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Takeover of mind by psychic and biological warfare

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I am a Hindu by birth living in Hindustan.


I used to attend training in my training academy for becoming a seaman. That time while travelling by bus, i saw a girl, STARING at me. Its eyes were large and unusual. I never knew her before, and i turned aside and looked at her again, with her eyes staring at me again. It was unusual for me, and i found her trying to make me love her. She was strange, her body was very weird, her face was large, her hair was long, her body was unusually very thin and child like. Her back side, was very weird in a non human shape. Her face looks like this:





But she dressed as a normal human being and she was living as a normal human. She was doing her dentistry and she is a Christian, i know nothing more about her that time. Also i had no knowledge about aliens at that time.

I started to have a feeling of pity on her after seeing her trying to impress me. But she never gave away her dignity. After i showed interest in her, she insulted me several times and it was really IRRITATING and mind itching. Then i found all my friends sending sms to me in a strange way. I first thought this girl was sending sms to me through my friends. It should be noted that the friends who I know in college sent the same sms as the friends whom I know from my training academy. This was a little bit strange, but I thought she had contacted all of my friends to know about me. It was totally misleading and untrustworthy.

Being an egoistic personality i am, i could not take it anymore. I threw that girl, i told all the friends who sent sms to keep away. But they were intent in seducing me again. My friends ditching me for something i do not know and want to act in such a way that is treacherous and demonic to make me fall for the seduction again. I even manhandled one of my friends and told him not to do that. he was talking he had no idea about what i am talking about and he does not know any girl that was trying to contact me through him. I and he were working on a ship and once a manhole was unusually left open after our work there. Nobody knows who left it open. Several such incidents happened hoping to threaten me. I even sustained a minor finger injury intended to scare me. Also once on land i was driving a motorcyle, and i had a skid on the road even though i was driving very slowly.

All these strange events, and still i dont intend to fall for this abduction. I am brave and every night i get paralysis of my hands and neck. But i did find a way to counteract this. I put my paralysed hand on my mid section and the paralysis would decrease which otherwise would take a long time after regaining conciousness. Sometimes i have had some very painful times after when i am awake, that i have lost all my memory. I wouldnt call it an out of body experience though. It was something intended to manipulate my memory or to create an illusion that i will die and they can take my mind out if i dont do what they say. But still i never intend to fall for their seduction. Scary and deadly dreams and many more.

Clearly the abducting aliens want to abduct my friends and send messages to me and irritate me like before. But since i dont give in to it, they are adopting these tactics to make me fall again. Eveything is done in a COVERT way and there is no physical evidence of these crimes. If I ask the people involved who is this girl, they would turn very angry and ask “ARE YOU A PSYCHO?”. This is a method of suppressing the truth about the aliens.

Then I started researching the internet to learn and find out what is happening to me.


I found this:



The thrust of UFO research is into the metaphysical, where things are not always as they seem. In the case of the Gray abducting aliens, my judgment is this: they are diabolical and completely untrustworthy. I get a strong of sense of conspiracy by them--a vast, subversive plot of long duration and careful coordination which aims at nothing less than the complete enslavement of humanity. I see nothing--absolutely nothing--about their words and deeds which indicates anything but deceit, evasion, misdirection, manipulation, exploitation and total disregard for human values, personal property and our concept of respect for the inviolability of personhood. We humans consider kidnaping and violation of civil rights to be criminal, rape to be loathsome , brainwashing and mind control to be heinous, lying to be despicable, unauthorized surgical invasion of the body to be monstrous, and damage to personal property to be vandalism. The Gray aliens exhibit such behavior. On the other hand, I know of no behavior by them which is clearly intended to show respect for our personhood, property, civil rights, moral values and concern for truthful speech; they routinely violate all that. As I view the situation, it's a ghastly picture which emerges.





Also the following explains the girl I encountered. She was a Human-Grey hybrid created by the grey aliens to infiltrate human society to easily achieve their goals.




Adult Hybrid Life

Once the hybrids become adults, their responsibilities increase and, according to abductee reports, they are more involved in the abduction routine. Although still in an "assistant" or subordinate capacity, some adult hybrids conduct the full range of physical, mental, and reproductive procedures. They work alongside the gray aliens and become partners working toward a common goal. In recent years, abductees have reported events in which hybrids perform complete abductions without any grays in evidence.

Some abductees prefer being with the hybrids rather than with the grays. For them, hybrids offer the comfort of human familiarity. Other abductees find the late-stage hybrids frightening and prefer the more predictable gray aliens. The grays act according to a welldefined system, and over time many abductees have grown comfortable with them. For the most part, the hybrids act like the grays: task-oriented, efficient, and clinical. But their presence injects a note of emotionality and unpredictability. Their very humanness almost makes them party to a crime involving the kidnaping of men and women. Many women feel more emotionally vulnerable around late-stage hybrids.



But now I tackle the victims in a different way. I sent mails to all of my friends involved about the grey aliens and quoted the above sites to them. Then I told them they are taken by aliens and that is why they have sent such sms and behaved crazy. I also quoted all the crazy sms sent by them. Then guess what is their take? None of them replied after that. Even if I meet them, they will clearly avoid the topic on aliens.


By experience i have found that people having a kind heart and a high ego and truthful can never be abducted. But whereas people with cunning attitude fall an easy prey. Sure i see it as a GOOD Vs EVIL, and i chose Good.


There are issues about Hindu to Christian conversions in India, and I see these grey aliens are directly involved. I do not offend the Christians in India, but their “mission” of converting Hindus. Please be advised I am after the cause and not the victims. I learnt that these Grey aliens are DESPERETELY trying to SUPPRESS FREE WILL, wipe out Hinduism and Sanathana Dharma, because the Hindu way of life does not aid in their activities.


The Westeners do not understand the true motive of the Grey aliens. Some give into alien abductions and their biological experiments willingly.


The aliens are surviving under the illusion of criticism. This thread can be followed by criticisms to SUPPRESS the truth. This is exactly how they cover up their activities. Many people claim to be abducted in the west, just like me BUT THEY HAVE NO PROOF and nobody considers it factual.


I have been tortured both mentally and physically by these aliens. But all I believe is in Sanathana Dharma. I will not take the path of adharma, that attitude of mine makes me live peacefully inspite of their irritations. So let this thread be an act of awareness for those of you Hindus who may encounter something similar to mine.

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Many UFO researchers have the following common information regarding the aliens:




1. Aliens exist and have been visiting us since the dawn of man.


2. Aliens have been in contact with the government for possibly 70 years.


3. Terrestrial technology has been accelerated artificially by aliens, indirectly and directly.


4. There is a multinational shadow government comprising of major geo-political powers, with US as the hegemon.


5. There are dozens of multi-billion black projects in advanced technology raking in trillions, paid by tax payers.


6. The 9/11 attacks were staged to provide a false impetus for the war on terrorism.


7. Usable free energy and anti-gravity technologies exists, and have been covered-up.


8. A New World Order is emerging in a drive towards a totalitarian regime.


9. Civil wars will eventually break out all over.


10. Genocides are being implemented against populations; billions could die.


11. HIV and SARS have been manufactured to kill populations.


12. Fertility rates are falling due to stealth biological warfare.


13. Non-lethal weapons and advanced mind control exist for population control.

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The grey aliens are desperetely involved in wiping out Sanathana Dharma. Sanathana Dharma is the only one standing between them and their complete takeover of humanity. It does not matter to them whether you are a Hindu or you are a Christian. They look at you just like how a butcherer looks at his animals.



Grey Aliens have no values, they do not understand human values.



The Stampede at the Durga Temple in Rajastan was done by the grey aliens.


The attacks against the Christians in Orissa was done by the orchestration of grey aliens.



They used psychic, biological warfare, massive mind control etc to accomplish it.



The primary reason of these two events is to create "Hatred" against sanathana dharma. Many such events are planned for the future by the grey aliens to wipe out Sanathana Dharma.

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So you will say Bharat or India from now on? This 'Hindustan' is just bowing down to the Mughals, and I hope you can appreciate that my sentiment is the same sa yours.




I call it Hindustan. You call it Bharat or India. Its an individual's wish. I dont beleive it has anything to do with the mughals.



This is not a relevant subject in this topic. Perhaps you can create a different thread. But then also i dont have to give a logical explanation for this small issue. Its an individual's wish.



Dont worry about bowing down to the mughals. It was the past. Please read:


Whatever happened, happened for the good; whatever is happening, is happening for the good; whatever will happen, will also happen for the good only. You need not have any regrets for the past. You need not worry for the future. The present is happening...

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Kaeli yuga has said to have started when Krishna returned to vaikunda.



Since then morality is said to deteriorate throughout Kaeli Yuga. The way of "Sanathana Dharma" will not be followed by its people and it starts deteriorating.



By this i do not see any reason for any force that tries to deteriorate Sanathana Dharma to be a positive force. Christianity is a positive force as long it does not involve in conversions. Which in this case is not true. In the case of conversions, i can only interpret it as a negative force of Kaeli Yuga. All the so called Hindu preachers are doing it for money. For this they only preach what is attractive to the "WESTENERS" who are materially superior. They see Hinudism as the oldest relegion and respect it. So the preachers mingle the "One God" concept and change the essence of Sanathana Dharma and preach it which in no way is the actual Sanathana Dharma concept. I can point out a few names who became popular in the West "using" Sanathana Dharma. I can also point out a lot of flaws taken from Christianity in their preaching clearly intended to attract the foreigners. At the end, they are making a lot of money.



I know this is Kaeli Yugan nobody will even consider anything like this. When people hear this, they want to dismiss it saying it is fiction. Whereas if i writ about these grey aliens in a Christian faith, all the "relegious" Christians would raise and say "THE GREY ALIENS ARE TRUE" call upon the NAME OF THE LORD. He will save you.


Hinduism has a lot of Tactics to tackle the aliens in a scientific way as explained here.





I know hardly anybody will consider this. But whatever is in my mind i have to give it out. I know something, i know it is true, i dont want to keep it in me fearing criticisms. I know this can be followed by trolling and personal attacks. But the true seeker will ignore the trolling and realise it as evidence of mind control intended for suppressing the truth.



Considering Muslims as our enemies and hoping that Christians would save us is not correct. Neither we should consider it the other way. We have to look at the universe as a whole and understand the world politics. Christians have no intensions of protecting Sanathana Dharma neither the Muslims have any intensions of protecting it.



Sanathana Dharma simply cannot be erased. Because our Gods are not only beleifs, they are true. Hindustaanam cannot be destroyed by force. This is the exact reason of the covert operation of the "gray aliens" to wipe out Sanathana Dharma.

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Stealth Biological Warfare


The grey aliens use stealth biological warfare against humans. When humans are asleep, these aliens paralyze them and perform quick surgeries and place implants in their bodies. This is the reason for the sleep paralysis occurring in many cases. Their technology is so sophisticated that they need not be visible at all while performing the surgeries.



The implants may be organic or non organic i do not know. These implants can be used by the grey aliens to control our senses as they wish. They can control our temparament, anger, and most importantly, the different hormones.



Testosterone in males can be controlled by the aliens there by controlling their sex drive. Similar tactic is adopted to control the sex drive of females. Increasing and decreasing the sex drives of females and males respectively, appropriately at specific times allow them to wreck havok between marriage relationahips causing increasing number of divorces.



The suppression of sex drive in males is an effective way of black miling them and force them to do what they do not want to do. Black miling the females is done by painful processes. If the males do not give up, they use the painful processes on them.



All these forms of control result in lower fertility rates and lower health of the new born. Because of the biological warfare humans get many abnormalities in their bodies leading to mental depression and fear. This results in reduced life span and agony.

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Strictly following vegeterianism can reduce the effects of the implants.


The mind has the ability to overcome the effects of the implants.


If there is an increase in sex drive, the path of dharma will overcome it.


The control of sex drive in females is very very important. Pre marital sex and sex with different persons will result in severe physical and mental deteriorations.




From Dr. Karla Turner:


- Female abductees often suffer serious gynaecological problems after alien encounters, and sometimes these problems lead to cysts, tumours, cancer of the breast and uterus, and to hysterectomies.


- A surprising number of abductees suffer from serious illnesses they didn’t have before their encounters. These have led to surgery, debilitation, and even death from causes doctors cannot identify.





Cunning thoughts and treacherous way of life will severely worsen the cases. Humans must keep in mind that the aliens always feed on negative energy. When there are two people fighting, the tension and adrenaline and the havok created is what the grey aliens long for. So by doing what the grey aliens say, they are only worsening their own lives. One must never give into their torture no matter how hard they try. This itself will help achieve a person's soul reach Paramathma, Lord Vishnu in this Kaeli Yuga.



This knowledge and information must spread among the Hindus. People must be aware of what is happening to them. The westeners do not understand clearly the concept of the grey aliens and their agenda. Some of them even write that the grey aliens are our friends and their activities are beneficial. It is because their knowledge about spiritualism is less.



In Hindustaanam we have all the vedas, puranas, everything.



I had many abnormalities in my body ever since my encounter. I never went to a doctor or a gynaecologist. Rather i used astrology and followed the path of dharma and vegeterianism. This solved all my problems. This allowed me to realise Paramathma inspite of their torture.

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Astrology when done correctly is a very powerful weapon against the grey aliens. But it involves a lot of challenges.



The astrologer should be spiritually inclined and not materially inclined. By his predictions you can easily analyse his skills. If you beleive an astrologer is making accurate predictions, then take advantage of it. Use it for marriage and investing(to avoid losses) and everything. It is also advisable to consult him about the position of the planets and how in general it would affect your life, instead of analysing how much you can gain materially. The aim is to live a peaceful life without fear and to reach God, not material benefit.

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The grey aliens are waging psychic and biological warfare in Hindustaanam than any other place on this earth. Hindustaanam is the land of the Gods. These evil forces are always defeated by the Gods. Their plan to takeover Earth is done in a covert way.



Look at this Hybrid alien i encountered below. Alien abductees from other countries tell that these creatures are found only in spaceships. They are rarely seen on Earth. But the below Hybrid i encountered in Chennai was studying in a dental college. So you can see how much the grey aliens are involved in taking down Hindustaanam.





When i first encountered this female Hybrid, i thought it was human. I did not beleive in aliens those days. It used to dress in Churidhar or Saree. But i have noted that its back side was in a non human shape, i thought it might be "handicapped" or some sort of birth defect or something. Now when i read about the characteristics of the hybrids from the abductees, i really regret i should have been more aware about them. Nobody will beleive this girl is an alien Hybrid. Moreover whenever i stand near this Hybrid, i felt EMOTIONALLY vulnerable that made me fall in love with it. Once it even triggered orgasm in my body when it came and stood near me. It is a Christian and it never goes near a Hindu Temple.



This is what it is all about. This hybrid can control a lot of people's mind. It was the one who first STARED at me with its large eyes to seduct me using its powers. Imagine how many minds it can control. Once i did not get iinside a bus in which this hybrid was inside. The bus driver stopped the bus and he was waiting for me to get in for a few minutes, i did not get inside the bus. This bus driver's mind was controlled by the Hybrid.



In Chennai i used to go from Velacherry(where i reside) to catch bus from Thiruvanmiyur, where i encountered this Hybrid everyday. Then after i finished my training, i stayed at home waiting for my Visa and documents. I received blank calls twice in my mobile phone. It was a female voice. I noted the number. Then moments after this call, i received the following sms from my training friend(FYI he is a Hindu, not a Christian) who also used to tavel in the same bus we used to travel:



89 angels with Mother Mary

are sent to you

Which you must send to 8 people

except me.

In 8 days you will receive

something you have

long awaited.

Have faith in her

dont delete.



Then i called the PCO number, the owner told the PCO was in Lakshmipuram, an area in Thiruvanmiyur from where this hybrid comes walking to the bus stop. Then i have to beleive it was THIS HYBRID WHO GAVE ME BLANK CALL. Then after 8 days i received a missed call from the same number. Then i had to beleive that this hybrid, (that time i thought it was human) has contacted my friend in the bus and was sending sms to me through him. This was really foolish, buti was so emotionally vulnerable that i started beleiving it that she was in love with me and i loved her too. Then after a few days two unknown women came to my house, both were CHRISTIANS. They talked about getting converted to Christianity and gave a book and left. If i was really not attached to my Relegion, due to this mind control, i would have opted for the conversion for nothing.




MY DEAR Hindus, this whole hybridisation program IS ABOUT CONVERSION of HINDUS.



The westeners postulate a lot of theories for the hybridisation program of the grey aliens. But the actual reason for raising the hybrids is to let them infiltrate we Hindus, make us emotionally vulnerable, wherein they can convert us all and destroy Hindu culture and Sanathana Dharma forever.

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Dr. Jacobs indicates the evidence suggests the aliens' ultimate goal is integration into human society and all their efforts and activities appear geared toward complete control of humans on Earth. Dr. Jacobs outlines four programs the aliens have put into effect to achieve their goals:


1. The Abduction Program

2. The Breeding Program

3. The Hybridization Program

4. The Integration Program





The Abduction Program involves selectively abducting humans around the world. The Breeding Program is the process whereby the aliens collect human sperm and eggs, genetically alter the fertilized embryo, incubate fetuses in human hosts, and make humans mentally and physically interact with the offspring for proper hybrid development. The Hybridization Program is where the aliens refine the hybrids by continual alteration and breeding with humans to become more human while retaining crucial alien characteristics. And the Integration Program involves the aliens preparing abductees for future events when eventually the hybrids or the aliens themselves integrate into human society and assume control.







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your post contain stricking similarities with this illness



you twist ordinary incidents.

You say that the bus driver was mind controlled because he waited some minutes for you.

You get a christian chain message about faith and someone calls you after 8 days dont you get calls every day or at least often?

And you say that a strange looking girl at dental college is a alien hybrid when noone else can see it! even the people she is among.


It seems like you take normal incidents and coincidenses and explain them by saying aliens infilitrating the world.


please read this:

Delusional disorder



Delusional disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis denoting a psychotic mental illness that involves holding one or more non-bizarre delusions in the absence of any other significant psychopathology (signs or symptoms of mental illness). In particular, a person with delusional disorder has never met any other criteria for schizophrenia and does not have any marked hallucinations, although tactile (touch) or olfactory (smell) hallucinations may be present if they are related to the theme of the delusion.

A person with delusional disorder can be quite functional and does not tend to show any odd or bizarre behavior aside from these delusions. "Despite the encapsulation of the delusional system and the relative sparing of the personality, the patient's way of life is likely to become more and more overwhelmed by the dominating effect of the abnormal beliefs". (Munro, 1999)

<table style="border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(153, 153, 204) rgb(190, 190, 237) rgb(190, 190, 237) rgb(153, 153, 204); border-width: 3px; text-align: center; font-size: 80%;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td style="padding: 0.5em 0.35em; background: rgb(255, 255, 255) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial;">

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Formerly, delusional disorder was called "paranoia." The latter expression is now used instead to denote a symptom (excessive, unreasonable, even psychotic fear) rather than a psychiatric nosologic entity, or diagnosis.

<table id="toc" class="toc" summary="Contents"> <tbody><tr> <td>


Indicators of a delusion



  1. The patient expresses an idea or belief with unusual persistence or force.
  2. That idea appears to exert an undue influence on his or her life, and the way of life is often altered to an inexplicable extent.
  3. Despite his/her profound conviction, there is often a quality of secretiveness or suspicion when the patient is questioned about it.
  4. The individual tends to be humorless and oversensitive, especially about the belief.
  5. There is a quality of centrality: no matter how unlikely it is that these strange things are happening to him, the patient accepts them relatively unquestioningly.
  6. An attempt to contradict the belief is likely to arouse an inappropriately strong emotional reaction, often with irritability and hostility.
  7. The belief is, at the least, unlikely.
  8. The patient is emotionally over-invested in the idea and it overwhelms other elements of his psyche.
  9. The delusion, if acted out, often leads to behaviors which are abnormal and/or out of character, although perhaps understandable in the light of the delusional beliefs.
  10. Individuals who know the patient will observe that his belief and behavior are uncharacteristic and alien.
[edit] Features


(Munro, 1999)

  1. It is a primary disorder.
  2. It is a stable disorder characterized by the presence of delusions to which the patient clings with extraordinary tenacity.
  3. The illness is chronic and frequently lifelong.
  4. The delusions are logically constructed and internally consistent.
  5. The delusions do not interfere with general logical reasoning (although within the delusional system the logic is perverted) and there is usually no general disturbance of behavior. If disturbed behavior does occur, it is directly related to the delusional beliefs.
  6. The individual experiences a heightened sense of self-reference. Events which, to others, are nonsignificant are of enormous significance to him or her, and the atmosphere surrounding the delusions is highly charged.
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I dont understand why people are so much interested in me.



When i can take care of my own problems, by being so much attached to our GODS, i dont understand why people are interested in diverting me.



As i told before the grey aliens do not like their evil plans getting exposed. Other is, some people do not want Christianity to get flawed. They are kissing the "backs" of Christians and want to influence a Hindu forum like this. If i post this information in any other forum, Hinduism and our faiths will all be criticized and insulted. They cannot do it in this forum. So they want to cast aspersions on me.



I am really grateful for this forum for keeping my posts. I cannot even post on other forums. I tried posting in Hindu Dharma forums before, but they do not want the Christians to get upset. Then they will not get the forum visited by foreigners. So they do not want to keep my posts.



Then i did post in a foreign aliens forum which are inclined toward Hinduism, they did keep my posts. Then one of the posters involved in personal attacks, i replied, then that poster went like a crybaby crying to the admin to remove my posts.



I am unable to post the truth about these aliens. Even if i do, there are barriers like the previous post to make the readers disbeleive it.



I asked one question to that poster, WHAT BOTHERS HIM/HER even if i am a PSYCHO? THAT IS MY PROBLEM NOT HIS or HERS. Why is he/she so much worried about me? Why would he/she be so much worried about me if my posts are fake?



Let me tell this, i have no intensions of making money here. By posting here i gain no money or expecting material benefit. I am a sailor and my astrologer adviced me to sail to reduce the effects of Shani. Also i can see the aliens can influence me if i stay on land. I am making a lot of money more than enough by sailing. I am living a very peaceful life by realising Paramathma, the concept of eternal soul and being attached to our Gods. My agenda is to make people aware of these "grey aliens" who are the dhanavas/daityas of vedic lore.



If you really beleive in Hinduism, you cannot dismiss these Dhanava/Daityas or the evil forces("grey aliens"), the adversaries of Gods as psychiatric disorder.



If i am scared of criticisms and shut myself, then how will anyone be aware of these things happening? Everything will be suppressed, the grey aliens will achieve their agenda.

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In the Treta Yuga Lord Vishnu incarnated as Rama to kill Ravana. Next he incarnates as Krishna, to end the atrocities of Naragasura and to guide the Pandavas in the Dwapara Yuga.



Note in Mahabharatha, Duryodhana, unlike Ravana, was human, a cousin of the Pandavas. He is said to be mind controlled after his abduction by the Dhanavas and Daityas. The following information is interpreted:



This story from the Mahabharat has a number of features that are seen in UFO abduction accounts. These include:

1. A strange being takes Duryodhana bodily to another location, where he has a meeting with other stange beings.

2. Mystical or higher-dimensional transport is used.

3. The strange beings have human form, but look “ gruesome.” Certainly they are “ aliens.”

4. These beings have been guiding Duryodhana’s life from the very beginning.

5. They designed his body so that he would be impervious to weapons. Thus they apparently engaged in genetic manipulations, or something similar.

6. The aliens were planning to manipulate human beings through mind control.

7. After his interview, Duryodhana returned to the spot where he was taken, and after settling him down, his captor disappeared.

8. After the experience, it seemed to be a dream.



The "grey aliens" might have started their influence in the dwapara yuga. Possible that the Gods battled the asuras and sent them down to the underworld, the inside of the earth impacted by the hot magma or to a different region of the universe with difficult environment to survive, and in course of time these defeated asuras due to the hot environment evolved into the dhanavas and Daityas or the "grey aliens".





The above interpretations is from Dr. Richard L. Thompson, and while people do understand the vedic references to the modern day grey aliens, why should we as Hindus dismiss them? Hinduism, in no way preaches that there is no evil and this is all a result of psychiatric disorder. I, being a Hindu, cannot dismiss my experiences, what i underwent, what i am undergoing as simply result of coincidences and illusions. I have to do what i can to help my fellow Hindus be aware of this information and my experiences.

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What bothers me is you actually might convince other poeple of this dangerous nonsense. This is a discussion forum it is meant for discusion so you must stand up for your beleifs. BUT YOU CANT you havent addresed a single issue of what i bring up, you even wont speak directly to me.

Just Because their exist spiritual entities as the scriptures speak of, it does not mean that we are waged psychic and biological war against. Entities dont walk around on earth they are on a much more sophisticatet level of existince!!

As with everything else you interpret this out of what your own mind make up.


But please answer this question: if these aliens has infiltrated the earth and has been here for a looong time why dont any single spiritual master speak of them? Has Srila Prabhupada spoken of them? No, he spoke of kali-yuga and its degrading effect on the world he didnt blame aliens.

Please show me any authority in sanathana dharma that speaks of grey aliens and psychic and biological warfare? Then you will have a chance at convincing me and other people!!

If the existince of these aliens are so common and widespread why dont you hear the most advanced spiritual masters speak of them???

We must follow their words not some geocities.com homepage.

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This is a discussion forum it is meant for discusion so you must stand up for your beleifs. BUT YOU CANT you havent addresed a single issue of what i bring up, you even wont speak directly to me.



Well there i did directly reply to you once. All the posters like you does not want to answer my questions and you want your questions answered.


Why do you worry about me and Sanathana Dharma?


I post my experiences to create awareness among Hindus about the involvement of aliens/evil entities to take over mind of Hindus to get converted into Christians.


Why are you BOTHERED? Am i asking a Christian or Muslim to get converted into a Hindu? No. I am only creating awareness among Hindus about my experiences with the grey aliens and their Hybrid. Hindus reading it will become aware about the aliens and will never give into conversions. Christians will not beleive it as natural as it is.

How does this affect you? Are you a Christian missionary? Do you want to convert Hindus into Christians?



If so you better contact the admins and do what you want.



People have the freedom and FREE WILL to decide their choice. You or I do not have any role here. If you find me crazy, you leave it and go away, rather you want to divert the topic here.



I do not talk to you directly because you people never answer my logical questions and you post silly questions to divert the essence of the topic. This is TROLLING. I will answer this:



if these aliens has infiltrated the earth and has been here for a looong time why dont any single spiritual master speak of them?


The aliens are doing a covert activity. Since Dwapara Yuga, after their failure, they left Hidustaanam knowing they will face defeat. They abducted a lot of people from the west, the reason we see so many alien abduction cases in the west. These aliens cannot simply take away Hindus to their spaceships and do abductions. People will not keep their mouths shut like ME. So they concentrated on the westeners. Their technology is related to their biology. Like i mentioned before, their technology has something to do with some kind of "fuel", like how we need Petrol or Diesel to run our engines. I compared this with "laghima", the unknown power of man's ego which can cause levitation, the technology of ancient aircrafts.The more this fuel the more they can boost their technology. This fuel allows them to achieve invisibility, levitation etc. In simple words, they visibly abduct Westeners, they "suck" adrenaline(which is produced by creating stress on their abductees) or some human substance that fuels their "invisible" psychic and biological warfare in Hindustaanam. In Hindustaanam, nobody will report seeing a "grey alien" with large eyes and child like body like how the westeners report. This is because, they use invisibility in Hindustaanam. This invisibility needs fuel, which are gained from the western humans.



Several abductees, psychics (through out-of-body experiences) and former employees of the Dulce facility reported seeing large vats, full of blood and body parts; essentially, a human stew . Their understanding is particular varieties of aliens, mostly "Greys" bathe in these vats to absorb nutrients through their skin. One of the secretions these aliens crave is adrenaline, which is generated in great quantity when the victim is tortured or traumatized at the moment of death. This glandular hormone is most potent in children.







From what I understand the Department of the Navy made an agreement with the alien Greys to exchange technologies for human women and children to conduct horrific breeding experiments. This is what is going on right now in an underground base not far from Miami, Florida. One of my most disturbing memories is being escorted down a hallway in this underground lab and seeing cages of chickenwire fencing with women and children screaming for help. I have seen Grey aliens (the 4-foot tall ones with large black eyes) and also 7-foot tall reptilian beings in some of my experiences. I have been told that I have many children from alien breeding experiments. I have had abductions with the Greys also.






When i speak about the aliens, how many criticisms were raised in this forum? Inspite of the criticisms i am posting the information. Will any spiritual leader want to take such criticisms? Moreover the hybridisation program was a very long one, after so much efforts for thousands of years, only recently they succeeded in creating a hybrid with little alien appearance to infiltrate human society. This hybrid is the one i encountered. However their first prototype is a terrible failure.


Leave the spiritual leaders, I quoted a number of researchers with Ph. D, doing SCIENTIFIC research and come out with logical information. However you will say the researchers did not really do research, they are fake. I answered this question to provide information to the readers. I know you will try to suppress this and put your silly questions forward.



However i will not encourage your posts hereafter, you have no buisiness here, you made your point, then you better leave, dont keep trying to divert the information posted here.


I will encourage LOGICAL questions on ALIENS and how to overcome the grey aliens using Sanathana Dharma. Questions on my encounters are welcome. If i suspect trolling, i may not encourage them.

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Well there i did directly reply to you once. All the posters like you does not want to answer my questions and you want your questions answered.


I will gladly answer your questions what question do you think i have missed? Just say and i will answer.


Why are you BOTHERED? Am i asking a Christian or Muslim to get converted into a Hindu? No. I am only creating awareness among Hindus about my experiences with the grey aliens and their Hybrid. Hindus reading it will become aware about the aliens and will never give into conversions. Christians will not beleive it as natural as it is.

How does this affect you? Are you a Christian missionary? Do you want to convert Hindus into Christians?


This shows again how you want to blame every thing on everything else. Something works against you and the first thing you think is CHRISTIAN!!! sorry you cant blame the christians this time.

And why are you even talking about christians and muslims? im talking about "grey aliens"


And actually i encourage converting Christians and Muslims to hindus, i would very much like to see such thing happen. So this would never be my problem why do you think that?

I belive in sanathana dharma OK? I have statet this once in this thread allready.

But i dont belive in grey aliens allright?? does that make me christian? no!! then why are you saying such nonsense?


People have the freedom and FREE WILL to decide their choice. You or I do not have any role here. If you find me crazy, you leave it and go away, rather you want to divert the topic here.


You are acusing me of diverting the topic? you wouldnt even answer my posts until now, give me a break.

And no i dont want to leave you, you have free will and i have free will and im using my free will to discuss this topic because i want, again this is a discussion forum and one must be able to discuss about what one posts allright? It is not a "post your ideas and no critsism allowed forum"

It is actually because i find you crazy i wont go away if i agreed with you i wouldnt bother to post, this is how a discusion forum works.



I do not talk to you directly because you people never answer my logical questions and you post silly questions to divert the essence of the topic. This is TROLLING. I will answer this:


Please tell me what logical questions i miss answering, i promise i will answer every one of them if you promise to answer mine.



When i speak about the aliens, how many criticisms were raised in this forum? Inspite of the criticisms i am posting the information. Will any spiritual leader want to take such criticisms? Moreover the hybridisation program was a very long one, after so much efforts for thousands of years, only recently they succeeded in creating a hybrid with little alien appearance to infiltrate human society. This hybrid is the one i encountered. However their first prototype is a terrible failure.



Sorry but did you think that you would not receive criticisms for posting about grey aliens? What do you mean if any spiritual leader would want to take such criticisms? are you a spiritual leader or what are you saying?

So you think it is wrong to critisize something you dont belive what do you mean?

So you maneged to stumble across the only christian dental college student alien hybrid prototype on the earth?, peew what are the chances for that?

Cant you see at all why allmost all other people in the world have trouble beliving this?



Leave the spiritual leaders, I quoted a number of researchers with Ph. D, doing SCIENTIFIC research and come out with logical information. However you will say the researchers did not really do research, they are fake. I answered this question to provide information to the readers. I know you will try to suppress this and put your silly questions forward.


No this is extremly important, spiritual leaders provide guidance in every aspect of life and their knowledge is far greater than both yours and mine. This is knowledge of sanathana dharma! the spiritual master are in close contact with the spiritual world and therfore they must know about such dangers as if we are mind control by evil aliens, spiritual masters are the most sophisticated in knowledge about the mind so they must know what goes on in the metaphysical layers and the human mind. Spiritual masters posess the strongest sense of intuition you will find!

You are claiming your authority bigger than theirs, this is very bad as a hindu!

You have more faith in researchers than your own religion!

No spiritual master have ever spoken of anything like what you propose so i cannot accept it!

And by the way, when you claim something as scientific you must show HARD EVIDENCE, not texts saying this and that, then everything could be science.


However i will not encourage your posts hereafter, you have no buisiness here, you made your point, then you better leave, dont keep trying to divert the information posted here.


Who are you to tell me i have no buisness discussing this subject? no i will not leave this thread, i demand answers to my posts! i dont like beeing ignored like that.
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Let me propose something about the nature of alien abductions.

All human brains contain the hallucenogenic natural occuring tryptamine N,N-dimethyltryptamine. This tryptamine is also found in many animals and plants. When consumed in large doses it will trigger an extreme out of body experience where almost everyone gets in close contacts with entities. Many of the subjects experienced many similarities with what people claiming to have been abducted by aliens had experienced, this includes sexual experiences, examinations, freindly encounters and hostile encounters with these entities.

Clinical scientific research has been made to back this up(if you want to read about it look up: DMT: the spirit molecule by Rick Strassman)

So under great stress of the mind a DMT/N,N-dimethyltryptamine experience can be triggered and a person might feel like he or she is alien abductet

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I simply will not answer your trolling posts.


I know your agenda, you are here to cast aspersions on my posts to make the reader disbeleive my information (the disinformation agenda of the grey aliens). This is very EVIDENT in this thread and the other thread.


According to dharma, however i can do only what i can do. When i have encountered aliens, i have researched about them, i know their agenda and if i do not tell it out, then it is against dharma. Because i am not doing something which i am capable of doing. My soul will reach hell. But not answering your trolling and nonsense posts is not adharma. Also i cannot stop you from spamming my thread with your nonsense posts because i am not an admin. So the Gods will not get angry with me because it is out of my control. I always abide by dharma, Sanathana Dharma.



If the aliens are torturing women and children and people in underground facilities somewhere in Miami Florida, i am unable to do anything about it because it is something beyond my capability. However if the aliens want to do the same to Hindustaanam and i know it is going to happen if we are not aware of it, and i just dont do anything about it fearing the criticism, irritation and trolling of SOME JUICE, then i am doing adharma.



People can think, why the US media does not tell about this Dulce base and underground facilities. Just take our country, do you all beleive the media is telling the truth? Do they tell what M.F. Hussain did? Only if you go to Hindu websites you will find what he did really. Same way the US government will not disclose anything. They are fooled by the Grey Aliens. Only if you go to other sources you will get it. We can analyse it and research it and decide it for ourselves whether it is true or not.



Please Ignore Soma Juice if you want to be really attached to our Sanathana Dharma. It is clearly evident that this poster is either mind controlled or someone kissing the "back" of the Christians. Even after i made this remark long back, the poster has no self respect and want to keep suppressing my posts in a forum of Hindus. WILL A TRUE HINDU DO THIS? WHAT KIND OF A NORMAL PERSON WILL DO THIS? this person calls me a psycho. Isnt this poster's behaviour CLEARLY ABNORMAL? Isnt this evidence of mind control? Whether or not what i post is unbeleivable, what i say is according to dharma, to follow Sanathana Dharma, to counter evil. What kind of a Hindu will stand against this? Or even if that poster is not a Hindu, what kind of a normal person will still do this even after making such a remark? I am not asking you to do anything for me, i only want people to be aware of what is happening, and be attached to Sanathana Dharma, because our Gods are REAL, failing which will result in havok and so do not give into conversions. The aliens, however cruel or powerful they may be, they FEAR Sanathana Dharma. They fear publicity. You can see it yourself they do not want my posts to reach the Hindus without barriers.



Possible that the poster can contact the admin like a crybaby like what happened in the other forum. But if thread is removed, i still have evidence and i will post it in another forum, hope our Gods are there with me.

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Well i say you are delusional and you say im brainwashed by aliens You do the exact same thing to me, you actually also acusing me of beeing a christian missionary. WHY WOULD I BE ON THIS FORUM IF I DID NOT BELIVE IN SANATHANA DHARMA?



Offcause i try to make people disbelive what you post? Because i dont belive what you post myself!!! you make it sound like a secret.

But im not saying you didnt have all these strange incidents, lets make that clear, but im saying they dont prove the existence of these beeings!!

But belive me when i say i do it out of 100% free will.

Why is it hard to accept that poeple dont just belive in grey aliens like this? is everyone who question their existence mind controlled or a christian working with the aliens?

A knew you wouldnt answer my questions just as earlier in the thread, you just take the easy way out and call me a troll? I am wondering are you not capable of answering since you evade every single question i write?

Please stop saying i am kissing the back of christians, how many times must i tell you i am "anti-christian" you cant figure me out so i must be apart of the "agenda" Wake up to reality you cant blame anything on diffrent agendas.


There is one question just must answer:

Why dont the spiritual masters know about the aliens? they are the wisest men on earth when presentet with facts they will see if it is true or not, but it seems like NO spiritual master speaks of this subject at all eventhough you say aliens have been around messing with us for mellenia, it is even the aliens fault that christianity was established right?

But not a single spiritual master through history points this out? how can it be? and not even today with hybrids walking in streets following your statements?


And you make it seem like im suppresing sanathana dharma? I think the thread speaks for it self, i dont see any other hindu defending your statements.

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Dear Hindus,


Soma Juice reminds me of my friends who were victimised by the grey aliens. After i completed training, my friend, whom i mentioned before, sent sms to me. The one sms i mentioned before was the first sms i received from him.



89 angels with Mother Mary

are sent to you

Which you must send to 8 people

except me.

In 8 days you will receive

something you have

long awaited.

Have faith in her

dont delete.



After receiving this sms, i was forced to beleive that it was the Hybrid, who i beleived was human from the bus stop sending the sms through my friend. His name was Kumaran, my friend from Salem, Tamil Nadu. He went back to Salem after training. Then all of the sms i received were very crazy. It is because the sms looked as if they were sent from a girl. This was clearly abnormal because what kind of a GUY(of male sex) will send such romantic sms to me(of male sex)? Another strange fact is, the same sms he sent was sent by my college friend. Kumaran was someone whom i know only from my training course. But my college friend started sending same sms and similar sms like a female. It was a bit embarassing for me and i told Kumaran, do not send such sms to me. He never heeded to my words. He kept on sending the sms to make me beleive the hybrid is in love with me and it will marry me. Now what Soma Juice is doing is also similar. Coercively trying to brainwash me, brainwash the reader like Kumaran. This behaviour is similar to that of the Christian Missionaries. Coercive conversion of Hindus, does not consider the other person's will, no respect for human values. The following are the sms sent by my friend:




Value the people who have touched your life...

Because you can never know you will ever be able to see them again.



Love is not in those precious valuable gold gifts and diamonds and in walking with hands together....

True love is identified when your love shows their face from the middle of a crowd and lets you know that they are still yours.



Heart is like a perfume bottle.

If you keep it always closed nobody knows your fragrance...

But if you keep it always open you will soon loose your fragrance.

So act wisely...



If you happen to miss someone whom you loved so much, its your fate...

If you give chance to miss someone who loved you so much, its your mistake.



Sweet relationships dont need any promises...

What it needs is one like me...

One sweet like you.



For pumping blood, i need a heart...

For heart to pump, i need to breathe...

For breathing i need a "friend"...

For a friend i need "U"...



Those sparkling eyes...

That 100 Watt smile...

Enthu stride...

Charming Beauty...

I am still the same how abu you?



Never beleive in handlines tell the future...

People who dont have hands also have future.



Valkai thathuvam.....







Pathiya... Onnume illai. Adhudhan valkai.



In life we come across different people...

Some we expect and some we dont...

Some we like and some we dont...

You are someone whom i really didnt expect...

But someone i really like.



Even a small hole in a pot will drain all the water in a pot.

Even a slightest sense of ego will remove all the goodness of a noble heart.



I have nothing much to give you, than my

************* ******





Everybody wants to be the sun to give you light in the day,

But i will be the moon to make you happy in the night.



Time will make us forget our memories,

But there will be some memories, where we forget time...

And those memories will last forever.



Love is not about how we care about each other in the initial stage of building relationship,

It is about how we care till end.



Few relationships on earth never die, read it again...

F ew

R elationships

I n

E arth

N ever

D ie



When the lake dries, the birds on the lake all fly away...

But the plants in the lake all die along with it.

That is the commitment in friendship.





How can a guy(of male sex) send these sms to me? Not one, but two guys who does not know each other sent same sms to me. This is clearly no coincidence and clearly abnormal. When i told Kumaran do not send sms, he should have stopped it and still been my friend if he is normal. He was continuously sending this sms inspite of my warning. Then at last i INSULTED him severely, insulted him about his mother, father, everyone in a terrible way (he is in no way of proper birth if he sends such sms anymore)such that he will never talk to me again. Also i insulted my other friend so that he also does not send anymore. This reminds me of SOMA JUICE. Then guess what happened. Another friend from my college who does not send sms at all starts sending sms to me, the similar sms, behaving like a female.



Is this normal? Then Soma Juice will tell it is Psychiatric Disorder for me and i should leave it as it is.



My dear Hindus, if anyone of you need physical evidence, I WILL PROVIDE ANYTHING THAT I HAVE, i have encountered. I can take you to Kumaran, the one who sent all this sms. He cannot deny he did not send it. I will also take you to other guy who sent sms. If you want to know about the Hybrid, i will take you to the Dental college it studied. I will provide any proof you want to support my claims are true. I will do it at my own cost. Any proof i can possibly provide.



P.S. I did not ask for any Hindus to raise and support me against Soma Juice. It is against Dharma, it is a treacherous way of life. I am living the path of Dharma. Soma Juice is curiously interested in casting aspersions on me by telling all irrelevant things about me to discredit my words. I do not consider Soma Juice as my enemy. That poster is only a victim like my friend Kumaran.

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You can clearly see soma Juice made a statement like Hindus are not supporting me. I made my agenda very clear. Soma Juice is looking at me as a "Hindu Missionary" who wants Hindus to hold on to their faiths and not get converted.


What is wrong with Soma Juice? I do not want the Hindus to raise and support me. I made my agenda very clearly. According to dharma, i have to publicize my experiences with the grey aliens, mind control, their hybrid and their ultimate goal of destroying Hinduism to take over Humanity. I only want Hindus to be aware of this. I made it very very clearly. I do not want Hindus attacking Christians or Hindus supporting me against Christians in this forum. It is against Dharma.


How many times i tell this, Soma Juice will treat me as a "Hindu" missionary. How many times should i say my agenda? My words are not even considered by Soma Juice. There is something clearly wrong with Soma Juice, and all of us Hindus can certainly be aware of it. If that poster is a Hindu, he/she is mind controlled by the grey aliens, or that poster is a Christian missionary being mind controlled which is evident in his/her BEHAVIOUR and INSTINCTS which i encountered before.

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Whatever i am posting here, i am posting it with logical back up. Whenever i interpret something it has a logical back up, it is not some simple story of imagination. For example, i told the dhanava and daityas or the grey aliens left Hindustanam and concentrated on the west. I interpreted this and i did find some material evidence here:





We are told in the Bible that the three wise men followed a moving star, which led them to the location of Jesus. It has been postulated that maybe this star was really Haley’s Comet, as calculations suggest that the comet was in the sky at the time; however, a comet would be pointless and difficult to follow. Alternatively, believers of the “ancient astronaut” theory have suggested that the star could have been a UFO, which the wise men were compelled to follow via telepathic communication with the aliens (which is commonly reported in alien abduction reports).


The birth of Jesus might be elucidated by the speculation that aliens visited Mary in her sleep (which she perceived as a dream in which she was visited by angels). The aliens could have artificially inseminated her with genetically engineered, or possibly even alien sperm; and this could explain the superhuman abilities which Jesus was reported to have had, and also the fact that Mary gave birth while she was still a virgin. So, perhaps Jesus was one of the first alien-human hybrids.


Or maybe the fundamentalist Christians were right all along (after all, the Sun does revolve around the Earth, the Earth is at the centre of the Universe, and all the other religions are wrong anyway, aren’t they?)



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