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real answers please

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Sat Nam and in the name of God I write. I must have done something terribly wrong. Since 3 years my Karma has taken a turn for the worst. My baby has had 7 surgeries, I had a gasoline pump explode on me, I was in a car accident and now I have been sick for 4 months in and out of the hospital 4 times. I have no answers for any of my illnesses. I am just tired of being sick and would like to be myself again. Strong, full of life, kind and giving. I am a young woman.


My child is better now. But my life is so off track. I almost feel like I am not living my life.(if that makes any sense)


So if any one has some help for me it would be a blessing.


Name: Amrita Reitz

DOB: July 4 1965

Time: 10:16am

Place: Los Angeles, California USA


I am very depressed and cry daily with my current situation. I also do not have a job. But my health takes presidence.


Thank you Thank you Thank you.

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