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KETU in 2nd house in Virgo

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It is factually incorrect to predict the phala purely based on the planet position in lagna kundali without referring to the devisional chart.


Here afflicted ketu makes native tale-bearer, he always resorts to speak untruth and will be afflicted by windy dieses (afflicted Jupiter) or by rheumatism (afflicted saturn)


If heavily afflicted, then suffers from mouth dieses, faces opposition from family members, gets responsibility as care taker of large family, always speak hastily without thinking of the consequences and hurting others.


If this krtu is afflicted by moon, then native invites troubles due to his speech.


If this ketu receives devine aspects from strong guru and shukra then native gets recognition in the family, feeds many peoples (anna dharma), laways performs punyacharan beneficial to family members, non materialistic attitude.


best regards,



II Shubham Bhavatu II

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