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vipreet rajyog

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The word 'viparita' means (1) turned round like a friend who becomes a foe or a foe who becomes a friend (2) reversed like good planet or indication becoming bad or bad planet becoming good, (3) inverted like a debilitated planet getting exalted or an exalted planet getting debilitated or one who is suddenly changing, (4) acting in a contrary manner like doing something unnatural and obviously opposite like favoring enemy or being bad to friend, like cutting the branch one is sitting on! Being unnatural, this is not sustainable over a long period and the results from a rajayoga (reversing bad to good) or duryoga (reversing good to bad) caused by this is temporary in nature. The position does not sustain but is favorable for politicians or such people who just want to be at the top for s short while and then retire

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Dear Kailash ji


Viparit raj yoga means you gain when some one losses and this yoga happen when the lord of malefic house is placed in malefic stana


for eg:


for dhanu lagna lord of 8th moon placed in 12th causes viparit raj yoga this can give water related profession like liquor selling where other person makes loss by consuming it but the native gains by selling it





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Dear Kailash ji


Viparit raj yoga means you gain when some one losses and this yoga happen when the lord of malefic house is placed in malefic stana


for eg:


for dhanu lagna lord of 8th moon placed in 12th causes viparit raj yoga this can give water related profession like liquor selling where other person makes loss by consuming it but the native gains by selling it






So Vipareet Raja Yoga should be seen from bhava chart, correct?

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