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After Death what happens?

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Pranams! Always, this question about death raises in my mind. May be many people also wonder what will happen afterwards? I very strongly believe in our karma philosophy. Also, in Garuda Purana many things have been told for the people who does evil on this earth and who does good on this earth. But the question arises that whether it is true ? Is there such thing like hell and heaven and are there punishments like that mentioned and also are there like swarga loka enjoyments? Our ancient sages could see everything. Are there any one now in this period of time who could tell authentically what will happen to the soul after it leaves human body? I believe that it will take another body (as our BhagavadGeeta says). I request any saint or seer here can explain more elaborately about the journey of the soul between these periods of leaving present body and taking another body.


hari om


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