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Correct Calculation of Gandanta - Help Reqd.

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II Gurur Brahma gurur Vishnu gurur devo Maheshwarah, Guru sakshat parabrahma tasmai shri gurve namah II

Respected members,


I have one basic question on Calculation of Gandanta.

I have come across 2 school of thoughts.


While reckoning the gandanta in terms of the arc of the zodiac, we must take last 66.67 arc min of the last Nakshatra of the watery signs and the first 40 arc mins of the first Nakshatra of the fiery signs.


Gandanta means planet between last 3 deg of jalatatwa rasi and first 3 deg of agnitatva rasi

For example – If the Birth takes place when lagna is between ‘Aslesha (Cancer) – Magha (Leo) junction’, then which of the following is correct

As per first school of thought –

Lagna Gandanta Dosha exists only when the Lagna is between 0 Le 40’00.00" and 29 Cn 33’40.20"

As per first school of thought –

Lagna Gandanta Dosha exists only when the Lagna is between 3 Le 00’00.00" and 27 Cn 00’00.00"

I sincerely look forward for your kind guidance on this.

Best regards,


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