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relevence of truthfulness in sadhana

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Sucandra, kulapavana says, you are "Wrong again"


Ha HA Ha! --- WARNING to all other readers:


You cannot immitate the Mood of Kula & sucandra! You would be a pretender if you tried. But this is a worthy goal to seek-out!


Old life in Iskcon for those fortunate few in its foundling years, --have all had these types of fraternal exchanges.


Sucandra & Kulapavana are both playing out long withheld utterances, some petty and some more or less sublime and some just in passing --but here it is with faux sparks.


The answer is given in Padma Purana, where Lord Siva states:

<center> mayavadam asac-chastram

pracchannam bauddham ucyate

mayaiva kalpitam devi

kalau brahmana-rupina


</center> "The Mayavadi philosophy is veiled Buddhism." In other words, the voidist philosophy of Buddha is more or less repeated in the Mayavadi philosophy of impersonalism, although the Mayavadi philosophy claims to be directed by the Vedic conclusions. Lord Siva, however, admits that this philosophy is manufactured by him in the age of Kali in order to mislead the atheists. "Actually the Supreme Personality of Godhead has His transcendental body," Lord Siva states. "But I describe the Supreme as impersonal. I also explain the Vedanta-sutra according to the same principles of Mayavadi philosophy."

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Sucandra & Kulapavana are both playing out long withheld utterances, some petty and some more or less sublime and some just in passing --but here it is with faux sparks.


I have tremendous respect for Sucandra-ji. He is humble and devoted, and he performed lots of service over many years. I wish I was more like him.


While I may disagree with some of his conclusions, my goal is to broaden his perspective - not to show my superiority - because superiority in theoretical knowledge is useless for a devotee.

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