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I have read several conflicting things regarding graha causing various skin aliments. Some say Surya is responsible for skin while others say Budh or Sukra.

For example what graha would be more responsible for a disease such as acne? Or just skin blemishes.

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Dear Atila,

As per BPHS, Primary ingredients (or Sapth Dhatus) - Bones, blood, marrow, skin, fat, semen and muscles are, respectively, denoted by the Grahas: Sūrya, Chandra, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Śukr and Śani.

As per Brihat Jataka, Saturn governs nerves, the Sun rules bones, the Moon controls the blood, Mercury the skin, Venus the sperm, Jupiter the brain, and Mars the marrow.

As per most of the ancient texts, the planet Budh (Mercury) governs the Skin.

y Moon, Venus located in watery sign and afflicted by malefic OR Saturn, Mars, Moon, Venus in watery sign under the affliction of malefic may indicate skin afflictions.

y Association / aspect of rahu in sign other than his exhalted or mooltrikona sign on 6<SUP>th</SUP> house may also result in the skin problems.

White patches are formed in this birth when a oath taken before the lord or a temple in previous birth is not fulfilled in that birth knowingly. It is also formed if one performs pooja in an inebriated conditions.

The best remedy here is to pray to one’s family deity to induce one for a punya karma which will automatically fulfill the unfulfilled oath from previous births.

Best Regards,


II Shubham Bhavatu II

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All combinations leading to irritations,chronic skin diseases

can be identified from 6th house,6th to 6th in lagna as well as navamsa chart.basically sixth has to be an earthy sign and effected

by nodes by placement,aspect and conjunction

1.Afflicted mercury when joins with rahu in 6th and aspected by

mars will give skin irritations.

2,Lagna lord in 6th aspected by mercury and debilitated sun

will give rise to white patches

3.when moon joins mars in11th and aspected venus,skin eruptions on forhands and arms can be predicted

4.Mercury in 7th in paapakartari yoga will give persistent irritations in groin area










I have read several conflicting things regarding graha causing various skin aliments. Some say Surya is responsible for skin while others say Budh or Sukra.

For example what graha would be more responsible for a disease such as acne? Or just skin blemishes.

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diseases are classified into three categories viz. tridosha.


1. sun and mars represent bilious

2. jupiter represents phelgmatic

3. moon venus and saturn represent airy

4. mercury represents bilous, phelgmatic and airy.


vayu is the devta for skin.


saturn with vayu tatwa and mercury with prithvi tatva are the

planets to be considered for any skin related diseases.


in diseases such as psoriasis or leprosy, mars and moon also play a

role besides mercury and saturn.


simply put, affliction of mecury, Lagna, lagna lord, 6th house, 6th

lord by the malefics (saturn, rahu, ketu) denote skin diseases.





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Try these simple combinations in FIRST BHAVA in judging benefic good

and bad results wrt SKIN depending upon the strength:

1.Ravi + Budha = Red skin, tanned skin, HOT feeling, bright

2.Chandra + Budha = sweatting skin, delicate skin, humid-wet, lustful

3.Kuja + Budha = sanguine skin, oil red, hot blistered, rough and

dry, scarred

4.Guru + Budha = Oily skin, low surface tension, bright and lusty,


5.Shukra + Budha = sensitive skin, lusty and gorgeously bright, warm,

smooth, pimpled

6.Shani + Budha = rough skin, hairy, dusty and scalpy, cold and wet,

usually dark

7.Rahu + Budha = blistered, scarred, wounded, changing lust and


8.Kethu + Budha = dotted, scarred, rough and tense skin, patched and

mixed colour

The above are just an idea to start with and not complete rules or

dicta; more than bhava judgement, they are of use in their dasha-

antara combinations in my experience. Here is an example chart of an

interesting case; please try to find out WHAT is so special about the

skin of the native:






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I guess I should have been more specific when saying skin diseases as it's a vast topic. Let me be more specific as I am curious.

I am talking about ACNE in particular. Is Budh the graha that governs over acne? Acne is a disease that most teenagers get. So does that mean all teenagers have an afflicted Budh?

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