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The meaning behind my dream of Jai Laxmi Mata

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Hi, I'm not sure, but if anyone is able to help me on this matter i would be very grateful. Last night / this morning i dreamt of Laxmi ma. I was walking through my local town centre and there was a parade/procession going on. I seen Laxmi ma on a chariot type vehicle and i managed to make my way towards her fighting a very busy crowd. When i got to her, she stepped down off her chariot, totally illuminated & vibrant looking, smiled at me and blessed me. She then handed me some pink flowers. The procession carried on someone in my dream told me that she will be back again and i can see her again. Anyway, some time later she came and gone, but i had missed her the second time. My friend in my dream said i was lucky enough to have seen her once already. So, i think my dream had ended at this point.

Now, this may sound a little sceptical, but was this really a sign of a blessing? Currently i am doing the Laxmi Ma Vrat every Fridays and i had been discussing with my mother the preparation for the final ceremony. Could this dream be of my sub conscious mind, or could it be that Laxmi Mata did come in my dream for a meaning?

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Now, this may sound a little sceptical, but was this really a sign of a blessing? Currently i am doing the Laxmi Ma Vrat every Fridays and i had been discussing with my mother the preparation for the final ceremony. Could this dream be of my sub conscious mind, or could it be that Laxmi Mata did come in my dream for a meaning?


Of course it is a blessing. The real blessing from the divine is change of our consciousness, not an increase in our bank balance (altough that can happen as well).


Dreams of the Divine are always real. Our 'subconsciousness' is seeking out the Divine all the time, but only rarely we are blessed with the Divine appearing in our dreams. So consider yourself very blessed and be thankful to Mother Laxmi for inspiring you on the way to the spiritual world.

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Of course it is a blessing. The real blessing from the divine is change of our consciousness, not an increase in our bank balance (altough that can happen as well).


Dreams of the Divine are always real. Our 'subconsciousness' is seeking out the Divine all the time, but only rarely we are blessed with the Divine appearing in our dreams. So consider yourself very blessed and be thankful to Mother Laxmi for inspiring you on the way to the spiritual world.

how about if you only see the gods or godesses in murti or oicture form is that still a good sign

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how about if you only see the gods or godesses in murti or oicture form is that still a good sign


Yes, it is definitely a good sign. Sometimes devotees have dreams about the murtis they worship, often including some instruction for them, or a special sign. We have to take such dreams very seriously, looking for possible instructions from the Divine.

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Sita Ram everyone, I'm leelawatie, i had a dream of ma durga in the form of ma laxmi. she was floating above me and a man who i know was holding a baby, a girl, he gave her the baby and she smiles kisses the babe and says to me, that she was giving me her baby, she was letting me have her baby. and she placed her hand on my belly/womb and blessed me.


i would really like to know if anyone has any idea of what this could mean.

thanks for your help..await ur reply.


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... she was floating above me and a man who i know was holding a baby, a girl, he gave her the baby and she smiles kisses the babe and says to me, that she was giving me her baby, she was letting me have her baby. and she placed her hand on my belly/womb and blessed me.



Maybe it means that soon you will give birth to someone very dear to the Divine Mother, or that you already did?

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  • 2 weeks later...

pray to god to give you strength to bear all troubles , no matter how serious it may be . once you are truly spiritual and have that inner strentgh nothing in this world can affect you . that would be an infinitely better way of living in this world than anything else.


surrender to him for bhakti . if he comes to like you who cares for money or fame . they shall come automatically . it might sound impractical at these hard times but its truth . wherever narayan resides laxmi is bound to come by to attend to him . install narayan in your heart !!!

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Yes and I agree,simple solution but very effective thanks Sambya for your inputs.


pray to god to give you strength to bear all troubles , no matter how serious it may be . once you are truly spiritual and have that inner strentgh nothing in this world can affect you . that would be an infinitely better way of living in this world than anything else.


surrender to him for bhakti . install narayan in your heart !!!


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The Laxmi in the material world is a form of Durga.She is known as cunning and the diety of material opulence.


But the Laxmi in the Kshirsagara,is the Universal Mother,the origin of all.


do you want to specialise in writing nonsense ? a cunning goddess ?????? where on earth did you find this ? which sastra have ever used this term ?

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actually hes talking about maya



that one which deludes us


if thats the case then its different . but even then why should maya be cunning ? she merely does her own work and it is we who never try to come out of her grip . how many of us have ever sincerely tried ( or even thought of ) to escape her clutches ? she does not misguide us -- for ex , shastras have specifically said that any sexual activities are impediments towards self realization . but how many of us can actually show perfect brahmacharya ? her ( maya ) ways are quite clear . its only that we love to be spoilt at her hands . ramakrishna said dung beetles love to live in dung . what faults does she have ? nothing , i bet !!!

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