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Venkatesha Prapatti

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<CENTER><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="70%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>Venkatesha Prapatti





</TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%"><HR color=#271388> Shree Venkatesha Prapatti


<HR color=#271388>

Earshaanan Jagatosya Venkatapatevishnom Param Preyasi |

Tavdakshasthala Nityavaasarasikaan Tatyaanti Sanvardhineem ||

Padmaalakshatapaani Pallatayugaan Padmaasanastaan Triyam |

Vaatsalyaadi Gunojjwalaan Bhagavateen Vande Jaganmaataram ||


I salute Goddess Lakshmi,

who is the Mistress(queen) of the Universe,

who is the most beloved of Vishnu,

the Lord of Venkatachala,

who is fond of ever dwelling in His(Vishnu's) chest,

who is the promoter of forgiveness,

who has sprout-like hands decorated with Lotuses,

who is seated on the Lotus,

(or seated in the posture of a Lotus, Padmasana),

who shines with virtues as mercy

and who is the mother of the Universe!



Sreemana Krupaajalanidhe Shritasarvaloka |

Sarvagna Shattaka Natvatsala Sarvasheshin ||

Swaamin Shusheela Shulabhaashrita Paarijaata |

Shree Venkatesha Sharanau Saranam Prapadhye ||


One possessed of Sri(wealth)!

Ocean of Compassion!

Creator of the whole Universe!

The Omniscient!

The Almighty!

Affectionate to those that bow(to Thee)!

The Principal(of the animate and inanimate world)!

Lord! easily attainable by persons of good conduct!

The Divine Tree(parijata) to those who seek refuge!

Venkatesa! I resort to Thy feet.



Aanoopuraapirta Sujaata Sughandhi Pushpa |

Saurabhya Saurabhakarou Samasanniveshou ||

Saumyou Sadaanu Bhavaneipi Navaanubhaavyo |

Shree Venkatesha Saranau Saranam Prapadhye ||


I seek refuge of Venkatesa's feet

which add fragrance to the smell of the sweet-smelling flowers

offered (decorated) upto the anklets,

which are well-placed and handsome,

and which are enjoyable anew,

even though they are ever-enjoyed.



Sadgovikaasi Samudittvara Saandraraaga |

Saurabhya Nirbhara Sarorooha Saamyavaartaam ||

Samyakshu Saahasapadeshu Vilekhayantou |

Shree Venkatesha Sharanau Saranam Prapadhye ||


I seek refuge of Venkatesa's feet

which induce us to ascribe to the hurriedly placed beautiful feet

the equality of lotuses,

which have just blossomed

and have well-emanating fragrance

and dense redness

(feet remind us their similarity with the lotuses),

and (state), as it were,

that comparing Lord's feet with the lotuses

is a bold (hasty) step.

(It means the feet of the Lord are superior several times to the Lotuses and comparing them is a hasty action.)



Rekhaamaya Dwaja Sudhaakala Shaatapatra |

Vjaraakrushaamburuha Kalpakashtachakrei ||

Bhavyeiralankrutatalou Para Tatva Chinhei |

Shree Venkatesha Sharanau Saranam Prapadhye ||


I seek refuge of Sri Venkatesa's feet

whose soles bear the marks of the Supreme spirit

like the Banner,

Pot of Ambrosia,





Divine Tree(Kalpaka Vrksha),


and the Disc, which are in the form of auspicious lines.


Tamrodaradguti Paraajita Padmaraagou |

Baaharyamarhobhirabhi Bhoota Mahendraneelou ||

Udhyanna Khanshubhirudasta Shashagda Bhaasou |

Shree Venkatesha Sharanau Saranam Prapadhye ||


I seek refuge of Sri Venkatesa's feet

whose reddish soles have surpassed

the lustre of the Rubies(padmaraga stones),

or red lotuses,

whose exteriors have excelled

the brilliance of the Sapphires(indranila stones)

and whose nails of the toes

have out-beaten the Moonlight.



Sapremabheeti Kamalaakara Pallavaabyaam |

Sanvaahaneipi Sapadi Kalmamaadadaanau ||

Kaantaavavaangmna Sagochara Saukumaaryo |

Shree Venkatesha Saranau Sharanam Prapadhye ||


I seek refuge of Sri Venkatesa's feet

which, though massaged with love and apprehension

by the sprout-like hands of Lakshmi,

are at once experiencing fatigue,

which are very charming,

and the tenderness of which

is not within the scope of speech or mind.



Lakshmeemaheeta Danuroopa Nijaanubhaava |

Neelaadi DivyaMahishee Kara Pallavaanaam ||

Aarunyasankramanata Kila Saandraraagou |

Shree Venkatesha Saranau Sharanam Prapadhye ||

I seek refuge of Sri Venkatesa's feet,

which have become extremely red

in account of union with red-ness of

the sprout-like hands of Divine Queens

like Sridevi,


and also Niladevi,

who has greatness like that of Sridevi and Bhudevi.



Nityaanamadhvidhi Shivadikireetakoti |

Pratyupradeepta Navaratna Maham Prarohem ||

Neeraajanaavidhi Mudharamupaadadaanou |

Shree Venkatesha Saranau Sharanam Prapadhye ||

I seek refuge of Sri Venkatesa's feet,

which receive as it were,

the grand nirajana (arati)

by the multitude of lustres

of effulgent nine gems

(studded) on the edge of the crowns

of Brahma, Siva and others,

who bow their heads daily.



Vishnom Pade Parama Ityudhitaprashansau |

Yau madhva Utsa Iti Bhogyatayaampyupaatou ||

Bhooyastatheti Tava Paanithaktapradhisto |


I seek refuge in Thy feet

which are extolled (in the Rg Veda)

as "Visnoh parame pade" (in the most exalted abode of Vishnu),

which are, (again) extalled therein

as "madhva utsa" (meaning the fountain the honey)

as extremely enjoyable

and which are indicated as such by

the show of the palm of Thy hand.



Paarthaaya Tatsavdasha Saarathinaa Twayeiva |

You Darshito Swacharanou Sharana Vrajeti ||

Bhooyokpi Mahamya Tou Karadarshitou Te |

Shree Venkatesha Saranau Sharanam Prapadhye ||



I seek refuge of Thy feet

which were shown to Arjuna by Thee(Krishna),

the worthy charioteer of Arjuna,

as 'seek their refuge',

and which are now again, here, (on Venkatadri),

pointed out to me ('as seek their refuge')

by Thy hand.



Manamoorgna Kaaliyaphane Vikataataveeshu |

Shree Venkatadri Shikare Shirasi Shrutinaama ||

Chittayekpyananyamanasaan Samamaahitou te |

Shree Venkatesha Saranau Sharanam Prapadhye ||



I seek refuge of Thy feet

which are placed alike

on my (this sinner's) head,

on the hood of the serpent Kaliya,

in the thick forests,

on the peak of the Venkatachala,

in the Upanishads,

and in the hearts of the sages

who meditate on God only.

(It means the Lord exists everywhere.)



Amalanhrushya Davaneethala Keerna Pushpou |

Shree Venkatadri Shikaraabharanaayamaanou ||

Aanandhitaakhila Manonyanou Taveyto |

Shree Venkatesha Saranau Sharanam Prapadhye ||



I seek refuge of Thy feet

around which the scattered flowers

remain unwithered and blossoming,

(The feet) which are as ornament

to the Venkatachala

and (The feet) by which

the hearts and eyes of all persons are delighted.



Prayaap Prapannajanataa Prathamaavaghaahyou |

Maatrup Stanaaviva Shishouramrutaayamaanou ||

Praaptou Paraspuratulaamatulaantarou te |

Shree Venkatesha Saranau Sharanam Prapadhye ||



I seek refuge of Thy feet

which are to be seen at first

by the people that salute (them),

which are nectar-like

as the mother's breasts are to the baby,

which can be compared to each other,

and which are incomparable to anything else.



Satvottareyssatata Senya Padaambhujena |

Sansaarataara Kadayaardradraganjalena ||

Soumyopayantrumuninaa Mama Darshitou Te |

Shree Venkatesha Saranau Sharanam Prapadhye ||



I seek refuge of Thy feet

which were shown to me by the sage Manavata,

the sage whose feet are always worshipped

by the Sattvic people (men of Sattva guna)

and whose mild, merciful glances

enable (men) to cross the ocean of tranmigration. (samsara)


Shreesha Shriyaa Ghatikyaa Twadupaayabhaave |

Praapye Twayi Swayamupetayaa Sphurantya ||

Nityaashritaaya Nirvadyagunaaya Tubhyan |

Syaan Kikkaro Vrushagirisha Na Jaatu Mahyam ||



When Thou art a means (upaya) to the devotees

for the attainment of the Supreme Abode (Liberation);

Lakshmi brings about this.

When Thou becometh the object of attainment (prapya),

Lakshmi too appears to be so,

resorting to Thee always,

Thou art of pure, faultless qualities.

I become servant to Thee and not to myself at any time.


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