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Times Of India: Krishna in the time of love

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In the words of His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupad, founder acharya of ISKCON, "Everybody is a part of the supreme personality of Lord Shri Krishna. What we see-man or woman-is only an external covering. All living entities (souls) have an eternal relationship of pure love with the Supersoul (Krishna). We were always related to the Supersoul but have forgotten that relationship. We have fallen down in this material world. We need to be connected to Krishna and reestablish our relationship of pure love through devotional service (bhakti). This bhakti is not material, there is no scope for business. From the Vedic perspective, love is unconditional, unmotivated service to Krishna. And when that happens, everyday is Valentine's Day.''



MUMBAI: It's the season for love and what better time than to meet cupid in his original avatar- Krishna, the Dark Lord, the embodiment of pure love. The Vedas describe him as a beautiful youth with a glowing complexion the colour of rain clouds.


"Krishna embodies the archetype of the ultimate lover in all its forms,'' says spiritual guru Deepak Chopra. "As the holy child, he is both the receiver and giver of love. His innocent love radiates like light from a bonfire, focussed on none and denied to none. As Radha's lover, he gives us a glimpse into the nature of conjugal love, fidelity, romance, mystery, adventure and deep longing.

Finally, Krishna shows us the love between guru and disciple when he instructs the great warrior Arjun in yoga as a means to enlightenment: raj yoga, the love of meditation; bhakti yoga, the love of devotion; gyan yoga, the love of knowledge; and karma yoga, the love of service. By understanding and knowing Krishna, we can elevate the significance of Valentine's Day to a deeper understanding of love and live life with joy and fulfilment.''


Love, of course, needn't only be seen in the narrow context of romantic love between man and woman. In the words of His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupad, founder acharya of ISKCON, "Everybody is a part of the supreme personality of Lord Shri Krishna. What we see-man or woman-is only an external covering. All living entities (souls) have an eternal relationship of pure love with the Supersoul (Krishna). We were always related to the Supersoul but have forgotten that relationship. We have fallen down in this material world. We need to be connected to Krishna and reestablish our relationship of pure love through devotional service (bhakti). This bhakti is not material, there is no scope for business. From the Vedic perspective, love is unconditional, unmotivated service to Krishna. And when that happens, everyday is Valentine's Day.''

And that's not all. Krishna's also a handsome young god with attitude. He is said to be the poorna avtar. While the Vedas describe this as the full manifestation of Vishnu, you could simply call him the complete man. Explains bureaucrat and author of The Book Of Krishna, Pavan K Varma, "Dharma, arth, kaam and moksh are the four highest goals of Hindu philosophy. Each must be pursued in proportion, none in exclusion. As shringarmurtimam, Krishna is the embodiment of shringar ras and symbolises the balanced pursuit of desire. Much has been written about the glory of raas leela or the `dance of divine love' that Krishna performs with his gopis on the banks of the Yamuna in Vrindavan. While I am totally against indiscriminate mimicry of western institutions, the romance of Radha and Krishna is eternal and all-encompassing.''

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  • 3 months later...

The mantra " Om Kleem Keshavay Namah " I would like to know if this helps in attracting women . Second i want to know that where can i find the actual word Kleem written in sanscrit because i was told by a guru to pronounce it as kleen not kleem . While chanting this mantra is it required to be a vegatarian . And also should this be chanted out loud or within the mind .


I was born in Jammu , India december 21 1985 at 11.55am . My Shukra (Venus ) is believed to be very weak , it is because of that reason that i am very lonely and cannot attract women and am depressed because of lack of love . I do not want to marry yet but definately want to attract women and have some material benefits for now . i have been advised to wear a diamond .


So would it be bettter for me to worship and invoke shukra and ask his help or the Kleem beeja mantra would do the job .


Please help .




Varun Bhatia

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  • 2 weeks later...


The mantra " Om Kleem Keshavay Namah " I would like to know if this helps in attracting women . Second i want to know that where can i find the actual word Kleem written in sanscrit because i was told by a guru to pronounce it as kleen not kleem . While chanting this mantra is it required to be a vegatarian . And also should this be chanted out loud or within the mind.


Maybe you should stop eating meat and chasing women anyway? These are both poison.


Why do you need some benefit from Krishna before you leave the animals alone? Why do you think Krishna is just there to satisfy your lust?


This is materialism not religion.

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Hello Varun,

In your mind it is a curse that you cannot attract women. But if you would be willing to repose your loving sentiment in Krishna, you would actually see that your curse is really a blessing in disguise. It would allow you to concentrate 100% on spiritual life and possibly make enough spiritual advancement in this lifetime to go back to Godhead.


I am an unfortunate wretch, I gave vent to my lust with women and am now saddled with marriage for 16 years. I personally find marriage miserable. One always thinks that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Of course, one can also be spiritual within grihasta ashram, but it is much, much more difficult.


Please take to spiritual life as a top priority, that way you won't be so upset with your material circumstances. It is somewhat offensive to invoke a spiritual mantra to satisfy material desires, so please refrain from doing that.


Also, you should become a vegetarian immediately, whether you remain single or marry. By being a vegetarian, you will be able to think more clearly, and thus perhaps gain some insight about the subject of women and man/woman relationships.



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