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Types of Salagramams

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<table title="Images of Sri Vishnu and other Hindu Gods" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="619"> <tbody><tr height="25"><td title="Free Article, Religious Article" valign="middle">Types of Salagramams


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Pictures of vishnu --> Salagramam means one kind of stone, that should not be treated as an ordinary stones like pebble or marbles etc. It is more precious and valued than any other stones, which are said to be Hamsam of Sri Vishnu and has lots of Power in it.

It is said that by doing poojas for the Salagramam in a proper way, we can attain good level in our life but at the same time, not doing poojas can also lead us to bad way. So, if we have Salagramam, we should be clean and poojas should be done for it.

These Salagramams are found in various shapes and structures. Depending upon the holes and the shapes, they are classified as given below:

1. Sri Lakshmi Varaha Murthi Salagramam:

Big and long hole and shining appearance. Two chakkarams will be found inside the hole and lots of lines will be found.

Another kind of this salagramam are also found which will be somewhat black and yellow colour mixed and two sides, Chakkaram will be found and both the holes will be of same sizes.

2. Varaha Murthi:

This Salagramam will be of Indra blue colour and 3 big lines will be found. This Salagramam is rare to be found and has very great power.

Another kind of the same category is found with a long faced which will be covered by flower like structure and chakkaram will be found in the hole.

3. Matsya Murthi::

This kind of Salagramam will be long, looks like a Lotus and on its mouth, lines will be found. The shape will be like a Fish and will be smooth with dots on it. On the mouth, 2 holes and Chakkaram will be found.

4. Koorma Murthi::

This Salagramam will be in Indira Blue with 3 lines and its end will be slightly raised upwards and has "Avartha Regai" (lines).

Likewise, lots of Salagramam are found namely <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td>


  1. Suvetha Varaha Murthi
  2. Poo Varaha Murthi
  3. Sudharsana Murthi
  4. Janarthanar
  5. Maha Koorma Murthi
  6. Koorma Varaha Murthi
  7. Hayagreevar
  8. Achyutha Murthi
  9. Sri Seetha Rama Murthi
  10. Lakshmi Gopala Murthi
  11. Santhana Gopala Murthi
  12. Shatsakra Murthi
  13. Dhuvadha Sathma Madhavar
  14. Puroshothaman
  15. Damodharan.
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Generally, Salagramam represents about a particular Murthi (Perumal) and they have the shapes corresponding to that particular Perumal.

This is referred to as "Vajjra Kreetam". Inside these Salagramam, the Perumal and Lakshmi Piratti are said to be found and by doing proper poojas to these Salagramam will give us lots of credit and the Final Stage, the Mukthi.

Taking care of these precious Salagramams in a proper way may lead us towards the final destiny, the divine feet of Sriman Narayanan and at the same time we should follow the proper method of doing pooja to these Salagramams. So, if you have Salagramam in the house, by doing proper poojas and by dedicating daily food, pure water and expressing the proper Mantra to it can lead us to attain the Paramathma, Sriman Narayanan.

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in gandaki river in nepal . kaali gandaki more precisely . one has to trekk down to the place (muktinath , damodar kund) for 8 days or take a helicopter over the himalayan heights . i went there last year and got a few of their lordships after a tedious search .......................

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