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Prabhupada's teachings on attaining manjari-bhava

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Sonic Yogi

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Madhya 19.132 purport:



According to Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura, distributing literature is like playing on a great mṛdańga. Consequently we always request members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness to publish as many books as possible and distribute them widely throughout the world. By thus following in the footsteps of Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī, one can become a rūpānuga devotee.


So, book distribution can help one become a Rupanuga.

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On a previous topic one devotee suggested that the concept pf manjari bhava was never encouraged by Srila Prabhupada.

Why Srila Prabhupada was rushing to make sure he publishes the Krishna Book before he leaves? Yet he did publish Krishna Book, which is basically his retelling of the 10th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, rather than just publishing the translation itself, which he never did, unfortunately.

He himself has explained that the 10th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam describes the highest goal and destination for the gaudia-vaisnavas. Although it has to be properly understood. So he did in his preaching, he put a foundation on which devotees are able to properly understand the highest. He wanted to give the highest himself too (and that's why he wrote Krishna Book right off), but then he also saw that the important preparation work needed to be done.

Srila Narayana Maharaja refers to it as 'cutting the jungles'. I think Srila Prabhupada also used this analogy to describe what he saw his immediate goal in preaching was... and Yet we can see from the above quotes that he did glorify manjari-bhava in many personal letters and even in his public lectures and his books as well. He could not have refused doing this, because he is a superlative Gaudiya-Vaisnava. Although he was busy doing preaching and accomplishing particular tasks, he could not conceal his heart completely.

Then when he was departing, he asked Srila Narayana Maharaja to help him and continue his work. He said, he had planted the seeds, but he could not have properly watch and care for the sprouts simply because he did not have time for that. He was going...

Anyway, the path to perfection is always very narrow. If someone doesn't want to accept the truth, he does not have to.. For those who are ready, the truth manifests itself. I did not want to 'promote' any particular acariya (They don't need that), although I do believe it's always good for me to try to glorify pure Vaisnavas. The Parampara continues to exist. Achariyas are passing way, new ones manifest. What I think is important is the actual siddhanta, the pure teaching of the sampradaya. Achariyas ARE to preserve just that.

Srila Narayana Maharaja said that he had also seen that very a few of 'us' might be qualified for the highest. Yet, he felt that if he did not emphasize enough the actual goal of Gaudiya-vaisnavas, did not publish his translations of the works of the previous achariyas, everyone would very soon forget about Radha-dasya and manjari-bhava.

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Why Srila Prabhupada was rushing to make sure he publishes the Krishna Book before he leaves? Yet he did publish Krishna Book, which is basically his retelling of the 10th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, rather than just publishing the translation itself, which he never did, unfortunately.

He himself has explained that the 10th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam describes the highest goal and destination for the gaudia-vaisnavas. Although it has to be properly understood. So he did in his preaching, he put a foundation on which devotees are able to properly understand the highest. He wanted to give the highest himself too (and that's why he wrote Krishna Book right off), but then he also saw that the important preparation work needed to be done.

Srila Narayana Maharaja refers to it as 'cutting the jungles'. I think Srila Prabhupada also used this analogy to describe what he saw his immediate goal in preaching was... and Yet we can see from the above quotes that he did glorify manjari-bhava in many personal letters and even in his public lectures and his books as well. He could not have refused doing this, because he is a superlative Gaudiya-Vaisnava. Although he was busy doing preaching and accomplishing particular tasks, he could not conceal his heart completely.

Then when he was departing, he asked Srila Narayana Maharaja to help him and continue his work. He said, he had planted the seeds, but he could not have properly watch and care for the sprouts simply because he did not have time for that. He was going...

Anyway, the path to perfection is always very narrow. If someone doesn't want to accept the truth, he does not have to.. For those who are ready, the truth manifests itself. I did not want to 'promote' any particular acariya (They don't need that), although I do believe it's always good for me to try to glorify pure Vaisnavas. The Parampara continues to exist. Achariyas are passing way, new ones manifest. What I think is important is the actual siddhanta, the pure teaching of the sampradaya. Achariyas ARE to preserve just that.

Srila Narayana Maharaja said that he had also seen that very a few of 'us' might be qualified for the highest. Yet, he felt that if he did not emphasize enough the actual goal of Gaudiya-vaisnavas, did not publish his translations of the works of the previous achariyas, everyone would very soon forget about Radha-dasya and manjari-bhava.


It only seems logical that Srila Prabhupada understood that he was coming to America, a non-Hindu nation of so-called conservative Christian values with no conception of conjugal love of Godhead, and that as Sridhar Maharaja said, possibly did not intend to give conjugal love of Godhead in "the first installment".


So, upon first arriving in America he might have been more in the mood of sakhya-rasa and somewhat protective of the conjugal love conception.


Then, later, when he saw so many western boys and girls being very open and receptive to the conjugal conception of love of Krsna he might have began to stress more the glories of conjugal love of Krsna.


On the Jaladuta, coming over from India, Srila Prabhupada might have been setting the mood for his introduction of Gaudiya Vaishnavism to the western world with a sakhya-rasa sentiment and keeping the madhurya-rasa in the background unless and until he found a receptive audience here in the western world.


Eventually, large numbers of western devotees showed much receptivity to the conjugal conception of love of Krsna and in the books of Srila Prabhupada the conjugal love of Krsna is ALWAYS glorified as the supreme and most excellant and exalted type of love of Godhead.


Srila Prabhupada relentlessly emphasized that conjugal love of Krishna is the topmost level of love of Godhead.


So, his eyes were open to that reality.

If so, how could he be satisfied with anything less?

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Then, later, when he saw so many western boys and girls being very open and receptive to the conjugal conception of love of Krsna he might have began to stress more the glories of conjugal love of Krsna.



"Western boys and girls being very open and receptive to the conjugal conception of love of Krsna." This is a very speculative and vage interpretation. What is true is that Prabhupada found out that Westerners are lusty and sexualy inclined like anything. Although Prabhupada taught how by becoming KC we are freed from sexual attraction very soon the temples all over US were turned into creches and kindergardens.


Prabhupada did not state his svarup to anyone in a written or recorded form and no disciple appears to have reached a degree of realization to have that information revealed.

As such, no one knows, beyond mental speculations aimed at attracting attention to establish for themselves a mundane reputation as a "greatly realized soul" in their search for distinction, adoration and fame. For his "genuine" disicples, the ONLY thing of importance regarding his appearance and disappearance is, ARE HIS INSTRUCTIONS BEING FOLLOWED?


If one takes a brief tour of the remnants and fragments of the movement he started, known as ISKCON, one can only conclude the answer is NO. His disciples, en masse, have utterly failed to properly understand and carry out many of his essential instructions.


Instead of focusing on the INSTRUCTIONS, they have deviated to focus on any number of other irrelevant issues, such as his svarup. The result is that the Caitanya movement, stemming from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja and Srila Prabhupada has "fallen" into the status of mundane religious institution.


What is needed, among his would be followers, is a return to the basic formula he gave, Urban and Rural Temple communities founded on the establishment of Daivi-Varnashram divisions. Until this happens, anyone who claims to be a disciple is but a deluded fool, a pretender, a gross rascal and shameless cheater!


When will the followers of Srila Prabhupad "WAKE UP", abandon their foolish illusions, debates, contentions and politics to cooperatively take up his instructions?? My opinion...NEVER! And, as such, the potency to actually carry on his mission will pass to others, as of yet unknown.


So we should rather challenge the Vaishnavas to wake up and take up the banner of submission and obedience to the instructions as given by Srila Prabhupada.

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Prabhupada did not state his svarup to anyone in a written or recorded form and no disciple appears to have reached a degree of realization to have that information revealed.


Such a comment is very presumptuous.

So, you claim to know the attainment of every disciple of Srila Prabhupada on the planet.

How do you know that?

You can't know that.

You are just assuming the position of judging every disciple of Srila Prabhupada as if you are all-knowing to make a sweeping judgment like that.


Most often, we make such remarks about the Godbrothers out of neophyte jealousy to try and bring all them down to our own neophyte unrealized condition, when in fact some of them are probably much more advanced.


Because I am a neophyte, I must try and drag everyone else down to my level.


If Srila Prabhupada did reveal his spiritual identity to a disciple so you think that disciple would like get on the internet and broadcast it to the whole world?

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Such a comment is very presumptuous.

So, you claim to know the attainment of every disciple of Srila Prabhupada on the planet.

How do you know that?

You can't know that.

You are just assuming the position of judging every disciple of Srila Prabhupada as if you are all-knowing to make a sweeping judgment like that.


Most often, we make such remarks about the Godbrothers out of neophyte jealousy to try and bring all them down to our own neophyte unrealized condition, when in fact some of them are probably much more advanced.


Because I am a neophyte, I must try and drag everyone else down to my level.


If Srila Prabhupada did reveal his spiritual identity to a disciple so you think that disciple would like get on the internet and broadcast it to the whole world?


Since the moderators delete all my posts I'm not wasting my time anymore.

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TLC CH. 17



There is a specific difference between the pure devotee and the confidential devotee. Different potencies of the Lord are engaged in serving the Supreme Lord in different transcendental relationships. They are situated in conjugal love, in parental affection, in friendship and in servitude. By impartially judging, one can find that the internal potencies of the Supreme Lord who are engaged in conjugal love with the Lord are the best of all devotees. Thus both internal devotees and confidential devotees are attracted by the conjugal love of the Supreme Absolute Truth. These are the most confidential devotees of Lord Caitanya. Other pure devotees, who are more or less attached to Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu and Advaita Prabhu, are attracted by other transcendental relationships, such as parental affection, friendship and servitorship. When such devotees are attached to the activities of Lord Caitanya, they at once become confidential devotees in conjugal love with the Supreme Lord.
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TLC CH. 17


...Other pure devotees, who are more or less attached to Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu and Advaita Prabhu, are attracted by other transcendental relationships, such as parental affection, friendship and servitorship. When such devotees are attached to the activities of Lord Caitanya, they at once become confidential devotees in conjugal love with the Supreme Lord.



Folks, they don't call him Sonic fer nutt'n. Sonic Yogi has just hit a 500 foot, plus, home run right OUT of the entire ball park - on Gaura Purnima, by golly.

Aren't you glad you tuned in?

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Sri Caitanya full of grace and mercy hey! Rasa-raja!



"Simply by chanting or hearing the name of Lord Nityananda, the sinful inclinations in the hearts of all the living entities in the universe are permanently destroyed and their inherent purity is automatically awakened. On chanting or hearing the name of Lord Nityananda, even the merchants, degraded, fallen and foolish people are purified and immediately become

realized in the Absolute Truth and devotees of the Lord." (Chaitanya-Bhagavata, Madhya-Khanda 3.134)

Shrila Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami

chaitanya-nityanande nahi esaba vicara, nama laite prema dena, vahe asrudhara

(Cc Adi 8.31)

"But if one only chants, with some slight faith, the holy names of Lord Gauranga and Nityananda, very quickly he is cleansed of all offenses. Since in the chanting of the names of Nityananda-Gauranga there is no consideration of offenses, one will very quickly come to the stage of love of God, simply by chanting Their names and tears of pure love for Krishna

will flow from the eyes."

`nityananda' balite haya krishna-premodaya;aulaya sakala anga,asru-ganga vaya.

(Chaitanya-charitamrita Adi-lila 8.23)

"Simply by chanting the name 'Nityananda' one awakens his love for Krishna. Thus all his bodily limbs are agitated by ecstasy of love of God, and tears flow from his eyes like the waters of the Ganges."




Shrila Narottama dasa Thakura

grhe ba vanete thake, 'ha gauranga' bo'le dake, narottama mage tara sanga.

"One may reside in the house or in the forest, but if he is constantly chanting `Gauranga!', then I (Narottama) want his association."




Lord Nityananda

bhaja gauranga kaha gauranga laha gaurangera nama re;

ye jana gauranga bhaje sei amara prana re.

"Worship Gauranga, chant the 'Gauranga' mantra and take the name of 'Gauranga'. Those who will worship Gauranga in this way by constantly chanting His name are veritably My life and soul"




In Shri Chaitanya-chandramrita Verse 53 , Shrila Prabodhananda Sarasvati states the paramount importance of the chanting name of Lord Gauranga:

ha hanta citta-bhuvi me paramosarayam,

sad-bhakti-kalpa-latikankurita katham syat;

hrdy ekam eva param asvasaniyam asti,

chaitanya-nama-kalayan na kadapi socyah.

Alas! Alas! How will the desire creeper of pure unalloyed devotional service to Lord Krishna sprout in the supremely unfertile desert of my heart? In my heart, there is only one supreme consolation and solace. That is chanting of the name of Lord Gauranga. This chanting will eternally put an end to all my lamentation and will work wonders in my heart softening it with love of God.




Chaitanya-bhagavata, Adi-khanda 9.385:

nityananda-hena bhakta sunile sravane; avasya paibe krishnacandra sei jane.

Shripada Madhavendera Puri states: "If one simply hears the name 'Nityananda', he will most certainly attain the lotus feet of Lord Krishnacandra irrespective of any other consideration."



On board the ship Jaladuta, September 13, 1965, Verse 3, by Shrila Prabhupada:

tara iccha balavan pascatyete than than

hoy jate gauranger nam

prthivite nagaradi asamudra nada nadi

sakalei loy krishna nam

"By his (my Guru Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada's) strong desire, THE HOLY NAME OF GAURANGA will first spread throughout all the countries of the Western world. Then in all the cities, towns, and villages on the earth, from all the oceans, seas, rivers, and streams, everyone will chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra."


well done Sonic! we become like who we hang out with! Gauranga's mercy is sufficient....

Happy Gaura Purnima! Please chant Gauranga constantly as per the acaraya's wishes and wisdom:



Shrila Narottama dasa Thakura

grhe ba vanete thake, 'ha gauranga' bo'le dake, narottama mage tara sanga.

"One may reside in the house or in the forest, but if he is constantly chanting `Gauranga!', then I (Narottama) want his association."



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Instead of focusing on the INSTRUCTIONS, they have deviated to focus on any number of other irrelevant issues, such as his svarup. The result is that the Caitanya movement, stemming from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja and Srila Prabhupada has "fallen" into the status of mundane religious institution. by suchandra


The only pressing need today is that we take full shelter of Lords Nityananda Gauranga! Happy Gaura Purnima, Suchandra.

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Sonic Yogi mines the treasurehouse for gold, and delivers!



Other pure devotees, who are more or less attached to Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu and Advaita Prabhu, are attracted by other transcendental relationships, such as parental affection, friendship and servitorship. When such devotees are attached to the activities of Lord Caitanya, they at once become confidential devotees in conjugal love with the Supreme Lord.



I might be wrong, but I will go out on a limb and assume that Srila Prabhupada was and is attached the activities of Lord Caitanya? :idea:


If we do the math, as Srila Prabhupada instructs, then it becomes quite obvious that ultimately he is situated in madhurya-rasa, despite any sakhya-rasa sentments he expressed in his words on the Jaladuta as he was commencing a worldwide preaching mission in a predominanatly Christian world outside of India and far away from Vrindavan and Navadvip.

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"By his (my Guru Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada's) strong desire, THE HOLY NAME OF GAURANGA will first spread throughout all the countries of the Western world. Then in all the cities, towns, and villages on the earth, from all the oceans, seas, rivers, and streams, everyone will chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra."

Now, we know we are not chanting the pure maha-mantra if our hearts are full of offences. So how do we chant the maha-mantra?


Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura realized a way to explain it simply, by story:





Shri Navadvipa Dhaam Mahatmya





Parikrama Khanda





Prathama Adhyaaya - Chapter 1





Saadhaarana mahaatmya



Introductory Glories of Shri Navadvipa Dhaam


....."The spiritual glories and importance of the Holy Name, Pastimes and Abode of the Supreme Lord Krishna are known and easily accessible to the whole humanity through the revealed Vedic scriptures."

tabu krishna-prema saadhaarane

naahi paaya

ihaara kaarana kiba chintaha hiyaaya..47

"Even though Lord Krishna's glories and pastimes are known so openly and widely in this world, pure love for Lord Krishna, which is goal of all human endeavors, remains allusive and unobtainable to the general mass of the people."

ihaate aache ta eka gudha-tattva saara

maayaa-mugdha jiva taahaa naa kare vichaara..48

"This mystery of the greatest question and dilemma in the human form of life is not thought about by the souls bewildered by Maya, the illusory energy of the Lord.

bahu janma krishna bhaji prema naahi haya

aparaadha-punja taara aachaya nischaya..49

"If one does not achieve pure love of God after worshiping Lord Krishna and chanting His Holy Names for many lives, one should understand that one has certainly mountains of offenses in one's heart."

aparaadha-shunya haye laya krishna-naama

tabe jiva krishna-prema labhe aviraama..50

"If and only if one chants the Holy Names of Lord Krishna by becoming totally devoid of all offenses against the Holy Names. Deity and Abodes, then that soul will be able to attain the pure love for Lord Krishna without any interruption."

shri chaitanya avatare bada vilakshana

aparaadha-sattve jiva labhe prema-dhana..51

"The incarnation of Lord Gauranga is exceptionally opulent, powerful and influential among all forms of God. Even though Lord Krishna's Name considers offenses and does not give love to an offensive soul, Lord Gauranga's Name, Pastimes and Abodes do not consider offenses and award pure love of God to even the offensive souls. This unprecedented and unimaginable munificence of Lord Gauranga's incarnation is the only life-saving hope for the conditioned souls of Kali Yuga."

nitaai chaitanya bali jei jiva daake

suvimala krishna-prema anveshaya taake..52

"The most esoteric and purest love of Lord Krishna begins searching after that most auspicious soul who feelingly calls out the most benevolent Holy Names of Nityananda and Gauranga."

aparaadha baadhaa tara kichu naahi kare

niramala krishna-preme taara ankhi jhare..53

"Even the formidable obstacles posed due to the offenses in one's heart are rendered ineffective by the Holy Names of Nityananda and Gauranga and the eyes miraculously flow with the sublime tears of pristinely pure love for Lord Krishna when one chants the Holy Names of Nityananda and Gauranga even though offenses are present in the heart."

svalpa kaale aparaadha aapani palaaya

hridaya shodhita haya prema baadhe taaya..54

"After granting the most confidential pure love for Lord Krishna to even the offensive chanter, the Holy Names of Nityananda and Gauranga make the offenses run away from the heart within a very short time. Then the heart becomes fully purified and the love increases even more."

kali-jivera aparaadha asankhya durvaara

gaura-naama vinaa taara naahika uddhaara..55

"The offenses and sins of the souls of Kali Yuga are unlimited and absolutely impossible to overcome. Thus, there is no other means of deliverance in Kali Yuga other than the exceptionally merciful Holy Name of Lord Gauranga."

ataeva gaura vinaa kalite upaaya

naa dekhi kothaa o aara shaastra phukaaraya..56

"Thus, it a firmly established and repeatedly stressed truth in all the Vedic scriptures that there is no other means of extrication from the cycle of birth and death other than the Holy Names, Pastimes, Abodes and Associates of Lord Gauranga."....


Anyhow, sorry for the divergence...back to Srila Prabhupada's svarupa....

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So, Srila Sridhar Maharaja was told somethings about the couple of prayer songs that Srila Prabhupada wrote on the Jaladuta or upon arriving in the USA, but he wasn't presented a balanced and complete picture of all the things that Srila Prabhupada wrote in his books such as:



Other pure devotees, who are more or less attached to Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu and Advaita Prabhu, are attracted by other transcendental relationships, such as parental affection, friendship and servitorship. When such devotees are attached to the activities of Lord Caitanya, they at once become confidential devotees in conjugal love with the Supreme Lord.


Had Sridhar Maharaja been shown some evidence from the writings of Srila Prabhupada in his books, rather than a snapshot of a couple of verses he wrote on the Jaladuta, then maybe Sridhar Maharaja would have shown even more reservation in supporting and endorsing the assumption that Srila Prabbhupada was on the sakhya-rasa level and not the more excellent and exalted madhurya-rasa platform of love of Krsna?


That is why I say that to make any kind of educated guess about the rasa of Srila Prabhupada one would have to study the whole body of his writings and not just examine a couple of verses he wrote on the Jaladuta coming to America.


So, Sridhar Maharaja was not very pre-occupied with sorting out the rasa of Srila Prabhupada.


He reacted to a one-sided presentation that did not demonstrate more completly the full range of Srila Prabhupada's writings.


So, I prefer to look a little deeper and try to examine the matter from a more balanced and objective approach.


As such, I will arrive at my own conclusions in that way.

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When Srila Prabhupada stayed at Radha-Damodar in Vrindavan 1959-1965 or so.. Srila Narayana Maharaja was math commander at Sri Kesavaji Gaudiya Math in Mathura. He used any opportunity to break out of his service in Mathura and run to Vrindavan to see Swami Maharaja. Thus they would meet often and each time spend hours talking about things. According to Srila Narayana Maharaja during those friendly conversations they covered a vast range of topics ranging from situation in preaching mission in Gaudiya Math to very intimate topics of Gaudiya Vaisnava siddhanta. I personally think it is very safe to trust Srila Narayana Maharaja in the matter of Srila Prabhupada's personal relationship with Krishna. Srila Narayana Maharaja totally rejects any ideas other than that Srila Swami Maharaja is pure rupanuga-gaudiya vaisnava (...which means manjari-bhava). He knew Srila Prabhupada and had very close relationship with him since 1947. When Srila Prabhupada was taking sanyasa that was Narayana Maharaja who made sanyasa danda for him and also performed the yajna.

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Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja explains that rupanuga means literally being the follower of Sri Rupa Goswami / Sri Rupa Manjari, which practically means aspiring for manjari-bhava.

He also explains that those whose devotion is based on fear (of suffering, death etc) must follow Srila Rupa Goswami whereas those who are on the level of spontaneous devotion will see Srila Rupa Goswami as Sri Rupa Manjari. Just like Srila Sridhar Maharaja, Srila Narayana Maharaja has warned us not to try to jump prematurely to the higher level.

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TLC ch.31



Lord Kṛṣṇa is worshiped by the gāyatrī mantra, and the specific mantra by which He is worshiped is called kāma-gāyatrī. Vedic literatures explain that that sound vibration which can elevate one from mental concoction is called gāyatrī. The kāma-gāyatrī mantra is composed of 24 1/2 syllables thus:


klīḿ kāma-devāya vidmahe


puṣpa-bāṇāya dhīmahi


tanno 'nańgaḥ pracodayāt


This kāma-gāyatrī is received from the spiritual master when the disciple is advanced in chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare/ Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare. In other words, this kāma-gāyatrī mantra and saḿskāra, or reformation of a perfect brāhmaṇa, are offered by the spiritual master when he sees that his disciple is advanced in spiritual knowledge. Even then, the kāma-gāyatrī is not uttered under certain circumstances. In any case, the chanting of Hare Kṛṣṇa is sufficient to elevate one to the highest spiritual platform.


So, my question to the advocates of the "gopa bhava" svarupa of Srila Prabhupada is:


Did Srila Prabhupada chant kama-gayatri?


Only the bhakta in pursuance of parakiya-rasa chants kama-gayatri?



So, how does a cowherd boy in sakhya-rasa chant kama-gayatri - the worship of Krsna in transcendental lust?

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