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Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Buddha and other bogus persons

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Let us see.




Sure, no hindu worth his salt considers a nazi as their guru.




Spiritual?? Like how to Gas the jews :rolleyes:

Actually, the traditional Hindu culture was monarchy.

I don't think you have any evidence that Hitler's Vaishnava guru advised him to gas the Jews.

So, you are offering empty, hollow and false arguments to defend your false pride as you cannot accept historical facts about who the Hindu was that had the most influence on Hitler.

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Like prabhupada harekrishnas repeat the same error.Obviously prabhupada's knowledge of other religions is superficial.


"though shalt not kill" is one of the ten commandments of Old testament.


In The original hebrew bible(torah) it actually translates as

"though shalt not murder".


Yeah, for centuries the Bible said "though shalt not kill" till the Hare Krishna's challenged the Christians on killing of animals and then the Christians got together and made a new translation of the Bible that they thought would support their slaughterhouse culture and the butchering of countless innocent animals.

Fact is, the Bible, Christianity, Islam and all things Abrahamic are just idiotic religious beliefs manufactured by idiots like Apostle Paul and Mohammad.


They have nothing to do with God or religion.

It is all just so much evil creation of ignorant men with evil minds.


There is nothing religious in the Bible or the Quran.

They are just the writings of ignorant men with political issues who wanted to use God as a way to promote their ignorant political agendas.

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Anybody can do a Google search and find out.

Hitler's guru was a woman.





Many Americans still believe that Hitler was an educated mastermind who controlled millions of people by his words. Wrong, Hitler as well Stalin were both rather stupid and uneducated posers - they never would understand the meaning to follow a guru.


It is said that Hitler and Stalin had a secret agreement for the division of Europe; that Hitler gave Stalin permission to invade Nazi ally Finland and Stalin aided in the Nazi invasion of Norway.


When the Luftwaffe bombed Poland, their planes were guided by navigational beams from Kiev. Communist parties in Europe were instructed to sabotage opposition to the Nazis and French Communists addressed their Nazi occupiers as "comrades."


What these charismatic impostors, Hitler and Stalin, did was following the script written by their banker sponsors. Both these 'isms in Germany and Russia were really about slaughter and nothing else. More people could be killed by having them clash than collaborate.

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There is nothing religious in the Bible or the Quran.

They are just the writings of ignorant men with political issues who wanted to use God as a way to promote their ignorant political agendas.


In other words, you are saying "thou shall not kill" has nothing to do with religion.


Anyway, this is all subjective. One can just as easily say Prabhupada got bored with his marriage, had this secret desire to become famous and and used religion as the means to gain posterity.


Smilar criticisms can and are made on other Gurus like Osho, Sai, etc.



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In other words, you are saying "thou shall not kill" has nothing to do with religion.


Anyway, this is all subjective. One can just as easily say Prabhupada got bored with his marriage, had this secret desire to become famous and and used religion as the means to gain posterity.


Smilar criticisms can and are made on other Gurus like Osho, Sai, etc.




You can say anything you want.

But, your opinion doesn't mean anything to most people on this forum who require some evidence from Vedic shastra to support their claims.


Your opinions are worthless.

They have no value and no spiritual merit.


You can set there at the keyboard and write one useless remark after another, but you are just wasting your time and energy on meaningless opinions that don't to you or anyone else any good.

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the Bible, Christianity, Islam and all things Abrahamic are just idiotic religious beliefs manufactured by idiots like Apostle Paul and Mohammad.


I think that kind of language violates the terms of use of this forum and you should retract it.

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