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For all spiritual Seekers in and around bangalore.

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Dear Seekers,


Yogiraj, Gurunath , The livign enlightened master still in his body ( His grace on us ) will be in bangalore this saturday and will meet spiritual seekers in bangalore and bless them.


Yogiraj, is an enlightened solar being, usually in Bhava or sahaj Samadhi, and at times even in nirvikalpatva.


and this is his humble effort to bless people and clear there doubts directly form a master.


Who even is interested to visit and take his blessings or attend his satsang, or simply sit in an saturday evening and discuss and chat with him, please message me.


I shall provide the venue ( its in central bangalore ) and timings ( evening saturday )


all you have to do is go and see him, he is there waiting to bless you all. He is the livign master of Nath lienage and a kriya expert and master.


he naturally gives sakthipath and shares shivpath, which you all can sit in his presence and experience as still or no mind state at his grace.


i request one and all, who are in and near to bangalore , not to miss this oppurtunity, its afterall one weekend , you may skip your movie or cricket, to meet god men.


and just to clarify this is not any commercial event. you only have to go to the venue. he is a master and has requested me to tell soem spiritual seekers in bangalore to meet him on saturday.


but i donno where to find spiritual seekers, here i find many, so i write this message.


hope all are benifitted by grace.


Aum Purna ! hari Aum !


-- Chandan

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