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lagna lord mercury in 12th

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please tell me about my career and spirutual tendencies my DOB is 10 august 1988.time 10:38am bangalore,india. i have lagna lord mercury in dushtana house 12th and what are its effects?




Current period of Saturn with subperiod of Rahu till Oct 2010 is running. Profession lord is Mercury who is lagna lord too is placed in 12<SUP>th</SUP> with Kethu. Saturn is your 5<SUP>th</SUP> house lord (thinking) and 6<SUP>th</SUP> house 9diseases, enemies) lord aspecting profession. Your thinking will vary a lot and may experience up and downs from time to time. Better period for professionally is after Oct 10 when Jupiter subperiod comes. Till then you may have to do hard work in professional life.

Spritually it is good for you as Jupiter is in 9<SUP>th</SUP> house aspecting lagna, worshiping lord Vishnu is your hidden power and you may have to explore it (without flowers). Wear a yellow Topaz (not yellow sapphire) in silver ring is good overall for you .




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