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Vahan-Sukh / Owning a vehicle

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Following conditions in chart give Vahan-sukh (vehicle) to a person:


1) Fourth house is considered house of vehicle, In Mahadasha-Antardasha a person can buy a vehicle


2) If fourth house is strong, it is helpful in buying a car


3) If Lagan/Lagnesh have a relation with 4th house/lord of fourth house a person can buy a car in dasha-antardasha of lagnesh.


4) If 4th lord is exalted, then a person will get many vehicles in his mahadasha


5) If 4th lord is strong, then the planets present in the nakshatar owned by 4th lord give vehicle in their dasha-antardasha


6) If 4th lord is present in 2nd house, and Lagnesh have a relation/aspect/conjunction with 4th/2nd house, then person will get a vehicle with family support


7) If 4th house/4th lord have a relation with 7th house or lord, 8th house or lord, then person will get a vehicle with help of his in-laws


8) If 9th house have a relation with 4th house or lord, person will get a vehicle by luck (contest winning or lottery)


10) If 2nd lord is present in 4th house, or 2nd lord and 4th lord are in conjunction, then person will have a vehicle in dasha-antardasha of 2nd lord


11) If lagnesh and 4th lord have 'Nakshatra-parivartan yog' then the person will get a vehicle by his own earned money in dasha-antar dasha of 2nd/4th lords


I got this article from a newspaper


So, I thought it is worth publishing here, so that It can be helpful to other learners like me




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Web yogiji,


Birth date - 19/20 September 1966

Time - 00:20 AM

Place - Ahmedabad (India)


My questions are -


(1) When will I get a good Job ? Opportunities come but last moment some problem.

(2) When will I have my own property ?


(3) I will be successful in job or business ? if business, which kind of business ?


(4) Canada is better for me or India to settle down ?


Please please reply.


Thank you



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