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Namo Amitabha

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Namo Amitabha Buddha


Let every one of us acheive the goal of the path we have set out upon.


I chant buddha naam to cultivate discipline, concentration and wisdom


And to those that chant Hare Krsna they do so to attain love of God.


I vow to rebirth in Sukhavati to reach perfect enlightenment and help all sentient beings.


And those who who chant the names of Hari are born in Vrndavan to a relationship with God.


Let us all keep recitation and remeberance with a single mind to reach the undefiled final stage of pure concentration Samadhi.


Namo Amitabha


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The majestic virtue of Amitabha is boundless. His life is so long that it is impossible for anyone to calculate it. All the innumerable, uncountable and inconceivable Buddhas, Tathagatas, in the worlds of the ten quarters praise him.




Until you were born in this life, you, too, underwent endless cycles of birth-and-death. Now you have been able to learn about Amitabha. What pleasure and joy this is for you and for me to share.

Seek your own emancipation and then turn to saving others; straightforwardly aspire to be born in the Pure Land and accumulate roots of virtue. However hard you may practice in this life, it can only be for a short while. In the life to come you will be born in the land of Amitabha and enjoy endless bliss there.

All good men and women who hear the Name of Amitabha Buddha expounded by all the Buddhas and the name of this sutra are protected by all the Buddhas and dwell in the Stage of Non-retrogression for realizing the highest, perfect Enlightenment. This is why you should accept my words and the teachings of all the Buddhas. :crying2:



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Shakyamuni Buddha said,

Just as water cools both good and bad and washes away all impurity and dust. In the same way you should develop thoughts of love, to friend and foe alike. And having reached perfection in love, you will attain enlightenment.


What is reborn are our habits. Enlightenment is the ending of rebirth, which means a complete nonattachement or nonidentifiction with all thoughts, feelings, perceptions, physical sensations, and ideas.

His Holiness the fourteenth Dalai Lama



You may have expected that enlightenment would come ZAP! Instanteous and permanent. This is unlikely. After the first "ah ha" experience, it can be thought of as the thinning of a layer of clouds.

Ram Dass





There are many paths to enlightenment. Be sure to take the one with a heart.


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The Genuine Heart



Master Zendo (Shan-tao) interpreted Shijoshin (the Genuine Heart) to mean: "The term shi refers to truth, jo is the quality of being genuine, (and shin mean hearts); therefore, Shijoshin means, a truly genuine heart. Genuineness indicates the state of the heart in which there is an absence of any falsity or evanescence. The Heart which holds falsity and evanescence produces the evil passions of greed and anger and loses sight of right thought." All evil passions arise from greed and anger, which are considered to be the mother of these passions.

Concerning greed, there are two categories; greed that may be satisfied with small gratification, and greed that may be unsatisfied even with enormous gratification. The Pure Land School prohibits entertaining the later greed of the evil passions. The Nenbutsu practicioner should recite Nenbutsu keeping this in mind. Only then is Nenbutsu genuine.

Greed that may be satisfied with small gratification does not result in suffering for the Nenbutsu practitioner. The evil passion of anger would be tolerated if one venerates our elders and nurtures subordinates. The evil passion of ignorance indicates a misguided heart. We need to strive to liberate ourselves from such an evil passion. If one detests the delusive worlds of birth and death, aspires birth in the Pure Land, treasures one's precious belief in Ojo, and devotes oneself to a life of service, then one can be free from the evil passion of ignorance. Minimal ignorance will not be an obstacle to the attainment of Ojo. The cultivation of these attitudes will rid us of a heart filled with falsity and evanescence based upon greed and anger and result in the emergence of the truly genuine heart. This is referred to as the heart that aspires enlightenment in the Pure Land School. In short, to shun the myriad evil passions of this delusive world of birth and death and to recite Nenbutsu exclusively are true practices of the Genuine Heart.

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