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Mantra to clear all debts

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Mahaganpati Sadhana is the wonderful ritual whose chief boon is riddance from generations of poverty. For a middle class family person this could be the golden opportunity of striking it rich, that he or she might have been looking for. To those acquainted with religious rituals this should not come as a surprise, for Ganpati worship has always formed an important part of Laxmi Sadhanas.


Actually Lord Ganpati's blessings are capable of bestowing both Bhog (worldly pleasures) and Moksh (spiritual attainments) on an individual. Sadhana of Mahaganpati aims at neutralising all sins and evils of one's past lives so as to make one eligible for enjoying wealth, prosperity and all pleasures in life to the fullest, thus paving way for total fulfillment and ultimately spiritual elevation. Following benefits certainly accrue through this Sadhana-

1. Debts and poverty can be forever forbidden from one's life.

2. Quick and speedy business takeoff can be assured.

3. Sudden gains through speculation, inheritance etc. can be had.

4. Other symbols of prosperity such as property, vehicle, fame, good job/position etc. can be easily acquired.

5. Above all one could have the divine glimpse of the Lord.


For a person of this age when doubts, fear, apprehension reign supreme these might appear to be tall claims, but proving their veracity are the experiences of thousands of Sadhaks of revered Gurudev who have ever tried this Sadhana with full faith. It is pure good luck for the present generation that such a powerful ritual appears such openly in print.


The best day for this ritual would be Ganesh Chaturthi or a Wednesday. Early morning have a bath and don yellow clothes. Sit on a yellow mat facing East. Cover a wooden seat with yellow cloth. On it place a Paarad Ganpati in a plate. Pray to the Guru thus-


Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwarah |

Guru Saakshaat Par-Brahma Tasmei Shree Gurave Namah ||


Next chanting

|| Om Ganeshaay Namah ||

bathe the Paarad Ganpati with pure water, milk, curd, ghee, sugar, honey and water in this order. Wipe it dry and place it in a separate plate on which a Swastik has been inscribed with vermilion paste.


Offer vermilion, unbroken rice grains, incense, Laddoos to the deity. Light a ghee lamp. Next make a mound of rice grains and on it place Mangaldaayika .Each time chanting

|| Om Ganeshaay Namah ||


offer 108 fragrant flowers on the Mangaldaayika. Then with a Yellow Hakeek rosary chant 21 rounds of this Mantra-

|| Om Gam Ganpataye Namah ||


After 3 days drop the Mangaldayika and rosary in a river. Place the Paarad Ganpati in your worship place and light incense before it daily.


Contact Jodhpur guru dham for these accessories.



Dhruv Bhura

Jai gurudev!

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