Disturbing the peace of somebody’s home and leaving it all destroyed and messed up.

42. making someone suffer from an incurable disease.

43. disgracing a woman in her husband’s eyes.

44. Making a husband suspect his wife. This creates problems in their life.

45. Snatching someone’s job or disgracing him and lowering his position.

46. Getting a woman divorced.

47. Making the rich into poor. A rich person’s riches are taken away with black magic.

48. making someone live in exile.

49. Making someone full of anger. With this magic a person remains angry all the time.

50. women feel pain in ribs and chest.

51. OKDAM zikar, it is that type of magic which when going to someone’s home for a proposal, it is cast upon them and the girl’s family then keep talking about the boy’s family for months.

52. making someone fall in love.

53. putting fear of the unknown in someone’s heart.

54.Khamol magic. Making someone weak and lazy. That he doesn’t feel like doing anything.

55. MIRGI fits. Epilepsy. A person is made to suffer Epilepsy.

56. magic with which a person is made to suffer LAQWA. Bell’s palsy.

57. Seher AL MAFLOJ, paralysis. A person is made paralyzed, either in some parts of the body or all over.

58. Seher Kabos. One feels sleepy all the time.

59. head spinning and feeling dizzy and blackout in front of the eyes.

60. Stopping nikkah for someone. Bandish of nikkah. It is cast right at the time of nikkah.

61. Surat anzal. A man is faced with this problem and he does not get cured.

62. Periods are stopped, menopause even before its time.

63. Magic of insanity. A person is made completely insane. He does not remain in his senses.

64. masan is that type of magic which is cast upon kids. In this type of magic, the ash left from the burnt hindu dead bodies is put in some food for kids to eat.


Remember me in your prayers.










I know this topic is a couple of a year back but I don't know how I started googling about the black magic and found this website.


boss I'm also suffering from some problems... Few year back i was unemployed for a year and half. then some financial problems occured to me and have to lend money. My wife's health is getting worst. My wife couldn't sleep properly as my sons( 3yesr. 9 months. wakes up every night by 12.15 mid night and my daughter (age-1year 4 months) caries on every half an hour.I we try to make our son sleeps he never sleeps for an two to three hrs.


we've showed some of the Ojhaz and they said that some one had done something on me to break my marriage. that my wife will left me alone and go with her family.


then on the second chance i got to know about a women who do not charge any thing but upon your wish you can keep donation in front of the god. He also told me the same thing but this time she informed me that on every 6 month I'll suffer drastic financial crisis. and this can't be cure not even from who had done this. She informed me that I'm still survivin because of of my good deed what ever i've done good in my life. NOw the situation is I'm under a credit of hell lot of money now i'm employed but still stitaution come like that i've to lend money. I'm returning money as monthly basis. but still in the home the atmoshphere is not so good. even my friends in my work place recognised me as a begger in any occation I've to lend money to balance my situation to be done.


My question is there any answers to this then please revert back.


Day by day i'm sinking on a dirt. My friends giving another persons example indirectly says me that begging for money is a habbit and much easier thing to ask for. but here in my life i;m in a huge trouble..If you want then I can tell you my whole story.


Please revert waiting for your reply.

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  • 9 months later...

If you really wants to get rid of this black magic you will have to follow the steps mentioned above:-

1) Wake up early morning before 4:00 AM and take bath.

2) You have to chant the name of your eshta devta for not less than 1.5(one and half) hour.

Chanting the name of your eshta devta or any other name of god or it can be replaced by any mantra like Gayatri mantra will not effect differently it will act as same as the GOD is one but names are different.Chanting the name will effect positively and will create a circle filled with positive energy around youand evil spirits will not enter that circle andif they enter that circle they will get killed or will be send back to the responsible person to teach him a lesson.If you want the quick relief then you should chat HANUMAN CHALISA for 1.5(one and half) hour.But make sure the duration of time is to be maintained not less then 1.5(one and half) hour.If you want to increase the duration like if you increased it to 2.0(two) hour then you have to maintain it to 2.0(two) hour daily.

Important Note:-

You have to also quit alcohol and flesh because evil spirits like these things.

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