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pls help this is urgent

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my DOB is 18.4.1982

time is 02.55 p.m.

place - delhi


My Husband name is yogesh

DOB - 24.11.1981

TIME- 08.45 P.M.

place - delhi


we got married on 2.10.08, but there is lot of compatibility problem in this marriage. actually he is my brother in law, my husband died in a road accident in jan-08 and in the same accident his wife also died. i have been married from last 6 years, but still i don't have any child, all medical reports shows everything is normal. I don't want to ruin my marriage, because yogesh temper is very high, and he wants to leave me without telling me any reason......pls analyse my problem.....i am very tensed.....

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The chart analysis shows both of you are compatible and score 26.5 on compatibility. The lady needs to be more practical as the male is quite aggressive and dominating and wants the domestic affairs to be run his way. You appear to be better that is what hurts man's ego and uses other ways to show superiority. You consider him to be lazy and inefficient wherein he considers you to be self centered. You need to boost his morale and help in organizing without making it evident. 3- 5 ratti of Ruby in gold ring on the right hand finger on Sunday will be favorable for you. Stars for children are not very favourable for both of you and require patience and prayers. Second marriage of your husband was predictable. Have faith in God and things will definitely work out fine. God Bless!

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it is already his second marriage........because his wife also died in the sme accident, when my husband & his elder brother died.......he threaten to leave me......and sometimes he become very violent & abusive........one of my friend who is a healer , told me that he is ossessed by the spirit of his dead wife........pls help me

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  vishwasgaur2005 said:
The chart analysis shows both of you are compatible and score 26.5 on compatibility. The lady needs to be more practical as the male is quite aggressive and dominating and wants the domestic affairs to be run his way. You appear to be better that is what hurts man's ego and uses other ways to show superiority. You consider him to be lazy and inefficient wherein he considers you to be self centered. You need to boost his morale and help in organizing without making it evident. 3- 5 ratti of Ruby in gold ring on the right hand finger on Sunday will be favorable for you. Stars for children are not very favourable for both of you and require patience and prayers. Second marriage of your husband was predictable. Have faith in God and things will definitely work out fine. God Bless!




Agree most of with Vishwasgaur. I have little more to add:


The 8<SUP>th</SUP> house (loss, death---) dasa lord Jupiter is running with Saturn subperiod. Saturn is spouse (and disease, enemies---) lord and thus may cause the problems in married life from time to time even though the match points are 24.5 out of 36. You are Manglik, with effects of Saturn with Mars in 2<SUP>nd</SUP> house but husband does not have this placement of either Mars or Saturn may be reason for problems. Thus, adjustments on your side is required with lot of mediation or concentration. Do not react right away, give some time to think (very important for Leo lagna). With this you might be able to overcome several problems.

In addition, your husband is also having dasa of 8<SUP>th</SUP> lord (Saturn) with venus as a subperiod till Nov 2011. venus is 12<SUP>th</SUP> lord and thus not good. Jupier as a spouse lord is in neecha position at present and this is placed in 6<SUP>th</SUP> (disease, enemies----) house and thus I do not expect good results. May be adjustments in day to day life is important.

You and your husband may like to do the following;


  • worship lod Vishnu with Laxmi mata (without flowers).
  • Donate food, clothes, shoes, umbrella (no leather items or animal products) to needy people on Saturdays.

Hope it helps.


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thanx for replying but please let me know ..

1. when will I get chilldren.....as there is no medical problem.

2. will this marriage works......as it seems that my husband is possessed with the spirit of his dead wife.......because......40% of the time , he remain normal with me......but sometimes he become very violent......and told me to get out of the house immediately, otherwise he will kill me......specially on tuesdays & saturdays.

3. He don't believe in puja's & any ritual, a hard core non vegetarian and sometimes drinks too.


Your reply will be greatly appreciated.....

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